
This work is property of Leid der Kopfschmerz (aka Leid von Kopfschmerz, Leid von der Kopfchmerz) with the exception of certain themes that were originally created by other authors, especially those of the PG community. This work may or may not contain but is in no way limited to any of the following or any combination of the following: descriptive sex, violence, inuendo, profanity, often sickening descriptions of psychological instability, and more. Those who are offended by such , cannot handel reading or visualizing such themes and those akin to them, or are not legally eligible to view such content should not continue. You have been warned.

Specific alert about this story: This story is not recommended for those who have not at least read the general PG primer or not familiar with pokegirls since the beginning may be confusing. Although anyone planning to read PG fics should probably have already familiarized themselves with the primer, I understand that some may overlook this, hence the alert. Secondly there may be outbursts of German here and there. I will provide both a litteral and meaningful translation in an authors note at the end of the story for those who are curious. However you can rest assured its most likely profane. This story is meant to be as cannon as possible, so for those that see any descrepancies, be sure to call me on it.


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Me and My Big Mouth

            A tall fellow sat there in a cheap folding chair in front of an old desk. He was staring at a blank word document on his laptop. In fact, if he was staring any harder, he might just burn a hole right through it. His fingers drummed the side of his chair in a combination of anxiety and frustration. He finally stood up, dusted off his purple bath robe, and screamed.

His rumbling voice set off a nearby parrot perched in the room which joined the chorus and added to the cacophony. “Damn it!” he cursed loudly. He began pacing back and forth as he mumbled to himself. “I haven’t written anything in weeks! How am I supposed to write anything when my ideas suddenly dry up after a few days?” He sat back down and began to rub his temples in an attempt to alleviate his headache. “I really, really need some inspiration,” he moaned. He leaned back in his chair until it only stood on two legs and stretched.

Suddenly, the chair’s legs suddenly slipped out from under him. His eyes widened before he pulled his head up to avoid hurting himself and closed his eyes, bracing for impact… The impact never came. He opened his eyes to see a blue sky. He still felt the pull of gravity. Curious, the man turned towards gravity’s pull. The sight caused the words “HOLY FUCK!” to come forth from his mouth. The sight was a large patch of dirt, commonly known as “the ground” heading towards him at an alarming rate.

His savior, a rather conveniently placed tree branch, snuck up under the fellow’s bath robe and snagged his boxer’s waistband. The man said nothing as a look of sheer agony came across his face. He squeaked while tears and mucus flooded his face. Then, his waistband snapped, sending him careening face-first into a lower branch. He pinballed his way as such down the rest of the tree to a relatively rough landing. Battered and bruised, he laid there for a few minutes, coughing and wheezing, before he turned his head to the sky and let out a high pitched squeak sounding roughly like, “Scheiße... This...... is... NOT...... what... I... had in mind!”



            The robe-clad fellow had camped in the ruins of his room’s furnishings, which had apparently been brought with him to God-only-knows-where. In the morning, he looked around the camp for any provisions he might’ve overlooked the previous night. He almost cried when he discovered that his 120 lbs. safe had landed on top of his cell phone and thus literally crushing one of his main lifelines. Oddly enough, his laptop and its charger survived by landing on top of one of the cushions of his bedroom sofa. He cursed the fact that his emergency survival kit filled with flares, magnesium stick, and other essentials was in the trunk of his car. So, he did the best he could with what he had.

            The man fashioned a makeshift harness made out of numerous extension cords and reinforced with duct tape. His confidence in its strength and practicality dwindled every day. The reason why such things were in his room… well, whenever his relatives “visited,” such things would disappear, and his room had a lock and key. The harness carried a box of various objects and had a thirty gallon trash bag tied to it. The bag was carrying rolls of… more bags. Sighing for what had to be the second dozenth time of the still very young day, he pulled up a bag that had collected dew in it the previous night and lifted it to his lips. After getting his bearings and looking around to see himself surrounded by forest on all sides, he decided that being conservative was crucial at this point. He knew his scavenged remains of his old stash of junk food wouldn’t last forever and what precious water he could gather by leaving a bag over a leafy tree branch overnight to collect dew was in itself limited and inadequate as well.

What was worse was these strange and frightening creatures seemed to be under every stone of the road. If he wasn’t so confident in his lucidity he would have determined that he was either hallucinating or dreaming. They all generally had the characteristics of human females with some “extra” features. He even saw some that resembled bugs and other creatures that he couldn’t fathom. Early on, it was decided that he would treat them as he would any other animal that he had no knowledge of, warily and with great respect. Unfortunately, that wasn’t enough at times, especially now.

As he was walking through the forest, he heard a growl behind him. In surprise, he whirled around wielding a rather banged up steel guitar and clobbered the source of the noise right up alongside the skull. After doing so, he promptly bolted away from it as fast as he could without even looking back, vaguely registering the aggressor as some sort of red dog woman. He ran until he could run no more, and then ducked into a bush and glanced around. It seemed like he lost it. He squatted in the bush and caught his breath… until his adrenaline wore off and he noticed that the bush was full of brambles. Plenty of hissing and wincing later, he untangled himself and his belongings and headed off. Encounters like this were happening way too often.



The days continued with plenty of fleeing and not enough foraging. He kept thinking about these creatures that he kept bumping into. They were all either female, or looked female enough to convince anything with a pulse that they were, even if they were a bit odd. He was actually rather jealous of these beings as they usually seemed to have food of some sort, even though the ones eating rocks didn’t have anything that looked particularly appetizing to him. The man actually worked up the nerve to try and scare one away from its meal, but all that got him was a roaring jet of flame sent his way. He had never been so terrified of an animal in his life. The mere thought of the experience usually called for a change of pants.

It was getting dark, and he was getting hungry. He hadn’t eaten anything in three or so days. Even when he managed to find a stash of recognizable fruit, he didn’t eat properly from being so worried about conserving his resources. The man had survived longer than he thought he would and was secretly proud of himself for it. But, he couldn’t let such things get to his head. Desperation reared its ugly head and left a sinking feeling in the pit of its gut, right next to his aching hunger.

The pink tinted sky announced to the world the slow departure of the warming sun. The survivor somehow managed to gulp with his dry throat. He needed to set up some kind of camp before it became too torturously cold to do so. He quickly busied himself by setting up his dew-bag and other survival essentials such as pulling another trash-bag over his prone form and packing dry pine needles and dead leaves in with him. Curling up inside for warmth, he slowly tried to force himself asleep despite the roaring craving for sustenance his mind and body were both screaming at him.

Hours crept past at the pace of a crippled snail, and just as he was drifting off to sleep, something pressed up against him. His eyes shot open, and he remained perfectly still. His pupils dilated and darted every which way. His vision finally settled on the biggest rodent he had ever laid eyes on. He kicked it away and struggled out of his cozy bag. The rodent-girl/thing squeaked and shrunk away from the blow. The man picked up his guitar-mace and cracked it in the back of its legs and a second time to its head. A sickening crunch and choking was heard. The bewildered individual leapt back. He was prepared to flee, but something stopped him. He looked back to see that its neck was clearly broken.

Despite the perceived safety, he approached with caution and poked it with his guitar. It didn’t move.  After looking it over, the conclusion as drawn that it was some sort of hamster-person. He felt no guilt over its death. The power of a rodents bite is proportional to the size of its skull. With a rodent that big… he didn’t want to think about it. For safety’s sake, he picked up a good sized rock and made sure it was dead. The guitar wielder made sure until its head was no longer recognizable as a head. His gaze rested on the corpse for several seconds until he could wait no longer and gave into his hunger.


A red batgirl flitted around the forest, shirking her watch duties. She was so mad at the “Master.” He hadn’t given her two glances all week!... Okay, it’s only Monday, but still, the audacity! It was unforgivable. He wasn’t even trying to bond with her. All he did was dick her, push a firestone into her face, and start giving orders. The Foxglove mumbled something about premature ejaculating bastards as she continued to flit gracefully through the woods.

As she was cruising the treetops, a light became visible in the distance. Curiosity got the better of her, and she flew closer by. It turned out to be a small campfire. The smell of cooking meat assaulted her nostrils. She licked her lips. Since, red meat was hard enough to come by in significant amounts. She swooped down nearby to see a rather dirty young man hunched over the fire tearing furiously into a slightly burnt slab of meat. She watched him gobble it down and prepare another slab, watching the meat cook over the fire eagerly.

His gluttony surprised her. He ate like he might never eat again. The flyer landed a ways back and approached him rather easily since he seemed so engrossed in his meal. “Hungry?” she asked with a slight smirk dancing across her face. The man immediately grabbed an object next to him and whirled around ready to fight. His eyes were wild with the intent to survive as he brandished his… guitar?! “Hold it! Hold it!” she said raising her winged arms in defense, “I’m not gonna bite, ‘kay? I’m tame.”

The bewildered man blinked repeatedly. Several moments of tense silence passed. “You can… talk?” he asked, disbelief permeating his raspy voice.  The bat cocked her head. She wasn’t sure about how to respond to that. She took a couple steps forward, which did nothing productive as the fellow leapt back and chucked a flaming piece of wood at her. It beaned her in the nose but didn’t do anything other than annoy her.

“Hey!” she squeaked as she rubbed her nose and removed a splinter, “that might have been more effective if I wasn’t a fire-type, but it still hurts,” she hissed as she held her abused nose.

Fire type? She had lost him. Although a statement like that made just about as much sense as anything else around here. The man thought quickly. “Careful, the others will be back soon, and they have more weapons.”

The Foxglove wrinkled her muzzle when she saw what was cooking. “Yeah, that’s why your desperate enough to eat roast Hamtit, right?” she added with a hint of disgust in her tone.

Hamtit? He glanced behind and the corpse. Oh, he had removed the breast to get to the flesh under it. Wait a minute, Hamtit sounded familiar… “What do you want?” he asked hesitantly.

“Talk, maybe,” she responded with a coy smile and a finger tracing her jaw.

Something about that smile made the lost fellow wonder if he should be worried or exited. Plus, it didn’t help that she was alluring, even when considering the other creatures native to this place, and nearly naked. “Fine, let’s talk… starting with where the hell am I?”




            Louis was annoyed. He considered himself a good man since he did all the things that were taught to him as good. He paid his debts, was moderately kind to lesser creatures, fulfilled all his promises no matter how impossible, and yet despite all the things he did to keep all well in his little bubble of life, his pokégirl had gallivanted off to the Thousand know where and completely abandoned her post. His A-bra that he had paid good money for was asleep… again, and, on top of all that, the only one who had done her job was his Drowzee; the reason being her job was the fun one. He balled his psychic snoozer, since she could do little about her exhaustion, and proceeded to look for his wayward Foxglove. What was found only added anger and jealousy to his annoyance.

            There she was, talking to another man, a rather shabby looking one at that. Was he that bad? Here they were, laughing! This was not going to fly, not on his watch. He puffed up his chest and marched forward. “What the hell is this?!” he shouted. The laughing died down and they both turned to him. The man leapt up and rushed up to him. Louis thought he was going to be attacked.

The man grabbed his shoulders and Louis tried to call for his Drowzee, but before he could, the man began bombarding him with questions. “Oh god, are you real? Please tell me you know a way out of here! What is this place? How in the world...”

The questions of a desperate man rang through Louis’s ears. He tried to push the ragged individual off of him but to no avail. Finally he just shouted back at him, “Alright, alright! Just let go of me! You REEK!”

The words seemed to bring the other back to his senses. He immediately released Louis and backed away. “I’m… sorry,” he began, “I’ve been out here on my own for more than a week.”

A week he says. It must be a miracle that he hasn’t been eaten or raped (which would probably result in getting eaten) yet. Louis’s expression softened for a moment before it darkened. “You’re a very lucky man. Most wouldn’t last three days,” he said solemnly.

“Hmmm… I agree completely. Most of the time I was fleeing or hiding from something,” he added, nodding in affirmation.

“Hey,” the red bat interjected, “tell him about the time you cold cocked the Growlie!” They both turned back at her and gave her disapproving looks for her cheerfulness ruining the mood.

Wait… Growlie? Suspicions raced through the lost, now found, man’s head. No time for that. He had a ticket back to civilization. “Soooooo…” he began, “What are you called?” he asked turning to Louis.

“Louis,” Louis responded reflexively.

“Matthias, Matthias Brandt” the ragged cast away said, holding out his hand in greeting.

“Sounds Azure to me, you sounded Azure when you said your name too.” You’re a ways from home, guy.” Louis wrinkled his nose. “You need to wash up before I shake your hand.”

Matthias raised an eyebrow at the ‘Azure’ comment, but withdrew his hand politely. He couldn’t appear too offended towards his route home. “Some might call me Azure,” he responded, not entirely sure how to respond, “As for my lack of accent, practice does make perfect.”

The other man nodded knowingly before his gaze turned back to questioning. “Just outa curiosity, how did you end up out here all alone?” Louis inquired, “Did you get separated from your pokégirls or something?”

Matthias let out a rather humorless chuckle. “Oh, you wouldn’t believe the-“suddenly, his entire train of thought got derailed and wiped out all the passengers, bystanders, the control room, and the conductor. After damage control stepped in and cleaned up the mess, Matthias slowly turned towards Louis.

“Did you say… pokégirls?” Louis gave the survivor a funny look and nodded slowly. The rugged ‘Azure’ sighed and scratched his growing, itchy beard. It all made sense now. The PG world was what he desired to write for. He asked for inspiration, and boy, what a story he would have if he lived through it. But, that didn’t mean he couldn’t be upset about his current predicament.

“I’ll be right back, entschuldigenSie,” he asked politely, reverting midway back to his family’s Muttersprache. He made a military about face and marched straight past the Foxglove- who was looking rather upset about not being in the limelight- and stepped behind the tree, completely out of the other’s line of sight.

“Das größten Miststück von allen sein Sie, sein Sie es nicht?! Was Gott werde Scheiß bauen sich wie das?! Meine Leben kacken geht genug! FICK EUCH! Euer Schadenfreude vom mein Agonie ich hasse es! Fick euch und was auch immer ist eurer größer Plan! Fick dich! Wenn das ist deine Liebe, dann dich liebst mir zu viel!” His rough voice resonated throughout the entire forest and caused many prey pokégirls to cower in their dens. Once he finished delivering his outburst in one long breath, he panted harshly and strode calmly back to the others, who looked incredibly uncomfortable.

“Sorry about that, but I think I just figured out how it all went wrong, and with what has happened to me lately, I had some pent up stress. I can promise you I won’t have a vocal outburst of that magnitude again,” Matthias stated formally, “Now let’s get out of here before any territorial ‘girls decide to take that as a threat of some sort.”



Matthias's outburst: “Das größten Miststück von allen sein Sie, sein Sie es nicht?! Was Gott werde Scheiß bauen sich wie das?! Meine Leben kacken geht genug! FICK EUCH! Euer Schadenfreude vom mein Agonie ich hasse es! Fick euch und was auch immer ist eurer größer Plan! Fick dich! Wenn das ist deine Liebe, dann dich liebst mir zu viel!”

A meaningful translation would be: "You're the biggest bastard of all, aren't you!? What God would fuck things up like this?" My life is shitty enough! FUCK YOU! Your glee of my agony, I hate it! Fuck you and whatever your bigger plan is! Fuck you! If this is your love, then you love me too much!"

Pokedex entries:

FOXGLOVE, the Nightstar Pokégirl

Type: Anthropomorphic (bat) /Near Human

Element: Flying/Fire

Frequency: Rare

Diet: Fruit and vegetables

Role: Night reconnaissance

Strong Vs: Bug, Plant, Ice, Steel, Fighting

Weak Vs: Electric, Ice, Rock, Magic, Water

Libido: High

Attacks: Tackle, Quick Attack, Confusion, Energy Drain, Bite, Ember, Rage, Fire Spin , Warm Embrace, Burst, Brightstar*

Enhancements: Wings for flight, Fire affinity, Echolocation, Magic affinity, Night Vision, Enhanced Agility (x2), Enhanced Hearing (x3)

Evolves: None

Evolves From: Zubutt (Fire Stone)

In 92AS, a Pokégirl Researcher traveling with a Warcat took a route through a cave, believing it to be a shortcut into the next town. However, he soon found himself attacked by a swarm of Zubutts. His Warcat fought to defend her Tamer from these feral Pokégirls, but the numbers soon began to overwhelm her. Upon running away, the fleeing Tamer tripped over a rock, causing the Evolution Stones he was carrying to spill from his knapsack. Realizing that his Warcat couldn’t hold off the increasing number of Zubutts much longer, he quickly gathered his Evolution stones. When he reached for the Fire Stone, a Zubutt flew down and snatched it from him. Within moments the Zubutt began to glow. When the flash disappeared, the Zubutt and the stone were both gone. In her place, however, was a completely different Pokégirl. Compared to the common Zubutt, many Tamers agree that Foxgloves are a definite improvement. Their height increases, leaving them to be at 5’11 at maximum, mostly due to the length increase of their legs. They develop curves to their body, leaving them with a classic hourglass figure. Their fur becomes shorter as it changes into a reddish golden color, becoming smooth as silk to the touch, much to the admiration of Tamers. Their hair changes to a golden color that reaches down to the back at the shortest length. Their breasts increase in size up to a DD cup at most as their eyes are now in an emerald green color. Their wings now grow from their back as their overall span now equals if not exceeds their height. The difference between feralborn and non-feralborn Foxgloves is mostly by the amount of fur. Feralborn Foxgloves have a more animalistic appearance in the face and are most likely to be covered from head to toe while Non-feralborns tend to have the “Catgirl Configuration.” With their evolution, they gain the use of fire attacks such as Ember and Fire Spin, and their echolocation enhances to the point where they are able to use a non-psychic version of Confusion. They may’ve lost their infrared vision, but their overall improvement to their sight makes up for it, including night vision. Although, it is still a good idea to have them wear sunglasses until their eyes are able to fully adjust to sunlight, which should only take a day at maximum. Feralborn Foxgloves tend to have better sight in the dark as opposed to non-feralborns who have the better vision in daylight. Foxgloves are fairly affectionate and expressive Pokégirls and have the trademark high libido most Fire-types possess. This has lead to many tamers receiving various signals from playful strokes to the spontaneous passionate kisses, to even being pulled into an impromptu taming session. Foxgloves prefer to dress in tight, skimpy outfits, anything that will show off their new figure and thus get their Tamer (or anyone else) to notice, complement, or even be aroused by them. Foxgloves have a strong desire to be the center of attention, and tend to get annoyed to the point of frustration when nobody at the very least is looking at them. One of the quickest ways of angering one is to deliberately ignore them, which often results in screaming, a small ember thrown at you, or even a tackle, just to get your attention. And woe to anyone who dares to take attention away from her, especially a Vixxen, let alone one in the same Harem. Foxgloves prefer to be on their backs when being tamed as their nipples are sensitive and can be rubbed raw quite easily. Sucking and licking on said nipples are quick ways to get them off, as they can feel the touch through thin layers of clothing such as t-shirts and bikinis. Incidentally, a sturdy bra with a soft, padded interior is considered a very wonderful present for a Foxglove. Their cunts are not too hot, and are only pleasantly warm no matter how much of their fire powers they manifest, making them great for Tamers without fire Blood Gifts that would normally protect them from such potential injuries. Foxgloves no longer tend to make loud, obnoxious yowls, but instead make cute whimpering sounds while being tamed, further arousing the Tamer to the point of it becoming a sexy turn-on. Foxgloves are considered to be decent in battle. They may not be much faster than Zubutts in air, but they make up for it in their maneuverability. During battle, their preferred strategy is to stay airborne while using various guerilla, hit and run tactics such as scattering Embers from above and using Confusion to keep their opponent too aggravated to attack/counter-attack. Foxgloves prefer using attacks such as Burst, mostly because they enjoy the fact that such attacks create such a bright flash. This love of bright, star-like flashes has led Foxgloves to be called the Nightstar Pokégirl. Also, this, as well as their nocturnal vision, is what make them suitable for night reconnaissance. They could use their abilities to explore dark areas as well as finding lost travelers in caves or dark areas during the night. The fact that Foxgloves are able to use magic so easily without actually being magic-types is such a wonder that even to this day this remains a subject of confusion to researchers, though how much are they able to utilize their magical abilities to their full extent has yet to be seen. As mentioned earlier, Foxgloves have a strong desire to be the center of attention, whether by their actions or their appearance. They love showing off and like using flashy attacks such as Burst or Brightstar to make sure that the focus is on them. This can be used to a Tamer’s advantage in group battles, as Foxgloves can be used as a distraction to move an attacker’s attention away from the tamer’s other Pokégirls, whether they’re strong Pokégirls preparing for a devastating attack, or weaker Pokégirls who could use a break from the constant attacks. A Foxglove can become a decent Alpha, but most of the time only wants this position because of the belief that this will entitle her even more attention from the tamer, not really caring for the responsibilities that much. If ignored or neglected, they can become fussy and short-tempered, but never to annoying levels, and at times can even be confrontational. Their loyalty rivals that of Growlies, often speculated because of their Tamers keeping them while they were Zubutts. They will be quick to defend their Tamer without question even if they have doubts about said Tamer, whether in intelligence or ability. Speaking of rivals, it is not a good idea to have a Foxglove in the same harem as a Vixxen, who doesn’t seem to get along with other fire types in general. While other fire types are just annoyed with them, Foxgloves resent the fact that Vixxens are constantly trying to monopolize so much time with their Tamers that he doesn’t seem to even notice the rest of the Harem, let alone them. This may seem to be a harmless rivalry at first, but it will soon tend to escalate to the point of possible destruction of the entire harem, especially at the worst possible time. Tamers who were unfortunate to have a Kitsune and Zubutt evolve into a Vixxen and Foxglove respectively soon learned the hard way of this effect, with some even being forced to trade one or the other, or even both. One Tamer in particular had a Kitsune and Zubutt in his harem who had known each other long before either of them threshold. Once they both evolved, their once priceless friendship (To the point of being surrogate sisters) slowly dissolve into an outright resentment for each other. It was only until that Vixxen evolved into a Foxx did their friendship slowly began to rebuild, but the damage was already done. And these instances occurred when they’ve been in or became part of the harem prior to the evolution of either or both. It is unknown what would happen if a Foxglove or Vixxen were acquired into the same harem as the other, and no Tamer is willing to find out. Feral Foxgloves are at most a playful breed. They actively seek out taming whenever they can, wherever they can, whoever they can get it from, and only become dangerous if the Tamer deliberately ignores them. They don’t necessarily want a Tamer, they just like having attention given to them. Tamers looking to capture a Foxglove for his/her harem could use this strive for attention to their advantage. Threshold cases where the result is a Foxglove are fairly uncommon, but in the case that it occurs, it’s a good idea to give them a pair of sunglasses as by that time, their eyes will become sensitive to light. • Brightstar - (ATK 90) A combination magic/fire attack that creates a star-shaped burst of flames.

(mentioned, but either got a lump on the skull or eaten)

GROWLIE, the Puppy Pokégirl

Type: Animorph (Canine)

Element: Fire

Frequency: Uncommon (Crimson, Indigo)

Diet: near human diet (omnivore, but mostly fish and nuts)

Role: originally tracking and frontline, make excellent pets or police Pokégirls

Libido: High

Strong Vs: Bug, Fire, Ice, Plant, Steel

Weak Vs: Ground, Rock, Water Attacks: Flamethrower, Ignite, Growl, Slash, Bite, Tackle, Takedown. Enhancements: Enhanced Strength (x4), Enhanced Olfactory Sense (x6), High endurance and loyalty

Evolves: Growltit (Normal, experience needed)

Evolves From: Goth (Sarcastic Goth sub-types only; Fire Stone), Puppy (Fire Stone), Doggirl (Fire Stone)

Loyalty, this is the first trait that comes into mind when one thinks about a Growlie and this reputation is well earned. Besides being extremely loyal, Growlie also has a brave and trustworthy nature, it will fearlessly stand up to bigger and stronger foes to protect its tamer from harm. Growlie along with Kittens and Catgirls were one of the breeds to fiercely battle Mao during the Rebellion, their loyalty to their owners being so strong that to break it leaves the Growlie crippled both physically and mentally. They simply do not betray their masters, being loyal to the end. Growlie has a distinctive appearance; the canine features with the red fur with black tiger stripes down her back, arms, legs and tail is complimented by blonde hair on the top of her head and a short soft blonde fur on her chest, stomach, groin and inner thighs. Growlie has a nose which grants them a greatly enhanced sense of smell allowing them to follow scent trails days old, making them excellent trackers. Their high endurance means they will track a target for days even weeks and when they finally catch up their enhanced strength means they can quickly overpower and bring down the target. This combination of traits not only makes Growlie an excellent pet but also makes them one of the few Pokégirls ideally suited for police work along with others such as Tigress. Once a Growlie is selected for police duty they are assigned and bonded to a partner then both the Police officer and the Growlie go on an intensive training course that taxes both the Officer and the Growlie. By the end of the course both the Officer and Growlie forge a strong partnership allowing them to function better as a pair, instinctively understanding each others strengths and weaknesses. The Growlie will also learn methods of tracking and taking down criminals which makes them superior combatants than pet owned Growlies. Growlie is a popular pet Pokégirl and often considered members of the family much like Kittens, Hounds, Pidgies, Evas, Bunnies and Titmice however they do not share quite the same level of popularity as the others because they require such large amounts of love and attention. Another Pokégirl is recommended as the Growlies can then occupy themselves by 'playing' with the other Pokégirls. They are very competitive with any and ALL amorous or lustful Pokégirls. Growlies are often found in a large family with at least one other Pokégirl for this reason, their intelligence is such that they are quite capable of doing any job a human can do although their favorite job will be patrolling and protecting the family home which they consider to be their territory. Unlike most canine types, Growlie gets on well with cat type Pokégirls especially when both discover a mutual love of fish and love of play. On the opposite side of the spectrum, it's strongly suggested that you _not_ have any of the Domina-type Pokégirls, though. Growlies and Domina-types do NOT like each other. Feral Growlie are very protective of their territory, they will bark and bite fiercely to repel intruders from their territory; however they will not viciously maul or kill their opponent like some feral Pokégirls but instead aim to drive their opponent off. The favored territory of a Growlie would be near a river or large stream running through forest land, predominately because Growlie are omnivores like humans but particular like nuts and fish as their primary diet, nuts mostly only available in forest land whilst fish are obviously only available around large water sources. Growlie are excellent at foraging for food in the wild making them idea for tamers who will be spending large amounts of time in the wild, also due to their love of fish they are awesome fishers which is odd for a fire type! One must be careful though, in the wild Growlie tend to form packs which have a similar intense loyalty to each other akin to that they develop with their tamers, any attempt to harm or Pokéball any member of the pack is likely to incite a violent response from the entire pack, worse yet the captured Growlie will refuse to bond to its owner and will attack once released from the Pokéball before attempting to return to its pack by backtracking the tamers scent unless heavy mental conditioning is applied. If one wants to capture a feral Growlie without trouble then the entire pack must be caught together or the individual Growlie must be encouraged to come willingly with the tamer though whatever methods.

HAMTITS, the Hamster Pokégirl

Type: Near Human

Element: Normal

Frequency: Common

Diet: primarily vegetarian, prefers nuts (no not that kind of nut, damn perverts)

Role: acting cute Strong Vs: Ghost Weak Vs: Fighting, weasel Pokégirls, cat Pokégirls

Libido: Average (may rise to High if highly attached to Tamer)

Attacks: Bite, Cheer, Scratch, Dodge, Quick Turn, Tackle, Quick Attack, Cuddle, Aura of Cute, Agility

Enhancements: Enhanced Speed (x6), Enhanced Agility (x4), Enhanced Hearing (x3), Enhanced Olfactory Sense (x3), Enhanced Stamina (x3), Cuteness.

Evolves: None

Evolves From: None

Hamtits are quite often mistaken as Titmice by inexperienced people as they look almost just like them without a tail and their fur is a lighter color in shades of orange to tan. They are agile and have a tendency to be hyper at almost any occasion. Their size is quite small standing around 4' 5" on average. Their teeth are comparable to a human's but are bucked on the two front teeth on the top, which they use to crack nuts (Don't worry men not that nut.). They have short stubby tails and they are very cute in any way of explaining them. They have a fairly high IQ for deductive reasoning (how to get the banana from the top of the shelf) but only for deduction, they often act somewhat dumb when it comes to plain knowledge (what the term Tamer stands for) often getting the wrong idea on what the facts are. That, however, is made up for her great cheerful personality that often cheers people up or gives encouragement to others during battles. They of course have their weaknesses, they unfortunately very scared of weasel and cat Pokégirls, and would do almost anything to runaway from them. They are also somewhat too curious for some as they are usually caught by Tamers because they wondered who the man with the fighting Pokégirls were. They also are fairly fragile creatures physically because of their fairly small frame built for speed and agility and not hard back breaking work. They are also fragile creatures both physically and mentally. They can be let down in to a slump easily when they experience something that is against what they thought was the truth or when someone else becomes angered or miserable because of her actions. When a Hamtits meets with a cat Pokégirl or a weasel Pokégirl she will not even assess her situation and run away from the opposing Pokégirl. Even if the Hamtits is superior strength wise she will not even try to find out whether she is stronger or not, she will simply run. The only time a Hamtits will stop running is if she is either tired out, or her Tamer sternly orders her to face it. If a Hamtits and a cat or weasel Pokégirl are in the same Harem the Hamtits may eventually become accustomed to them but, training them not to fear them will take time, patience, and lots of aspirin. Hamtits live in dens in the wild. They are like small caverns carved from soil. The entrances can usually be found under small alcoves of soil or at the bottom of cliffs. They are carved out by a pack of them who live together. All dens are about the size of a regular human apartment room consisting sleeping quarters and a main room for them to meet and go about on their daily activities. Packs of Hamtits usually consist of 5 to almost 20 Hamtits depending on how strong the leader is. Each pack consists of a leader and other members that carry out her tasks. A leader is the strongest Hamtits in the pack. They of course have the same amount of cheerfulness and are quite nice but are usually responsible for getting her entire pack in trouble because of either boasting or curiosity. When a Hamtits leader is captured one of three things will occur depending on how the leader acts to being caught. One, if her pack is especially aggressive or there are large number of them, then others they may try to rescue their leader by storming the Tamer who caught the leader. Two they might just elect another one if there are many in the pack. Three, the entire pack may decide to follow their leader on her travels with the Tamer (very rare). The rest of the Hamtits will simply follow their leader loyalty and otherwise live happily amongst themselves. In short Hamtits are kind and fragile creatures that will be happy to go along with the one they consider the leader. They are small and cute and irresistible to most people, but approach with caution if a Tamer finds a Feral one for they will attack to defend themselves when provoked.