TANGI, the tart “Take a Ride” Pokegirl

Type: Near Human/Inhumanoid Metamorph (equine)
Element: Water/Magic
Frequency: Very Rare
Diet: Carnivore/Icthyvore (prefers humanoid prey)
Role: Labor, Transportation, Menace if Feral
Libido: Average (acts as if High)
Strong Vs.: Fire, Ground, Rock
Weak Vs.: Electric, Plant
Attacks: Grab, Wrestle, Water Gun, Whirlpool, Attract, Slick Stroke, Suggestion; Equine form: Stomp, Kick
Enhancements: Magic Bridle (Underwater breathing/metamorphic abilities), Enhanced Strength (x2 (x5 equine)), Enhanced Endurance, Enhanced Speed (x2), Lesser Feral State
Disadvantages: Magical dependency on bridle
Evolves: Chimera (Cat E-Medal+Dragon E-Medal(or Dragon Scale)
Evolves From: Ponytaur (Water Stone)
Bounty: Varies from league to league

The discovery of the Tangi threw some parts of the scientific community into confusion. How many reports of watergoing pokegirls drowning and eating humans had been attributed to the wrong breed of pokegirl? How many had been accurate?

The problem derives from this metamorph’s humanoid form, which she can subtly alter to resemble another Near Human breed of pokegirl. Since she always appears to be dripping wet regardless of shape, she usually attempts to imitate Water pokegirls, to such great success that many Tamers don’t even bother with a Pokedex scan or identifying spell before siccing a pokegirl on her or trying to Tame her on the spot. A Tangi’s equine form is a bit more distinctive, as most centaur pokegirls are Fire-types and have a certain aversion to water. The presence of a magical bridle on either form is a dead giveaway, and also usually a sign that the Tangi in question is Feral and dangerous. Coloring and build vary.

Once domestic, a Tangi is generally very flirtatious and saucy, prone to flaunting her perpetually wet body and almost always completely confident in it whether she’s of robust or modest build. This can earn her the ire of harem-sisters who may become jealous of her confidence, her figure, or her tendency to hog Master’s attention whenever possible (some vie for the Alpha position so they can take more of Master’s time). A variety of Tradesmen employ Tangi for their great strength, speed, and endurance, and for the spectacle these pokegirls make when getting hot and sweaty.

Unlike many water Pokegirls, Tangi do not have vastly increased water intake requirements, but they depend greatly on having a body of water nearby for combat and are often unsure what to do in battles where they cannot grapple and drown the opposition. They can eventually be trained to grapple and hold opponents to hit with point-blank Water Gun attacks, or devastating kicks and stomps in equine form. In sex combat, Tangi are much more adept, using their wet bodies and suggestive comments to lure and titillate the opposition before bringing them to orgasm with Slick Stroke. Not surprisingly, Tangi also excel at wet T-shirt contests and mud wrestling.

Feral Tangi are carnivorous and dangerously cunning. They invariably live in bodies of fresh water, and hunt by luring other pokegirls and the odd human with their sensuous bodies, then grabbing them and dragging them underwater to drown. A few are able to speak a little, and will use Suggestion to attract victims as well, either propositioning adults or suggesting to children that “I’m a Ponytaur! Take a ride?” It often takes many victims before someone realizes that the killer in question is a Tangi, and in the meantime local populations of aquatic Near Human or Very Near Human pokegirls like Kelpies or Naiads may be devastated in a misguided hunt for the killer.

Fortunately, Tangi are among the easier pokegirls to kill or capture once identified. Ranged attacks keep pokegirls from being grabbed. Exceptionally heavy pokegirls are difficult to drag into the water, and some Fighting pokegirls may even be able to break a Tangi’s grip (or her hands). Electrocution naturally works wonders.

If the intent is to capture, a pokegirl will have to close enough to take away the Tangi’s magic bridle; this contains her shapeshifting powers and ability to breathe water, and whoever has it will be able to control both. The Tangi will typically yield to whoever has her bridle, and submit to Taming (on rare occassions, she may attack to try and recover it). The bridle can also give the ability to breathe water to other equine pokegirls, but loses its power with the death of the Tangi.

Unsurprisingly, Tangi are as randy as their behavior suggests, and are willing and eager to try any number of things in the sack. They are remarkably enthusiastic about bondage and erotic jewelry (including piercings), often seeing this as an extension of their bridles, and of course they enjoy pony-play and being mounted in equine form. Underwater sex and erotic asphyxiation with this breed are not recommended due to similarity to the methods by which Ferals kill their prey.

Pregnancy is hard for Tangi due to their magical and metamorphic nature. Problem pregnancies, miscarriages, and stillbirths are frequent in the breed. Most domestic Tangi begin their lives as Ponytaur and evolve.

Threshold Tangi are very rare for this reason and because they require a Water Stone to evolve, and the Threshold is a very difficult one as their entire body and mindset change. Despite the rarity, telltale signs abound for a Threshold Tangi, from the soggy mess her constantly-wet body makes of the furniture, to the discovery of a magic bridle hidden in her underwear drawer, to her first attempts at drowning a sibling or parent in the bathtub. Threshold Tangi, when they happen, fetch high prices from Tradesmen.