
          This work is fiction. The work is presented under fair protection where applicable.

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Chapter 3



<Newark Mountaineer Training Headquarters, New American League>


         “Look at me.” The Mountaineer pokegirl squatted down to get eye to eye with Tanya. “Don’t look at her. She isn’t here. This room is you, me, and that bag. Now lift.”


         Tanya strained but her hands kept slipping off the smooth surface. “I keep slipping!”


         “Your claws are strong enough now. Use them.”


         “How do you know.” Tanya snapped. “For my whole life I haven’t been able to stick them in anything stronger than a shirt.”


         “Because you were using them before you evolved, and your entire body is more sturdy now.” The pokegirl snapped right back. “Use them.”


         “Not to lift something like this.” Tanya whispered but dug in, slowly and carefully propping the bag on her foot before finally slipping her fingers underneath and pulling it upright.


         “There you go!” The pokegirl congratulated her. “You just supported a hundred pounds on those claws. Do you see now that they can handle the stress?”


         Tanya flexed her hands, placing her fingertips against the floor and ratcheting up her strength until her entire arm was tensed. “I... Yea.”


         “I know, you need to learn to trust them and that will take time. As long as you understand they are finally a real part of your body.” The pokegirl nodded at Camilla. “I’ve talked with your instructors and they agree that you two can have the rest of the morning off. I recommend practicing, but you can do whatever you’d like. After lunch we’re coming back together for group exercises.”


         “Thanks.” Camilla watched her leave before turning to Tanya. “How do you feel?”


         “I’m getting used to moving.” Tanya replied, relaxing her body and getting to her feet. “But there’s this feeling in my chest that just won’t. Go. Away.”


         “A burn?” Camilla asked.


         “It doesn’t hurt.” Tanya growled. “But it makes me... angry.”


         Camilla exhaled through her nose. “The same kind of thing that made you rage last night?”


         Tanya winced. “I’m sorry, I just... you were teasing me like you always do and I just didn’t want that right then.”


         Camilla nodded. “A hot body and a hot head, that’s what the pokedex said about what you’ve become.” She shook her head slightly. “This evolution thing is so strange to me. Someone honing their powers, training their body, and working their way up in strength is normal. You were doing that. And now... what, you were rewarded with a new body? That you can’t control correctly? It makes no sense.”


         Tanya dropped back to the floor, looking up expectantly until Camilla joined her. “It’s what pokegirls do.”


         “I get that.” Camilla muttered. “You’re still the same person, but now you’re a different breed too? Why aren’t you the same classification; because of this evolution? You look nearly identical, a bit of height and bust shouldn’t just make you something different.”


         “If you want to talk about all the really complicated science, don’t talk to me.” Tanya teased. “I’m not all the same, though.” She pulled Camilla’s hand to her collarbone. “See? I grew these.”


         Camilla ran her fingers through the downy feathers that spread above Tanya’s breasts. “In a matter of seconds, if I understand this evolution thing right.”




         “It’s still so strange to me.” Camilla grumbled. “Are you going to evolve again tomorrow? Again next week? How many more times until I know I won’t wake up in bed with a strange woman?”


         Tanya pouted slightly. “I’m still me.”


         “That’s not what I meant.”


         “There should only be one more time.” Tanya replied. “And that probably won’t happen for a while. Maybe never. It took me five years to get here, after all.”


         “I’m going to research a lot more and figure that out.” Camilla said. “Damnit, you’re physically different enough that we’ll have to rescan you for ODIN. Your voice is mostly the same but I want to make sure he recognizes your new... you.”




         “And I’m going to set some ground rules.” Camilla gazed at her. “Everything says you’ll have a shorter temper and will be especially snappy when you’re fighting. I can accept that. What I won’t accept is you using that as an excuse. If you truly allow anger to cloud your judgement, you’ll be nothing more than a failure.”


         Tanya’s expression flickered for a moment before she slammed her eyes shut. “You’re right. I can’t let that happen.” She took a shaky breath before opening her eyes again and Camilla was surprised to see tears in them. “I love you. I love you so goddamn much it hurts when I look at you. I don’t- I never want to hurt you and I want you to know if I say something wrong I don’t mean it.”


         Tanya shrunk back when Camilla leaned in towards her. “Did you not hear what I just said? Your temper is not an excuse, Tanya. I don’t care how much you want to berate me, you will keep a civil tongue or say nothing at all.” She gazed at the Combusticunt for a minute. “Obviously if you need to say something you can say it. If you need to be angry with me you can be. I just won’t accept it as an excuse.”


         Tanya slowly nodded. “I understand.”


         “Good.” Camilla smiled and kissed her cheek. “With any luck you’ll be burning off that fiery temper in combat or training instead. If all else fails, last night showed that with enough attention, there are other ways too.”


         Tanya leaned in to quickly return the kiss before scrambling to her feet. “I like that way.” She suddenly looked embarrassed. “Um, by the way, how did you know... I saw you like that?”


         “I saw how you reacted around ODIN.” Camilla replied smugly. “I would have been fine if we continued as equals in bed, but figured laying down the law last night would be more... productive.”


         Tanya kicked at her feet for a moment. “Can I... call you that now?”


         “Oh my little Tanya.” Camilla giggled and got up to drape her arms over the Combusticunt’s shoulders. “You can call me anything you like.”


         “Thank you...” Tanya hesitated, “...Mistress.”


         Camilla took her into a deep kiss, eventually breaking away and trailing a finger across Tanya’s lips. “I’m fine either way, you know.” She cocked her head. “If you find it’s not as fun as you were expecting, just say so, okay?”


         Tanya breathily nodded, her eyes half shut until Camilla stepped away and they both composed themselves. “So what now?”


         “Now I think you need to get used to your new power.” Camilla replied. “Go crazy. The girl said you can use your fire and everything.”







         A week had passed since Tanya evolved. Their days had been filled with training, classes, and taming, sometimes at the same time. The sexual battle session had been intense.


         But it was almost over. The last item was a practical exam - they were going to go out with a Mountaineer and neutralize at least one feral. Officially, their first.


         “Ms. Harrisburgs, your ride is leaving now.” A voice called through the loading area and Camilla and Tanya quickly moved to the waiting instructor.


         “Ready to leave?” The man asked. “Good. Have you ever traveled by teleport before?”


         Camilla glanced at Tanya before nodding. “I have.”


         “Since your partner doesn’t seem to have let me explain. You will take Morrigan’s arm. She will count down from three and when she says now, she will teleport. If you would like I would recommend closing your eyes, but it shouldn’t be too disorienting. There is no pain, it is near instantaneous, and the worst you’ll feel is the temperature difference between here and the Manhattan Outpost.” He looked at Tanya. “Ready?”


         Tanya nervously nodded, reaching out with Camilla to take the pokegirl’s arm. The mystical girl waited for them to settle before speaking. “Teleporting. Three. Two. One. Now.”


         Camilla blinked at ‘Now’, looking around at the new room. Beside her Tanya had screwed her eyes shut and didn’t open them until Camilla called her name.


         “Is it-“ she started to say before gasping. “Whoah!”


         “Welcome to Manhattan.” Morrigan breezed. “Please exit the room. Someone is waiting for you.”


         As soon as she was done talking she had vanished again, leaving Camilla and Tanya alone. “I guess we go.” Camilla said.


         They stepped out to see a Mountaineer waiting patiently. When the man saw them he waved. “Morning! You must be Camilla and Tanya.”


         “That’s us.”


         “I’m Jack, and I’ll be your backup today.” He smiled warmly at the two women. “Level 0, right?”


         “Uh, yea.” Camilla replied.


         “Within your sponsorship, you’ll be working closely with other Tamers. That’s why I’m here. Usually, you would never want to be alone without your partner...” Jack began droning on as Camilla felt her attention drifting. Blah blah, she’s vulnerable, Tanya is less so. She’d heard it a hundred times already. She got it, this program was for the idiotic teenagers being thrust into a dangerous world, she just wasn’t one of them.


         “...and return before sundown.” Jack finished. “Any questions?”


         “Yea. If it’s so important I’m kept alive, why am I even going out there in the first place?” Camilla grumbled. “Nobody has given me a straight answer so far.”


         She screamed internally when Jack launched into another rambling speech about support and pokegirl biology. I should have just kept my mouth shut.


         Eventually he finished. “If there are no more questions, please follow me.”







         A heavy mist obscured the area. Sounds were muted, the normal rustling of the forest almost nonexistent. Overhead the sun burned low, barely visible as a spot of light in the featureless sky.


         How had it gone so wrong?


         Camilla ran, the world around her moving in slow motion. From out of nowhere Tanya leapt past her, the Combusticunt twisting in pain when two blue, glittering objects tore into her body. Camilla felt herself scream as she watched the young pokegirl fall to the attack that had been meant for her.


         The man and his own pokegirl had been lost in the mist ages ago. She didn’t know if they were still alive. She had no energy to care. All she could think of was their own survival.


         A noise nearby caught her attention and she turned, slowly, so agonizingly slowly as she watched a shadow break into the open, the berserker feral roaring her challenge at the stumbling human. Then another, and another, as more forms appeared around her. There was another sound, a scream close behind her, and for an instant she recognized Tanya’s voice before it was drowned out again.


         A garbled voice from her belt caught her attention but at first she ignored it, so fixated on the approaching forms.


         “I’m almost there!”


         With a jolt Camilla’s eyes snapped open and she stared uncomprehendingly at the visor in front of her. “What-“ she started before beginning to cough, groaning when she felt her bruises all across her body. “ODIN?”


         “Hold on, I’m almost there.” The strange voice called again and Camilla could faintly see a figure pushing past the debris around her. “We got the power off. Are you alright?”


         “The power...” Camilla trailed off, her vision flickering again as the figure approached.


         “Hey, stay with me!” The voice cried. “CAMILLA!”


         When Camilla next opened her eyes she was staring at a clean white ceiling. There were a few low lights scattered about and she slowly moved her head to look around.


         “Are you waking up?” Camilla turned to see a woman perched next to her bed. She had to take a minute to compose herself as she stared, stunned by the woman’s otherworldly beauty.


         “I pulled you out of the wreckage.” The woman explained softly. “The accident was... terrible. It’s been everything I could do to keep you alive.”


         “The accident?” Camilla croaked. “Wreckage?”


         “Your lab.” The woman explained. “It’s a miracle I managed to get you here. To the medical bay.”


         Camilla stared at her for a few seconds as she tried to process. “No, I was... the accident, it...”


         “You’re still exhausted.” The woman leaned over and Camilla felt her eyelids growing heavy. “Just rest.”


         “No.” Camilla fought to keep her eyes open. “No...”


         With a gasp she sat upright. The lights were off. Night had fallen.


         “Trouble sleeping?” Camilla whirled, surprised to feel her injuries didn’t hurt as badly as before. The strange woman pushed past the curtain, placing a cup on the bedside table. “You need to rest, you know. You won’t heal without sleep.”


         “This is a dream.” Camilla gasped. “I’m not here.”


         The woman paused. “You keep saying that. Is it the nightmares again?”


         “I don’t have nightmares I-“ Camilla stopped. “Where are we.”


         The woman looked sad when she turned to Camilla. “You can’t remember? I pulled you out of the wreckage of your lab nearly three months ago. You’ve been recovering here in the Vindicator medical bay ever since.”


         “I don’t remember that.” Camilla hissed, finally feeling a dull pain but ignoring it. “I was not in my lab. I was in the forest, I was running. There were enemies. I had to fight!”


         “The nightmares.” The woman repeated, mixing something in the cup. “Drink this and it will all fade.”


         Camilla grunted, slapping the cup away and sending it smashing to the floor. “I don’t know you.” She growled. “I know every one of our medics and I. Don’t. Know you.”


         The woman stared at her. “I’m your doctor. I’m trying to help you go home.”


         “This isn’t where I belong.” Camilla snarled, willing herself up until she was sitting almost as tall as the woman stood. “I am not in this place. This is fake. WHO ARE YOU!” She lunged up, grabbing the silent woman and shaking her slightly. “WHERE IS TANYA!”


         “There is no Tanya.” The woman replied and Camilla shrank back when she saw how her mouth didn’t move. “You are sick. Injured. Abandon your nightmares. Let go.”


         “I will not.” Camilla rallied, clutching at where the low throb had transitioned into a burning pain. “I don’t know who you are, but I swear. I will escape this dream. I wished with everything I am that I had never come to this world but I’m here now. There’s no denying it. It’s the truth and there is a young woman who is relying on me to save her. I. Will. Not. LOSE!


         The world hung frozen around them. A single moment, stretching into eternity. Camilla felt the unnatural weight bearing down on her mind again and she focused, utilizing every technique her allies and friends had taught her to fight this psychic attack.


         The woman suddenly smiled. “Your truth has set you free.”


         Before Camilla could question she felt the world twist, throwing her from the bed and into a spiraling free fall.


         “Mistress, I’m almost there!”


         Camilla felt her ankle twist and she fell, staring up at the leaping pokegirl. Oh god, it had all been a-


         The feral screamed in pain when a beam of hard energy smashed into its chest, sending it flying back harmlessly. Camilla struggled upright, feeling her suit fit into place over her body. “Are you alright, Mistress?” ODIN’s fearful voice sounded in her ear. “You didn’t acknowledge me and it looked like you fainted!”


         “I’m okay.” Camilla shook her head to force the dream from her mind. “Tanya! Where is she?”


         “I’m here.” Tanya’s voice called weakly. “Hurts like a motherfucker but I’m here.”


         Camilla turned to see Tanya barely standing upright, one hand clutching a gaping wound in her side. “Tanya! Oh my god you-“


         “Shut up.” Tanya replied tiredly, shocking Camilla into silence. “I need to protect you. There’s still more of them...”


         Camilla stared at the three bodies lying in front of the wounded Combusticunt. “You’ve already done enough!”


         “You’re in danger.” Tanya replied, her voice beginning to fade as she slumped to the side. “You’re...”


         Camilla fumbled for a moment before triggering Tanya’s recall and safely storing her pokeball. “ODIN, give me a flight path.”


         “The mist is too thick.” ODIN replied. “I can’t give you anything safely.”


         Camilla was looking around when she noticed something strange. “ODIN, weren’t there more ferals?


         “Yes. Where did they go?”


         Camilla continued to scan when she saw something approaching. “ODIN.”


         “I see it, Mistress.” Camilla fell back, her weapons training on the weaving shadow. “Preparing for combat.”


         As the figure got closer Camilla could start to make out features but it wasn’t until the form broke through the mist that she saw exactly who had found them. “YOU!”


         The strange woman was still smiling at her. “Me. Please, lower your weapons. There’s no more need to test you.”


         Camilla tightened her aim in response. “Who are you.”


         “I believe the question is who are you.” The woman replied. “I only discovered a name. Camilla Harrisburg. Or do you prefer your title? What was it, Metal Girl?”


         “Metal Maiden.” Camilla retorted. “And since you know my name it’s only fair that I learn yours.”


         The woman nodded. “That is true. Very well.” She daintily curtsied. “My name... is Truth.”


         “You know, I’ve only ever met two kinds of people who use a single word as their given name.” Camilla growled. “The fools, and the powerful.”


         “Is that so.” Truth’s eyes danced with her laughter. “And which do you believe I am?”


         Camilla grudgingly lowered her arms. “The powerful.”


         “Very wise of you.” Truth snapped her fingers, the mist around them lightening. “I won’t keep you long. Those silly Mountaineers always hate when I show up.”


         “They do?”


         “Of course. As one of their most feared enemies it only makes sense that they don’t like seeing my mist fall.” She cocked her head. “So I ask again. Who are you, really? You are not of this world.”


         “I’m who you discovered I am.” Camilla replied. “I was brought here accidentally. I’m sorry.”


         “There is no need to apologize, Camilla.” Truth replied. “The simple matter is that here you are. On my island, in my tests. Without knowing anything about me you have caught my attention.” She cocked her head again. “You, who on your own world is a valiant superhero, fighting for justice. I like that. Will you do that here?”


         “I was thinking about it.”


         “An acceptable truth.” Truth laughed. “Then go, superhero. And when you are sure of yourself, find me again.”


         Camilla shielded her eyes when the mist flowed over her and when she looked again Truth was gone.


         “Please tell me you got a good scan.” Camilla whispered.


         “Scan complete. Data processing.” ODIN replied. “Mistress, the mist is clearing. I should go before someone sees your suit.”


         “The ferals.”


         “Mistress, they will not be returning.” Camilla swallowed when she heard the edge to ODIN’s voice. “Preliminary analysis indicates that much.”


“Understood.” Camilla released the suit’s locks and stepped away. “Is she a threat?”


         “I will not discuss that here.”


         “And that’s my cue to shut my mouth.” Camilla muttered. She took Tanya’s pokeball and stepped back, watching the suit run off into the mists.


         As the mist continued to thin she began to hear voices and raised her own. “Here! I’m over here!”


         A moment later a uniformed pokegirl burst through the trees, bits of wood spraying from the branches she had destroyed in her haste. “You’re- SIR! FOUND THE ROOKIE!” She turned back to Camilla. “Where is your partner?”


         Camilla held up the pokeball. “She’s down but alive. She saved my life.” Camilla glanced over at the corpses.


         The pokegirl looked too and her eyes widened. “One rookie did...” she quickly looked back to Camilla. “Come on. Let’s get you out of here.”


         Camilla started to step when she felt her ankle give out. Before she could fall too far the pokegirl had grabbed her and after a moment simply lifted the limping human into her arms. “Figured you hadn’t managed to make it through completely unharmed.” She teased. “It’s alright. You’re safe now.”


         Camilla just nodded, watching the trees move past as they made their way back to the outpost.


         It took a few hours but eventually Camilla was seated on the edge of a bed with a man tending to her injury.




         The nurse ignored Camilla’s protests and continued binding her ankle. “You’re lucky all you received is a sprain.” The man tightened the binding and stood. “There. Keep your weight off of it for a few days and you’ll be back to full strength.”


         “If you’re done?” A voice from the door drew their gaze and the Mountaineer immediately came to attention.




         “Camilla Harrisburg.” A heavily decorated man stepped into the medical bay and stopped in front of where Camilla was sitting. “You’ll be glad to hear we found Jack and Liana. They’re alright; more worried about you than anything. I heard you got separated in the fog.”


         “It came on so fast.” Camilla muttered. “It felt like I blinked and they were gone.”


         The man’s eyes seemed to be searching her. “He said the same thing. Tell me, you said your partner protected you but nearly died in the process. Were all three of the bodies we recovered her doing?”


         Camilla nodded. “Yea.”


         “You’re sure? I mean no offense, but a newly evolved Combusticunt isn’t exactly what I’d bet on in a 3v1 fight. Especially in that environment. She didn’t have any help? Nothing attacked the ferals?”


         “No, it was just her.” Camilla squinted at the man. “Why? Are you saying something else was out there?”


         The man turned away. “I’m impressed. Well, that’s all I wanted to ask you.” He paused. “Oh, and I am pleased to inform you that you’ve passed your training course. You know, we’d love to have such a competent tamer and pokegirl in the Mountaineers. Have you considered enlisting?”


         “Considered and decided against that, thanks.” Camilla replied. “I want to travel, not get tied down by a post.”


         The man chuckled. “I appreciate your candor. Well, good luck with your ankle.”


         Camilla watched him leave, glancing to the nurse when the man also made his excuses.


         They knew who Truth was. They knew the mist had been this strange, powerful woman’s doing. She was the only one who didn’t have the answers.


         Return when she was sure of herself, huh? She intended to do just that.








         “Congratulations!” Camilla grunted when another hand slapped her back and turned to see Sharon grinning at them. “So how was it? Easy, right?”


         They had returned to Allentown to find a boisterous crowd waiting for them. Congratulations, support, all sorts of shouts had dominated the air for a while until the less invested well-wishers had dispersed. Eventually the party had moved into a rec center, most of the attendants splitting up and taking full advantage of the food and activities around them.


         “It wasn’t terribly hard, I guess.” Camilla admitted, smiling at the laughing pokegirl. “Alright, you were right.”


         Sharon winked and struck a pose with one finger thrust to the sky. “And let it be known on this day, Sharon Dawkins gets it right once again…”


         Camilla shook her head at the display and turned to another happy face. By the time she had glanced back at Sharon, the shadowy pokegirl had vanished.


         “Camilla!” Tanya pushed through the crowd and latched onto her arm. “There’s someone you need to meet.”


         Camilla raised an eyebrow but nodded. Making her excuses she followed Tanya through the party to a small side table.


         “Mr. Abrahams, here she is.” Tanya was saying to a man seated with his back to the wall. “Camilla, this is Mr. Henry Abrahams, he-“


         “I’m retired and live here in Allentown.” The man interrupted. “Camilla, nice to meet you. I apologize that I’m not standing to greet you, but my career ended from a pretty nasty back injury. I’d rather not stress anything that can be avoided.”


         Camilla nodded, reaching over to shake the man’s hand. “That’s quite alright.” She looked over at the other figure sitting there. “And you?”


         The heavily armored form barely moved its shoulders. “Your business is with Master Henry, not I.”


         Camilla acknowledged the female voice and turned back to the man. “So, Tanya said you wanted to meet me?”


         “In a way, I did.” Henry leaned back. “But it’s more that you want to meet me. I’m one of the sponsors for this town, you see.”


         Camilla nodded slowly. “So, you…”


         “I’ve been told you plan on leaving us as soon as you can.” The man’s eyes twinkled with humor. “I don’t blame you. Wanderlust is a powerful thing, driving any good tamer to push him or herself to greater heights. And Mrs. Melena says you wish to one day become a competitor, right Ms. Tanya?”


         Tanya looked at him in surprise. “You mean my mom? You know her?”


         “I only met her a few days ago when I began looking into the two of you.” Henry tapped his fingers softly against the tabletop. “Imagine my surprise when I find out you’re the daughter of one of our more well-known smiths.”


         “Well… I guess.” Tanya kicked her feet in embarrassment. “I guess we always had a lot of work…”


         “Bah, you just never had your heart set for the forge.” Henry chuckled. “Ah, but that’s not why you’re here. You’re here,” he looked back at Camilla, “because you both have a dream, and I want to help you achieve it.”


         “All we’ll really need to do is get a journey license…” Camilla started before Henry cut her off.


         “And what do you know about that.” He gazed at her. “Hm? Anything? No, I thought not. You’re a partial amnesiac, a refugee from a dead town, who may have the raw skills she needs but has none of the experience or training to live more than a few days in the real. World.” He jabbed a finger at her. “You’re not arguing with me because you’re intelligent, and you know I’m right. You’ve known it and tried to convince yourself otherwise out of a misguided hope that you could achieve your dream without sacrifice.” He paused for a few seconds and continued when Camilla made no move to stop him. “I can help you. Firstly. Why do you want to become a journey tamer in the first place.”


         “I want to go to new places and help new people.”


         “Wrong! You want to become a journey tamer because it is what the League wants you to do.” Henry growled. “Your individual goals mean nothing to the licensing authority that decides whether or not you’re allowed to pursue them. While you hold that worthless level 0 license, you are worth nothing to the league. At best, you are a potential journey tamer; at worst, you’re a regular civilian who can legally be held responsible for the failings of your pokegirl.” He glanced at Tanya. “No offense to you personally, Tanya.”


         Tanya nodded and Henry continued. “You do not receive a journey license by being a good person. You don’t even receive it by being a good tamer. You will receive a license based on whether or not the League believes it will benefit from doing so. The most obvious way it will benefit is from your expanded harem, from you taking care of more than one pokegirl. After all, for every tamer, there’s at least another two or three civilians who have no interest in the responsibilities of a partner. That is the sour truth behind this job. For every human in the League there are many times as many pokegirls, enough so that even if every human had a partner we’d still be behind. Ferals would run rampant, living, thinking people would be killed en masse, and civilization suffers.” He crooked his finger. “Unless there are those who take more.”


         “I get your point but I don’t see how it makes a difference.” Camilla retorted. “If that’s all true, then it should be easy for the League to want to give me a license. That means I take care of more pokegirls.”


         “Ah, but that would rely on you being competent enough to do so.” Henry chuckled. “You could go out and start taking care of two, three, six, as many pokegirls as you could. But if you make a mistake, suddenly there are that many potential ferals no longer under control. And instead of a positive change, the League is left with one less tamer to take even a single feral from the calculation.” He cocked an eyebrow. “And so they must make sure you are competent.”


         “That’s the test, sure.”


         “It’s more than just a simple test.” Henry explained. “Your level 0 license was nothing more than a physical and some writing, yes? Enough that the League could trust you with a single pokegirl. A journey tamer has at least three. Three pokegirls means you need a taming schedule, you need a steady source of income for food, shelter, clothing and other supplies, and most importantly, the presence of mind to balance all these things for not only you and your pokegirls, but for any others you assist along the way.” He nodded at the armored woman. “You must know your pokegirls inside and out, their needs, their preferences, their strengths, their weaknesses, everything you might ever need in any situation.” He glanced back at Camilla. “For instance. Tanya is a Combusticunt. What is her greatest weakness?”


         “That’s easy.” Camilla smirked. “She’s got a hot temper.”


         “Are you sure? She seems rather calm standing there beside you.”


         “Because when I evolved, Camilla made it clear.” Tanya replied quietly. “This anger, this eternal rage, it is part of me. But it does not define me. If I ever let it, I will have failed not only as her pokegirl, but I will have failed myself.”


         Henry’s eyes widened for a moment. “You’ve already, and she-?” He blinked, exchanging a look with his pokegirl. “I see.”


         “What’s wrong?” Camilla asked.


         “Nothing, I’m just surprised to hear Tanya say that.” Henry replied. “Reaching that kind of understanding is not something a fresh tamer should be able to do.”


         Camilla looked at him quizzically. “You make it sound like I’m supposed to be an idiot.”


         “In a manner of speaking, you are.” Henry replied. “It’s almost part of the experience to butt heads with your first partner for a while. Most tamers don’t get past that for years.”


         “I’m not most tamers.” Camilla replied with a smirk.


         “I can clearly see that now.” Henry said with his own smile. “But you are still inexperienced. I’ll talk to Mr. Jameson about pulling you out of the regular patrols after a few weeks.”


         Camilla peered at him. “Who is that? And pull me to what?”


         Henry chuckled. “He’s the head of the town guard, and you’ll see.”


         “Ominous.” Camilla shrugged. “Well, guess I can’t change the unknown.”


         Henry’s gaze was piercing. “Indeed. Now then, I should get going; you two have a party to enjoy.” He stood simultaneously with the armored pokegirl. “Work hard, learn everything you can. Misses Harrisburg, I hope to see you again soon.”







         “…and that summarizes the route for patrol A.” Mick Jameson, captain of the Allentown guard, flipped the whiteboard he had been using to illustrate his morning briefing. “Patrol B – Camilla, Caleb, Raphael, and Tommy, you will be returning to the disturbance last night’s patrols discovered. I want you investigating the scene, gathering any evidence you can, and if possible, determining if this was a feral incident or something else.” He tapped a map of the surrounding woods. “The two paths the patrol found lead here and here, with the broken trees here.”


         Camilla nodded along with the other tamers, listening so she wouldn’t miss anything, but letting her mind wander to other topics. Like Tanya’s explosive growth. She’d been ambushed by a feral Peekabu a day ago and, in stark contrast to her first ever fight, had easily fended off the feral before herding it to where a teammate had incapacitated it. Camilla hadn’t been slacking either. A few weeks had taken her from a floundering tamer to someone who had a solid understanding of this world and the dangers it held. She’d asked Sherry for the level 0 test again and this time many of the questions she’d struggled with had offered little challenge to her newfound knowledge.


         “You easily pass.” Sherry had said with a smile on her face. “A top score. I told you you’d get there.


         “That’s the end of it!” Mick called, rapping his knuckles against the board. “Move out!”


         I still don’t know what Truth meant when she said to return when I’m sure of myself. Camilla thought as the groups exited the briefing room. But I think I’m getting closer to that point every day.


         “Hey, Lily is still eating breakfast.” Raphael called, catching Camilla’s eye before gesturing. “I’ll grab her and my gear and meet you out front, yea?”


         “See ya.” Camilla glanced around, seeing Tommy making his way towards her with his partner, a Hound named Kait, just behind him. “Tom! Raphael is grabbing his partner, I need to figure out where Tanya’s gone.”


         “Caleb’s already headed outside.” The other tamer called. “The two of us will get started, you wait for Raphael and meet us out there.”


         “Sure.” Camilla called back, casting around until she noticed a familiar redhead. “TANYA!”


         The Combusticunt glanced up, hopping to her feet and pushing through the crowd to Camilla’s side. “Hey! What’s up?”


         “Four tamer patrol to the fight scene the night patrol found.” Camilla explained. “Caleb, Jessica, Tommy, and Kait already headed out there. We’re waiting for Raphael and Lily.”


         “Need me to grab anything?”


         “No, day gear is fine.” Camilla replied, patting her bag and watching Tanya do the same. “We’ll head out there, gather any evidence we can, maybe ball a few ferals…”


         Mick was entering his office when a voice made him turn. He straightened when he saw who had called for him, exchanging a few words before gesturing at where Camilla stood.


         Camilla noticed the movement out of the corner of her eye and glanced over to see a slender blonde woman in a brilliant white dress staring at her. Mick said something else, causing the woman to turn to him. Camilla had no idea what either was saying but she could see the annoyance flash across Mick’s face before he pushed past the woman and cupped his hands around his mouth. “JOHNNY! YOU’RE JOINING PATROL B!”


         A laughing man stopped, glancing at Mick in annoyance before grumbling and walking towards the door.




         Camilla yelped, whirling to see the woman standing much too close for comfort. “SHIT! Uh, hi, sorry about that.”


         The woman blinked. “Mr. Gavel, you’ll want to meet up with Mr. Buchanon. He’s currently fetching his partner from the dining hall.”


         Camilla could swear the woman had never raised her voice but halfway across the room John glanced around and began trudging towards where Raphael had disappeared earlier.


         “Um, can I help you?” Camilla asked nervously. “You are…?”


         “I am Merlí.” The woman replied. “Starting today, I or one of my battle sisters will find you each morning and take you to your activity for the day. Today the equipment you have is sufficient. Follow me.”


         “Are you…?”


         “Yes, I am one of Master Henry’s pokegirls.” Merlí replied before Camilla could finish her sentence. “If you would please follow me, there is a certain time we must arrive at our destination by.”


         Camilla and Tanya quickly followed her into the street, moving deeper through the city until Camilla noticed the buildings around them begin to fall into disrepair. “Where…?”


         “A meeting will be occurring in ten minutes.” Merlí replied, once again cutting off Camilla’s question. “You will not be expected to involve yourself in what happens.”


         If you’re reading my thoughts, you’re good. I haven’t felt any intrusion since first seeing you. Camilla mentally projected.


         Unseen to her Merlí smiled but said nothing as she led them deeper into the abandoned suburb.


         Seven minutes later she and Tanya were crouched in an abandoned building overlooking a courtyard. Merlí had left them with instructions to watch and not interfere, and they intended to follow them.


         A minute passed, two. Almost ten minutes exactly from Merlí’s estimate Camilla saw movement through the courtyard. It appeared to be two men and almost half a dozen women, probably pokegirls, but she couldn’t be sure. Two had distinctly non-human traits, but even that didn’t mean anything.


         Across from the group another figure broke free from the shadows, walking out and meeting with the group leader. They appeared to be talking, various objects being passed around.


         “Welcome to the real world.” Camilla jumped at the voice, turning to see an obviously inhuman woman watching them. “What do you think is happening down there?” She shrugged when Camilla didn’t speak. “They won’t hear you.”


         “Is it legal?”


         “Depends. What laws do you judge it by.”


         “The laws of this city.”


         The woman smiled. “No, it is not.”


         “Is it something I should believe just?”


         The woman’s smile widened. “No, it is not.”


         “Why is the guard not here to stop it?” Tanya piped up.


         “Because,” the woman replied, “it is beyond your level.” She pointed. “Watch.”


         In the courtyard the single figure was stowing something in their pockets. More words were exchanged, a bag vanishing into the group.


         Without warning the solo figure stumbled, one hand drifting towards their jacket before they slumped to the ground. Panicked shouts emanated from the group, the two men diving backwards as the women, now obviously pokegirls, began firing techniques into the buildings around them.


         “Master Henry mentioned he was retired, did he not?” The pokegirl’s eyes gazed into the panicked mess. “His body may have given up, but his mind is sharp as ever. This is the duty of a journey tamer. To be a commander, to watch our blindspots and remove our indecision. To wield his pokegirls in battle as if we are an extension of his will.” She glanced at Camilla. “Her will.”


         “I can’t even tell what’s going on.” Camilla hissed as two of the pokegirls in the courtyard crashed to the ground.


         “No.” The pokegirl next to her conceded. “But he can. Eventually, you will, too.” She turned to the door. “It’s over. Come with me.”


         Camilla watched the last pokegirl fall before hurrying out, Tanya right behind her. They emerged into the courtyard to see three others appear, two dashing to the fallen bodies and begin systematically restraining them.


         “Camilla! Glad you could join us.” Camilla turned to see Henry walk into view, the man leaning on a beautifully crafted cane. “Apologies, my back is giving me some issues today.”


         “I wasn’t going to say a word.” Camilla replied, shielding her eyes when floodlights illuminated the scene. “What happened here?”


         “Why don’t you tell me?”


         Camilla looked over at the restrained figures. “Some sort of black market deal, obviously.”


         “Quite right.” Henry pointed. “That group there belongs to a rather nasty bunch known as the Penny Independence Group. PIG. Stupid name, but not so stupid people.” He sighed. “Violent bunch, that. They were purchasing experimental pokeball jammers from an industrial spy. We’ve been watching them for months.”


         “Pokeball jammers?” Camilla asked curiously.


         “Devices that can disable the recall and materialization beam on pokeballs.” Henry explained. “With an area jammer, they could assault anywhere they wanted and know they wouldn’t have to worry about reinforcements.”


         “Experimental only means they’re not public yet.” Camilla pointed out.


         Henry chuckled. “Perhaps, but jammers of this kind are no secret. Individual jammers are already a piece of gear some League officers carry. Regardless, these are not the kind of people who should have this technology.”


         Camilla looked around with Tanya, finally able to identify one of the figures working in the courtyard. “Are these all your pokegirls?”


         “As a level four Journeyman, I have six pokegirls as my partners.” Henry replied. “Merlí and Johana you’ve already met,” he said, gesturing at the armored figure beside him, “and beside you there is Freis. You’ll only get their names. Your first test is to identify each of their breeds while completing the regular tasks assigned to you.” He smiled. “Without a pokedex scanner. You’ve already seen some of what the real world holds. Are you sure you want to step beyond the monotony of the guard?”


         Camilla looked at Tanya, smiling at the expression on the Combusticunt’s face. “We’d never intended to stay there for long.”


         Henry clapped his hands together. “Excellent! Freis, the rest of the day is yours; I believe you have a lesson to teach.”







         “So why do you all call him master?”


         Freis shrugged but didn’t stop her motions. “Unlike how many pokegirls use that word, we say it as a sign of respect for Master Henry. He has earned it a hundred times over.” She passed her completed weave to Camilla and began another. “To some it denotes a certain relationship, some others use it as a normal title. Not us.”


         Camilla nodded to herself, working the basket closed before passing it to Tanya so the Combusticunt could fuse the nylon seams. “Is that why Merlí called you her battle sister?”


         “The same reason, yes.” Freis replied. “Our entire relationship is built upon a foundation of trust. One action layered on another, over and over until our single pieces become an impenetrable whole.”


         Camilla chuckled, catching a completed basket and waving it at Freis. “Physical example?”


         Freis smiled and snagged the basket from Camilla’s fingers. “Perhaps.”


         “I thought the duty of a tamer was to help their pokegirls from going feral, not be some sort of military team.” Camilla complained. “What’s that about?”


         “A feral will not stop to talk.” Freis replied. “The one constant a tamer will face is combat. Whether a feral, a criminal, or simply to keep themselves sharp, they will fight. How you hold yourself, and how you mold your team, will be up to you.”


         “Well I want to be a competitor.” Tanya said. “So, probably less fight-y, and more focus on skill.”


         “Even that has its merits for combat.” Freis pointed out. “Being better than your opponent outside of a fight still means you should be better within one as well. And don’t forget many of the categories at the Olympics involve a direct competition. Wrestling, Swordplay, MMA, all pit you directly against your opponent. I’m sure there are more.”


         Tanya nodded. “There are.”


         “Combat is an essential part of being a tamer, and being in a harem.” Freis set the baskets aside. “Let us continue the lesson.”







         “Which is feral?”


         Camilla winced, gazing at the lineup in front of her. “I don’t know.”




         “The second one.”


         “Correct.” Camilla let out a grunt of frustration as the video cut. “This is an issue, Camilla. There will eventually come a day where you need to be quick and accurate in determining a threat level or identifying when a pokegirl is going feral.”


         Camilla turned to her instructor for the day, a massive anthropomorphic winged cat named Shallah. “None of them did anything. Just stood there, not moving, not talking, nothing! No signs of anything!”


         “And yet Tanya knew.” Shallah replied. “Tanya?”


         “She wasn’t watching her surroundings like the others were.” Tanya said quietly. “Her eyes were staring at something only she could see. It’s a classic feral sign. When our minds grow cloudy we stop thinking for ourselves and only react when something triggers us.”


         Camilla gazed at Tanya, processing the undertone of fear in her voice. “You’ve experienced it?”


         Tanya swallowed hard. “I’ve almost gone feral before. Feeling my thoughts wander on their own, even as I knew something was wrong… but I couldn’t speak up. No matter how hard I screamed, the only thing that came out was a sigh.”


         Shallah stared sadly at the Combusticunt. “I am sorry you had to experience such a thing, Tanya. Camilla will never let that happen to you again.”


         Camilla glared at her. “Of fucking course not. You don’t need to speak for me.”


         Shallah shrugged. “If your anger towards me makes you remember, I will have succeeded. The most important aspect of being a tamer is caring for your pokegirls. Above anything else, your duty is to ensure their health.”


         “There seem to be a lot of most important things.”


         Shalah simply nodded. “You’re learning. Let us continue.”







         “There she goes again.” A few tamers watched Camilla rush through the barracks and vanish onto the street with Tanya right behind her. “What’s so important that she needs to be doing, anyways? I want her back on patrol with us. She was awesome.”


         “I heard a rumor that one of the sponsors took interest in her.” Another whispered. “Honestly, if it’s true, I’m glad it’s not me.”


         “She’s a bit older, right?” The first mused. “Hey, aren’t we supposed to be training for something in a few years too?”


         “Not me.” A third tamer spoke up. “I’m perfectly fine right here on the guard. I’ll retire in twenty years, start a business, and live an easy life.”


         The group chuckled, their conversation slowly changing. Outside, the two walked purposefully, stopping in front of Henry’s business. Half of their last month had been spent either in or around this building.


         “Camilla.” They turned to see Henry’s fifth pokegirl, a water-based magic user, watching them. “You’re with me today.”


         Tanya began following when another voice stopped her. “Not you, Tanya.”


         Camilla paused, glancing between the tall, statuesque winged woman that had appeared and her suddenly nervous partner. “Angela’s cool, Tanya. You’ll be fine.”


         Angela flashed her fangs for a moment but her voice was still relaxed as she responded. “I will be as long as you both move. Now.


         Camilla scrambled off, leaving Tanya to turn to face the approaching pokegirl. “Um, g-good morning…?”


         Angela smiled. “Good morning to you. We’re heading inside today. Come on.”


         Tanya followed her into the building, past the looms and other crafting materials and into a back room where Angela turned on a chandelier before gesturing at a nearby table. “Take a seat. Today I needed you alone, because we will be talking about something that a tamer never really should need to know.”


         Outside, Camilla’s guide stopped in the small garden adjacent to the building. “Take a seat.”


         Camilla perched on one of the benches expectantly. “Got something new for me today, Maryna?”


         “Yes and no.” Maryna replied. “Really, I pulled you aside like this because I need to talk to you about something you need to keep in mind without worrying your pokegirls.”


         “What’s that?” Tanya asked curiously. “I mean, I share everything with Camilla, we need to always have each other’s backs and…”


         “Tanya, you know of my position. Yes?” Angela waited. “Within Master Henry’s harem.”


         “Yea,” Tanya replied, “you’re the Alpha.”


         “And what exactly does that mean?” Angela asked. “Does it mean I’m better than the others? Does it mean I am more important?”


         “Of course not!” Tanya exclaimed. “You’re like the link between Henry and the rest of you, right? Like a secretary, but more important.”


         “Close.” Angela admitted, pacing beside the table. “Yes, I help Master Henry coordinate, but that’s not the real job I do.”


         “And what’s that?” Camilla asked. “Is this supposed to be some sort of secret I keep from Tanya?”


         “Not exactly.” Maryna admitted. “Camilla, what exactly is the relationship, the professional relationship, you have with any pokegirl you take as your partner?”


         Camilla thought for a moment. “Without talking about individual feelings, I’m supposed to be the leader of our team, the one making sure everyone is getting along as well as keeping us on track.”


         “When you become a journey tamer, you’ll have at least three pokegirls at all times.” Maryna explained. “Even that many will be tough for anyone to keep track of constantly. That’s why many, if not all tamers, declare an ‘Alpha’. You know what that is, yes?”


         “The pokegirl who basically acts as leader when I’m not around.”


         “Mmm, that’s most of it.” Maryna replied. “But there’s a different, much more important aspect of an Alpha’s job that you need to help with.”


         “What’s the real job?” Tanya asked curiously. “If I don’t coordinate with Camilla, what do I do?”


         “Who said you’d be the Alpha?” Angela teased. “Tanya, an Alpha’s true job is to make it so her tamer never has to worry about the harem. You would be the buffer, not just to help coordinate but also to filter everything that happens within the harem. Competition naturally arises between pokegirls. We all want to be better at what we do, and unchecked, that can lead to fights, hurt feelings, friction, all things that directly impact the ability of the harem to work together and to work correctly.” She gestured. “If there is an issue, you should not immediately go to Camilla to solve it; you must first be a leader, attempt to solve whatever dispute has arisen, and only if it can not be resolved within the harem will you bring it to Camilla’s attention. She will already be worrying about her own problems. She doesn’t need to compound them with trivial disputes between her partners."




         “A more important aspect?” Camilla asked quizzically. “What’s that?”


         “The Alpha of any harem is already working hard to make sure every pokegirl is getting along.” Maryna replied. “From tweaking taming schedules so nobody feels slighted, to organizing events where every member can shine, she’s constantly reading the mood of the harem and adjusting accordingly. That job is hard. As her tamer, you can help make it easier.”




         “By supporting her.” Maryna replied. “Take care of what you can, and when you can’t, make sure your actions keep the harem running smoothly. There is nothing that will undermine authority worse than having two leaders contradict each other in a decision. When in public, you and your Alpha are one. Her orders are yours, and yours are hers. Once you are in private you discuss what you wish to change, or what has gone wrong, and work to fix it. In the end, you are the boss, but she is your most trusted lieutenant. Let her work, and she will come to you when she needs to.”




         “Yes.” Maryna/Angela replied. “Help them when they need it, and ask for help when you do. Ultimately, that is the dynamic a tamer and their Alpha must share.”







Database Alpha


Camilla Harrisburg AKA “Metal Maiden”

Age: 24

Other Personal Information Hidden

A hero without superhuman powers, Camilla Harrisburg makes up for her lack of super strength or speed with an above average intellect and incredibly sharp intuition. Self taught in numerous scientific disciplines, she creates various weapons and tools to assist her as a superhero. Known primarily for her various suits of power armor, she also is the leading mind behind many of the Vindicators’ recent superconstructions and technological advancements.



Tanya Harrisburg AKA unknown

Classification: Combusticunt

Age: 21

Height: 5’ 8”

Hair Color: Red

Eye Color: Red

Other Personal Information Hidden

A type of meta-human known as a Pokegirl, Tanya Harrisburg wields considerable super strength and speed as well as elemental powers in the form of fire.

NOTE:Further data required. Database incomplete.



Threat Database Omega

Limited Access Granted


unknown AKA “Truth”

Danger Level: Presumed Epsilon

Personal Data not found.

An unknown type of meta-human that appears to use elemental powers of water. Witness reports indicate Truth commands immense psychic power. Heavy caution is advised on contact.