Ronen was having a late night snack of carrot sticks while Didi quietly played music to the dying embers of the fire. A full moon hung low in the sky, the stars were bright, and the air warm. Crickets and toads could be heard out in the darkness. The rustling of a tent drew his attention and the carrot stick dropped to the ground as he forgot to close his mouth.


“Um... Conor?” He started timidly. “Conor, your clothes.”


Sweat beaded on her bare skin as Conor stepped out of her tent and gazed up at the sky. She was breathing heavily and her eyes almost seemed glazed over. “Conor, are you okay?” Ronen stood up to check on his strangely behaving friend. With a sudden jerk she turned her head towards the sound of his voice, her head cocked at an unnerving angle, a manic grin gleaming fangs in the moonlight and golden eyes shining in the darkness.  She arched back and let out a howl, not one of a human imitating a howl but a genuine wolf howl that echoed off the trees and silenced all the other night noises. The singer in him was actually impressed that she was able to hold it constantly all throughout the transformation that followed.


Ronen's eyes had trailed down to notice just how erect her nipples had become when her body was rocked by a sudden spasm. Her muscles tensed and then she shot up a few inches in height as her spine, legs, and arms all elongated. Her jaws transformed into a short muzzle filled with predatory teeth and fur rippled down from her hairline and the base of her tail until it covered her entire body. The bones in her legs shifted to a digitigrade stance and her hands and feet became tipped in sharp claws. The long note she had been holding finally ended as she slowly stalked forward. Didi jumped up to place herself between the transformed girl and her master, ready to fight as the wolf girl broke into a loping run.


“Don't hurt her!” Ronen shouted to the pokegirl preparing to defend him. Conor darted right around the Bardess though and drove him to the ground. Everyone else in the camp had been awoken by the noise by now, and watched in horror as their friend was overcome. Until they heard him laughing, anyway. Then they were all just thoroughly confused.


Conor was licking all over Ronen's face as she stood over him on all fours, her tail wagging furiously behind her. She finally gave him room to breath and looked down at him with her head cocked at a playful angle, eyes wide and shining like a Puppy. He was still chuckling as he sat up, but then felt horribly uncomfortable when Conor put her head right in his lap and looked up at him. He was gently trying to push her away when Blossom, Conor's Sundog, ran over with a terrified expression.


“Conor! Conor don't-... hurt...” She blinked in confusion. “” The bewildered plant type sat down beside her transformed master, who immediately started affectionately rubbing her face against the pokegirl's chest. Blossom idly scratched Conor's ears as she looked around in continued confusion. “But she's normally so aggressive when she changes.”


“She's done this before?” Ronen asked as he stole a glance at his fellow tamer's exposed body.


“Every full moon. It's her blood curse. But she normally doesn't let anyone but us near her. She growls and bites at them.”


A tamer with metallic skin stepped closer, his name was Deiderik. He was a blacksmith that joined up with them a while ago. “She seems nice enough right now. I bet she'd even let me pet her ears.” The young man reached out to do just that.


Blossom threw her arms around Conor's neck to stop her mistress from lunging at the other tamer. Her puppy-dog demeanor had vanished and a snarl rippled across her muzzle as she let loose a threatening bark and growl. Everyone standing took at least one step back. Conor glared at all of them one by one, her ears back but lacking any other signs of aggression. Then she circled in place a few times before flopping next to and partially on top of Ronen. With one last grudging glance at Deiderik, she let her ears relax and closed her eyes like she planned to sleep right there.


“Master! Master Conor!” Blossom was doing her best to relocate her owner but Conor wasn't budging. “Conor...! Come on! You're already going to be so embarrassed in the morning!”