
          This work is fiction. The work has no (intentional) relationship with any person existing at any time anywhere whether real or imaginary or copy written.

         Feedback will be read, processed, and if it’s a flame it will be given the finger, then I will burst into hysterical laughter. Constructive feedback, be it criticism or praise, will be read, processed, given a smile, and filed away. To contact me, please send an email to socom.seal@(SPAM)yahoo.com. Remove (SPAM) for a valid email.

         You should not read this if you are not of legal age where you reside. This work can contain rape, BDSM, cannibalism, and probably anything else my sick, twisted mind can come up with.

Note: All times are in a mix of military and standard times. For example, 1AM = 0100 hours = 1:00, while 1PM = 1300 hours = 13:00. I hope this will make it easier on readers to understand the timeline while leaving me in a format that I understand better. If it causes too much of a problem I will switch to standard. 







“<<Text>>” Means that it is being spoken in a language other than English.

This is telepathic thought”


Chapter 17


<18:00, North of Birmingham>


The group moved through the burned houses carefully, the Valkyrie on point. Behind her trailed the Mini-Top, who continuously scanned the windows they passed, walking beside the man and his Witch, tailed by the Naga. A man lay on a building behind them, constantly scanning for any signs of them noticing him. He didn’t think it was possible; after all, he had nearly entered their campsite the night before, when he had compiled the most current intelligence for Roth. He had only stopped because it was his mission to watch, only – contact was not assigned.








The General looked at the assembled Pokegirls and Tamers. “You know what you have to do. Separate them and eliminate him.”




<14:00, CSOPS (Council SpecOps) Location>


Ashlon looked up as the door opened and Nyx walked in. “Nyx. What can I do for you? Braxton is out right now, but I can take a message.”


Nyx shrugged. “I was actually coming to see you. I wanted to ask you about the guy who came through a few days ago.”


Ashlon frowned. “You aren’t cleared for that.”


Nyx sighed and sat down. “I’m really curious, that’s all. What VP warrants all this attention?”


Ashlon chuckled. “Someone. I really can’t tell you any more.”


“C’mon, Ashlon. Give me something!”








Braxton whistled as he pedaled down the road, trucks zipping by. He loved riding his bike – He had loved it before, and now that gas was a military commodity, it was perfect for him.


As he made his turn, however, he failed to notice the blacked-out jeep that followed him. He was preoccupied with everything that had transpired the few days prior. Not necessarily the failed colonization – it was Sanctuary they were dealing with, for chris’sake – but with Andrew’s actions towards Jean. First he wanted to be there, on hand, to meet him. Then he up and left, barely speaking to the newcomer. After being in a coma. For days.


He sighed and shook his head. That’s what he liked about riding his bike. He could just let his mind wander, his feet pedal, and not have to worry about anything.


Then he heard the engine rev up behind him.






“What! He’s just a Tamer?” Nyx exclaimed. “Literally just some guy Braxton knows and called in?”


Ashlon shrugged. “Yea, I guess. Apparently he wanted to have Braxton go meet with him up in Blue, cuz he was doing the whole traveling thing, but Braxton couldn’t do it so he came down here instead.”


Nyx scratched her head. “Huh. Well, I guess Braxton was allowed to have his sources.”


Ashlon smiled slightly before frowning. “Wait, was?” She blinked and turned towards Nyx. “What do you mean by-“ She froze and ducked as Nyx threw a Mega Punch past her ear. “WHAT THE FUCK?”






Braxton twisted around in time to see the jeep barreling towards him. The windows were blacked out, so he couldn’t see the driver, but he was sure it wasn’t an accident. Scanning the road frantically, he tried to find a place to get out of the way, but the barriers protecting the sidewalk prevented anyone in a vehicle from crossing. Throwing caution to the winds, he veered sharply, hoping to make it off the road before the jeep could reach him. As he reached the barriers he felt a sharp impact and was thrown forwards off the bike, sailing into the side of a building. Looking back he watched as the car smashed into the protective barrier, sandwiching his bike. Not wanting to wait around for whoever was in the car, he took off towards his offices. “Ashlon! Ashlon!” He screamed mentally. “I need assistance!” He swore when she didn’t respond and rounded the corner, skidding to a halt when he saw two men and a pokegirl walking his way, one of the men talking on a radio. Glancing back, he could see a man getting out of the jeep. He quickly began walking the other way, with one hand on his sidearm. Whatever was going on, he had to find Ashlon, and fast-!





Ashlon dodged another punch. “Nyx! What the fuck are you doing?” She screamed at the Neo Iczel. Nyx laughed.


“Cmon, call security! Do something! It’s hilarious when they do that!” She goaded, continuing to push Ashlon back.


Ashlon’s eyes set. This wasn’t a joke. She would teleport behind, knock her out, and get the base on alert. They were obviously under attack from somebody. Readying herself, she teleported and- She grunted in pain as Nyx landed a solid blow to her stomach, the Neo Iczel cheering. “Woo! Gotcha! What happened, decided to let me get one in?” She kicked the now gasping Splice in the head. “Ohhhh, I know! You tried to doo something, didn’t you? Yea, you can’t teleport in here. My mistake, I forgot to tell you that.” She laughed again. “Yup. You’re screwed and your poor little boss has nobody coming to save him.”


Ashlon coughed. “What… Did you just say?”


Nyx smirked and pushed Ashlon against the wall. “What, you think I was just after you? Oh no. Your little boy toy has been quite a troublesome thorn in our side ever since he got people to start liking him. So today, a rogue element of his unit started fighting. Oh no, it looks like the only casualties were Agent Braxton and his pokegirl, the Alakawham Ashlon.”


Ashlon grit her teeth as her antennae twitched slightly. “You just made a huge mistake.” She hissed and her eyes began to glow. “You don’t threaten Braxton in front of me. EVER!” She screamed and disappeared. Nyx looked around wildly.


“What the hell? There’s a psychic block up! Where’d she go!?”


“Right behind you.”


Nyx’s eyes widened and she gasped as she was shot forward through the wall.






Braxton jumped as the wall next to him exploded and a body flew past, closely followed by another figure. As the second form passed he felt something lift from his shoulders. “Ashlon! Is that you?”


The splice turned. “Ah. There you are. Are you injured?” She asked calmly, one foot grinding Nyx’s head into the street.


“I… I…” Braxton stammered. “….No.”


“Glad to hear it.” She saw the look on his face and chuckled. “Oh, pardon about this. Just taking out the trash.” Her extra arms flexed. “It’s been a while since I needed these.” She glanced back over his shoulder. “Oh? There appear to be a few people coming towards this… commotion.”


Andrew turned to see the man that had been in the car duck out of sight. “Ah, yes. They tried to kill me. So, What’s going on?”


Ashlon’s eyes flashed and Nyx’s body went limp. “Oh, darn. Broke another one. I really need to learn how to get information without melting their brains in the process.” She laughed. “Well now! Isn’t that interesting. Time to leave, sir – I think we need to pay your new friend a visit.”


Braxton nodded and walked over to her. “Well then, let’s not keep him waiting.” He said, and she teleported them away before a Hyperbeam disintegrated the street around where they had been standing.






<18:00, Vale>


Roth looked up at the knock on her door. “Come in.”


The door opened and her aide walked in. “Miss, you got a message from one of your old students. He asked for you to get in touch with him as soon as possible.”


“Oh? Did he say what he wanted?”


The aide shrugged. “He said something about how his current experiment seemed to have had some interesting results, but that’s about all I got.”


Roth nodded. “Alright, thank you. Does he still have an open connection?”


The aide nodded. “Channel 3, I believe.”


Roth blinked. “…Ah.” She waited for the aide to leave before picking up a round object from her desk. “Why, hello Billy! It’s been what, five years since you graduated? How’s work coming?”


She heard a laugh from the other end of the line. “Oh come on now, Ms. Jane! I was your best student. Don’t tell me you’ve forgotten that I graduated two years ago. I mean, it’s basic math.”


Roth chuckled. “Designation and station.”


The man on the other end grunted. “Papa Lima Charlie oh-two-seven. Jade Outpost Gamma.”


Roth nodded. “Confirmed. Report.”


The voice sighed. “There’s been a bit of trouble from our friends on the Dark Continent. Apparently they didn’t like one of the Agents stationed here, and tried to take him out. As far as I know, he escaped.”


“I see. Do we have a name and motive?”


“Yes. The Agent targeted was one Braxton, supposedly a profiler and field officer. However, I’m nearly positive that he’s something more. He has no birth certificate, and is near constantly accompanied by his pokegirl, who is both a powerful psychic and deadly physical brawler. That amount of protection isn’t given to a run of the mill field agent.”


Roth scratched her cheek. “Alright. Thank you for your report.” She paused. “What was the last name of this man?”


“He had none.”


She blinked. “Well, that’s interesting. Thank you again.” She terminated the connection and stared out the window for a few seconds. This was an unwelcome development. Sanctuary seemed to have a new target. After their near destruction a few years ago, she supposed it was too much to hope for that they would sit quietly for a while.


She sighed and tapped at the device. Looks like their timetable would have to be accelerated.










<19:00, Outside Shrewsbury>


“Yes, that’s good! Producing light is one of the first things mages do. And this is much stronger than when we were back in Coventry; You’ve been practicing, haven’t you?” Andrew asked.


Lyn nodded and closed her hand, extinguishing the pale glow. “I’ve been trying to make a flame, but I’m not powerful enough.”


Andrew shook his head with a chuckle. “Firstly, thank you for not being able to create a flame in the tent. That would be bad. Secondly, you’ve actually surpassed making flame. Light is energy given off by a flame, and the fact that you can merely emit that energy without having to go through the primary medium that flame represents is, well, awesome.” He thought for a moment before standing up and pulling Lyn outside the tent. “C’mon, let’s get you a fireball.”


They walked for a few feet before Andrew paused and nodded at a tree stump nearby. “See that? I want you to light it on fire.” He looked expectantly at Lyn.


She bit her lip. “But… I haven’t been able to produce fire yet.” She looked at him hopefully. “You can help me?”


Andrew shrugged. “I can’t help you directly, no. But I can help you get to where you need to be.” He thought for a moment. “You should have a fundamental knowledge of magic because you are a Witch, correct?” Lyn nodded. “Alright; Then project your light spell to the stump.”


Lyn focused and gasped when the tree stump suddenly flared brightly. “Whoah!”


Andrew laughed and lowered his arm, which had been covering his eyes. “Ow. Good thing its still dusk, or that could have blinded us for a little bit.” He blinked a few times. “Alright, so know you know you can have your spells affect other targets without your physical contact. Now what I want you to visualize is what your spell is doing as it works.” He gestured at the stump. “With the light, what were you actually doing? Did you create the light? Where did it come from? How did it get there?” He smiled slightly at Lyn’s confused look. “Ok, how about this; What is magic?”


Lyn frowned. “It’s… The power to change things?” She asked hopefully.


Andrew nodded. “That’s pretty close. The definition I go by is ‘Magic is the ability to influence the natural order in seemingly impossible ways’. So, your light spell transforms energy into light. What I want you to think about, for now, is what your spell is taking from.” He held out his hand and Lyn was astonished when a small fireball appeared. “Cool, right? But I’m just a regular human; how am I able to do this?” He laughed and blew out the flame. “When I was first drawn to this world, a couple things awoke inside of me. I guess I can thank Sanctuary for that, at least – A large portion of my brain was activated. Because of it, I learned that I can project myself onto this world.” He stuck his hand in his pocket and withdrew his pistol. “At first it was involuntary, and nearly got me killed. But at least now, I can control it.” He dropped the gun, which shimmered and disappeared. “Like all magic, it comes with a price. I’m guessing the price you pay for your spells is pretty similar to mine. What do you think it is?”


Lyn thought for a few moments. “Energy?” Andrew motioned for her to continue. “When I… We… cast a spell, it drains our energy?”


Andrew grinned. “Spot on. I passed out the first time my abilities activated. Thankfully I didn’t need them any more, so they deactivated, or I may have died there.” His face grew serious. “Never, EVER try to do something that would tax you too much. I don’t know about pokegirl magic, and how it handles things like that, but if my own magic is based off my mind…” He sighed. “Mine doesn’t have safeguards unless I knowingly activate them.”


Lyn nodded. “I’ll keep that in mind. So how do I make a fireball? I know it uses my energy, but how do I turn it into flame?”


Andrew shrugged. “That’s for you to discover. I do it by visualization, and I base it around a special language of power. I really have no idea how pokegirl magic works, so you’ll have to figure that out on your own. However…” He paused. “Try… Try to make all the light you create with your current spell go into the log, instead of come out of it. If you cram all that energy in there, something’s bound to happen.”


Lyn blinked and turned back to the log. After a few moments she raised her hand. “I’m trying…” Her arms twitched and she dropped them. “I did it! That was my light spell, but nothing came out.”


Andrew walked over and held his hand next to the stump. “Yep, it’s really warm. So you made heat that time.” He frowned. “Enough heat and you’ll get flame. But you shouldn’t have to work that hard for it…” He pondered for a few moments. “Maybe we’re going about this the wrong way. I’m trying to think through this logically, but it’s Magic. It doesn’t have to be logical.” He tapped the stump. “Well, I guess we’re just going to have to keep practicing. You probably get new skills over time from the Celestial Consciousness.” He looked annoyed. “If I ever find the guy who came up with that whole idea, I’ll have some strong words for them. Giant psychic knowledge network my ass.” He looked back at Lyn. “However, I do know that it is possible to query the Consciousness. You should try it sometime.” They looked back at the sound of leaves rustling as Aella pushed her way into the clearing.


The Naga nodded at them. “Sir, Claire reports that our friend has gone to sleep for the night.”


Andrew nodded. “Thank you, Aella. I think it’s time for us to get some rest as well. I want to challenge the Shrewsbury Gym tomorrow, since we did so well in the ruins.” He rolled his shoulders and looked dejectedly at the tree stump. “I was hoping Lyn would be ready to at least compete, but it looks like we’ve still got a ways to go.” He grinned at her. “But we’ll get there, don’t worry!”


Lyn blushed and nodded, pulling her hood back up. “yea.”






<10:00, Shrewsbury>


“Coming through!”


Andrew ducked as a pokegirl carrying some large poles walked by. “What the heck is all this?”


Claire shrugged and stepped back to let the rest of the procession get by. “I don’t know. A fair of some sort?”


“Yea, that’s possible. C’mon, over here.” He replied and made his way to a store, heading inside with Claire close behind.


A bell chimed as they entered. “Hello, and welcome to ‘One Size Fits All’” The man behind the counter greeted them. “Do you have an order to pick up?”


Andrew shook his head. “No, but I did have a few questions. First of all, what’s all that outside?”


The man grinned. “That’s the preparations for the Lunar Festival. We hold it every full moon.” He nodded down the street. “It’s a fairly new thing that a few of the GA’s set up. Just a night of fun for the town.” He looked back at Andrew. “So, what can I help you with?”


“I need something kind of special, and was hoping you could help me.” Andrew explained. “I need training or fighting clothes that would survive moderate stretching without being uncomfortable to the wearer.”


The man behind the counter nodded. “We can do that. How much is ‘moderate’?”


Andrew chuckled. “Eh, up to ten inches in the chest region and four in the groin.” He winked. “That’s circumference, of course.”


The man laughed. “Oh, I see. And what cup size would that be?”


Andrew scratched his chin. “Uh… Claire?”


Claire giggled. “I think we measured somewhere along the lines of 80C.”


The man nodded and jotted down some notes. “Alright, we can do that. What base size would the material be?”


Andrew sighed. “Yea, I can’t continue with this. You obviously get the idea.” He looked forlornly at the man’s grinning face. “Just hurry up and take my measurements.”


He laughed and called back into the back room. “Annie! Would you mind coming up here? We need to take measurements.” They waited a few moments before a Seamstress appeared. “This young man over here can fill you in. We have a fun job to do.”


Annie looked at Andrew critically. “Oh? And that would be?” She fiddled with the tape measures around her belt.


Andrew smiled nervously. “Well, I need form fitting battle clothing that will be comfortable on two different measurements.” He held up his arms. “Here’s one set.”


The Seamstress nodded and began measuring him with practiced ease. “And the second?”


Andrew chuckled. “Well, that’s also me.”


She blinked but made no response. “Alright; I’m done with you. Are you ready for the second?”


Andrew glanced at the man still watching them. “Eh, do you have a changing room? I’d be a bit more comfortable there.”


Annie glanced at her Tamer, who nodded. “It’s alright mate. I know Gender Dust is a thing, I don’t judge.” He smiled. “It makes such damned good business!”


They shared a laugh as Annie led Andrew down a short hallway and opened a door. “Here we go. I’ll have to ask you to strip; I could take your measurements in those clothes at first because they’re well-fitting, but I doubt they’ll stay that way.”


Andrew nodded. “You’d be right.” He sighed and slipped off his shorts and t-shirt. “Do you get this a lot?”


She shook her head. “It’s a special case, but we do get a few every once in a while. You’re the first to freely admit that the clothes were for you.” She looked at him expectantly. “Well?”


Andrew sighed and dug through his shorts pockets. “One moment.” He pulled out Adria’s skin and spun it around him. “Alright, there.”


Annie poked his underwear. “You gonna take those off?”


Andrew blushed. “Is that really necessary?” He glanced down at his groin. “Ah. I hadn’t realized that they were almost falling off anyways.” He slid them down and stared at the ceiling. “Could you hurry up, please?”


Annie chuckled but complied. “Do you mind if I ask what happened?”


Andrew shrugged. “I’m a mage. A Groaning took a liking to me. I made the arrangements.” He glanced back down. “Are you finished?”


Annie unwrapped the tape from his breasts. “Yep. You said you ‘made the arrangements’?”


Andrew nodded and peeled the sealskin off him. “Yea. I made this thing for her. It’s more or less a Selkie’s skin, but it… operates slightly differently.”


She chuckled. “Well, that’s refreshing, having a Tamer who actually cares about her.” She gave him a smile. “You can put your clothes back on.” She waited for him but stopped him when he moved to the door. “You are not safe.”


Andrew blinked. “Pardon?”


The Seamstress shook her head slightly. “We’ll be in touch. There have been developments that may concern you.” Her face returned to a smile. “Let’s go get this order processed, shall we?”


Andrew stood for a few moments before following her back into the store, where an Enchantress was chatting with Claire. Turning, they both greeted him.


“Oh, there you are Andrew. Victoria here was just telling me what she does to get the special clothes they sell. Apparently her Tamer studied shape-changing magic at Vale, and he’s taught her a few things.” Claire laughed. “Hey, maybe he could tutor you, huh? You and Lyn.”


Andrew smiled slightly. “Maybe.” He turned back to Annie. “When do I pay?”


She shook her head and disappeared into the back room. “Give us a few minutes and you can take the clothes with you. Or you can come back and pay for them in a few hours.”


Andrew shrugged and yelled back. “We’ll come back in a few hours. I need to get some other errands done.”


Victoria nodded at him. “See you later.” She watched him pull Claire out of the store before turning and entering the back room. “He’s gone. What is the latest order?”


The man was sitting there, holding his com stone. “Roth just got off the line. According to her sources, the Goths attacked the PLC Agent that was handling that man. We need to make contact today.”


Victoria nodded. “Well then, we’d better get his clothing ready.” She glanced at Annie. “Feel up for some fun during the festival?”


The Seamstress grinned. “I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”










<17:00, Shrewsbury>


Andrew laughed. “I haven’t been to a real festival since… Well, for a while.” He pulled at Grace’s arm. “Come on, let’s go get the clothing I ordered and challenge the gym so we can enjoy the night, huh?”


Grace snorted. “Will there be alcohol?” She rolled her eyes at Andrew’s pout. “I’ve barely been able to sneak any lately with you watching me all the time.” She blinked. “Uh, I mean, you’ve been keeping me so sober, it sucks.” She grinned uneasily at him. “Heh.”


Andrew sighed. “I have no problem with alcohol. I have a problem with an alcohol addiction. Which is what your breed is known for.” He shook his head. “Fine. I’ll make an exception tonight. After the gym, you can cut loose.” He glared down her smile. “Alcohol has no place on the battlefield.”


She shrugged. “Yea, yea. Oh, we’re here.” She said, stopping outside the clothing store.


Andrew pushed the door open and gave Grace a ‘We’ll talk later’ look before turning to the counter. “Hey, Victoria. Is my order ready?”


The Enchantress nodded. “Yup. Why’d you need it on such short notice?”


Andrew smiled. “Challenging the gym tonight.”


Victoria laughed. “Good luck with that!” She saw that he was serious. “Oh, dear. The day of the full moon is notoriously hard on challengers.” She grinned. “Maybe you’ll be the exception?”


Andrew frowned. “Why would…? Ah.” He sighed. “Well, that will be fun, but I already have an appointment, so I have to go through with it.” He held out his pokedex. “Here you are.”


Victoria took it and processed the transaction. “And here you are.” She said, handing him back the ‘dex on top of a folded pile of cloth. “Two sets of variable clothing, wear-resistant. Good luck.” She added, waving them out the door.


Andrew nodded and headed out the door, making a turn towards the gym. “Alright. You remember what we talked about at lunch?”


Grace nodded. “I’m pretty much our trump card, since Shrewsbury specializes in Normal and Fighting types. Like Coventry, it’ll be Claire and I.” She glanced at him. “What are you going to do if they want a three-girl battle?”


Andrew shrugged and pulled open the gym doors. “I’ll figure something out.” They walked over to the receptionist and Andrew pulled out his pokedex. “I have a 5:30 challenge slot.”


The Ingenue behind the desk nodded at him. “Someone will be out shortly, sir.”


Andrew thanked her and headed for a seat. “By the way, do you have a restroom here?”


The girl smiled slightly. “Yes, through the hallway next to the desk here, and the restrooms are clearly marked.”


Andrew nodded and turned around. “Thanks.”






Andrew looked up when the doors opened and a despondent young man was ushered out. “See you next month, Jack!” Called the GA behind him. Andrew stood and walked towards him as the other Tamer left the building.


“He’s a regular?” Andrew asked curiously, following the GA into a battle arena.


The man nodded. “Yup. He only challenges us on the night of the Festival, for some reason. Says he’s gotta do it for his honor or some crap.” He grinned at Andrew. “Names Zac, by the way. I’m pretty surprised to see you here; almost like you rushed here from Coventry so you could challenge us tonight.” He looked at Andrew curiously. “Did you?”


Andrew shook his head. “Unfortunately, no. I was unaware of your… Statistics on this night of the month.” He grimaced. “But I’ve made my bed so I’ve got to lay in it, too.”


Zac laughed. “Well said. Well, it’s going to be a three on three, free substitutions.”


Andrew nodded. “Alright then.” He threw up his hands in exasperation. “Why can’t I get one easy challenge!”


He heard a laugh from behind him. “Because that wouldn’t be a gym battle, now would it?” Andrew turned to see the man from the clothing shop.


“Well isn’t that interesting. Are you going to be the ref for us?” He asked.


The man nodded and shook Andrew’s hand. “Call me John. I help out here at the gym and asked to be ref because of, ah, the reason of your patronage at my shop.” He grinned at Andrew. “I was curious.”


Andrew chuckled. “That’s fair. So, we doing this?” He asked, turning back to Zac.


He nodded. “Yea. Enter the arena and we’ll get started.”


Andrew walked to the challenger platform and waited for Zac. “I hope you’ve trained with your Leader. Otherwise I might catch you off guard.”


Zac laughed. “Now I’m intrigued. Let’s see if you still feel the same way after you see why the gym has such a high win rate on this night, every month!”


John glanced at them. “GA Zac, are you ready?” He waited for Zac’s nod. “Challenger Andrew, are you ready?” Andrew nodded. “Alright. This will be a three vs three battle, free substitutions. Begin!”


Both triggered their capture beams simultaneously, Andrew releasing Claire, Zac releasing a swathed pokegirl which immediately took up a defensive stance opposite the winged Valkyrie.


“So, are you ready to see what’s so special about this gym?” Zac called, pushing a button.


Andrew glanced up as gears began to grind, slowly revealing the night sky, the full moon hanging above them like a second sun. “You would tip me off this early?” He called back.


Zac grinned. “Nial, go.”


Andrew whipped his head back down in time to see the pokegirl disappear into a widening shadow cast by the moonlight. “Shit. Claire, she’s a Kunoichi. Watch your back.” He cast his eyes around and grimaced when he noticed the lattice of steel beams above them. “This entire arena is set up for the full moon.”


Claire kept her eyes forward. “Even though I can hear you, so can our enemy. Did we not practice our telepathy for this purpose?”


Andrew sighed. “If they think we can only communicate verbally, our Delta-bond will take them by surprise.” His eyes suddenly widened. “Behind you!”


Claire spun around and deflected a shuriken off her sword, glaring at the ninja pokegirl. “You’re going to be difficult, aren’t you?” She hissed. She cursed and returned to watching the arena when Nial melted back into the shadows. “I’ll take that as a yes.” She glanced back at Andrew. “Ideas?”


Andrew surveyed the beams crisscrossing the roof. “It’s really too bad you haven’t learned any light magic yet. Even Lyn’s little spell would help us here.” He looked back at Zac. “He’s on a microphone. Be careful, and try to stay away from anything in shadow.”


She nodded and hovered towards the center of the arena. “I’m going to have to let her hit me, aren’t I?”


Andrew sighed. “Either that and counter attack, or try to find her using Heaven’s Wheel. Unless you think you can spread a Feather Shuriken widely enough.”


Claire’s eyes narrowed. “I won’t know until I try.” She replied and began charging Ki in her wings.


Andrew continued scanning. “If this is what you start with, I can see why challengers have so much trouble.” He yelled at Zac.


Zac shrugged. “Nial’s still in training.” He blinked and suddenly started talking quickly into his mic.


“Claire! Heads up!” Andrew yelled.


Claire smirked. “Too late.” She replied, unleashing the Feather Shuriken into every corner of the arena below. “Ha!” She yelled, immediately changing to a cry of pain.


Andrew’s eyes widened when Claire cried out and staggered forward, her armor shimmering into existence as she whirled around, slicing her katana in the position she had just occupied. She was rewarded with a panicked yell from Zac and a scream from Nial as she was thrown back from Claire, the Valkyrie breathing heavily and holding her shoulder, where Andrew could see blood leaking from a deep slash. “Well played, but I think Claire got the better of that exchange.” Andrew called. “Don’t let her recover!” He urged.


Claire nodded and dove for the Kunoichi, exchanging a whirl of blows that sent the ninja pokegirl flying backwards. Before Nial could teleport again Claire was up against her and rent a slash across the Kunoichi’s chest with a victorious yell.


Which changed to one of confusion as Nial’s body shimmered and changed to a blow-up doll, the tattered halves falling away from each other.


Andrew watched the decoy fall. “She’s injured. Find her!” He watched Zac tersely while Claire swept the arena. He was speaking swiftly into the microphone and kept glancing down by his podium. Andrew followed his gaze and noticed a small drip of blood.


He quickly realized and glanced upwards at the latticework. “Claire! Prepare a Heaven’s Wheel above the roof. Make it pepper the beams.” He pretended to scan the arena while Claire stopped moving and began gathering Ki again, seeming to be charging another Feather Shuriken. “She avoided your last attack because she teleported above you. I think she’s up there again.”


Claire nodded and slowly raised her katana until it pointed to the roof, energy slowly gathering in it. “I’ll take your word for it. We don’t want the roof collapsing, right?”


Andrew shook his head slightly. “No, that would be bad. Avoid it if you can.”


Claire grinned savagely as her eyes began to glow. “No promises.” Snapping her wings back she swung her Katana in a wide arc, ending the swing with her sword pointed straight down. “Ame Ken!”


Andrew blinked “When did you-?” He started to ask, but was cut off by Nial’s scream as the Kunoichi slid from the ceiling with multiple daggers sticking out of her body.


“NIAL!” Zac roared, quickly triggering the return beam before she could impact the ground. Breathing heavily he glared at Andrew. “What the hell was that?”


Andrew looked up from where he was inspecting Claire’s shoulder. “You’ve never seen a Valkyrie summon weapons before?” He nodded at Claire. “It didn’t cut any muscle, so you should be able to use the arm. How do you feel?”


Claire opened her mouth to respond but was cut off by Zac’s angry retort. “That shouldn’t be possible for a pokegirl of that level! Is your profile a lie?”


Andrew sighed. “It is not a lie. You should not underestimate your opponents.” He stared Zac in the eyes. “Or are you forfeiting this match?”


Zac’s face set and John raised his flag. “Nial has been recalled. Point to Andrew.” He glanced at Zac. “Are you done?”


The GA nodded. “You’re right, Andrew. I should not have underestimated you.” He selected another pokeball. “Congratulations.”


Claire nodded at Andrew and took her position in the arena. “You don’t scare us.”


John chuckled nervously. “He should. Tamer Andrew, are you ready?” He blinked at Claire’s determined nod. “Uh… Assistant Zac, are you ready?” Zac nodded slowly. “Begin!”


Claire took a defensive stance and waited for her opponent to materialize. Andrew narrowed his eyes when a tall pokegirl appeared and began peering around the arena. “Uh, Zac? What’s going on?” She asked.


Zac grimaced and pointed at Claire. “That Valkyrie took down Nial. Very easily.”


The new pokegirl narrowed her eyes and settled into a fighting stance. “I thought I wasn’t going to be fighting tonight.”


Zac chuckled. “Sorry, Dania. Tori and Vera wouldn’t have been able to handle this.” He sneered at Andrew. “Now then, let’s get this over with and enjoy the festival, yes?”


Andrew frowned. “Claire. Distance.”


Zac grinned. “You may have some special abilities, but this gym is my home turf. This entire arena was built around me.” He called, and pointed at the ceiling, where the moon still shone bright. “Tell me, can you see in the dark?”


Andrew glanced up and cursed when he saw the cloud of darkness begin to spread. “Claire! Evasive! NOW!” He whipped his head back down in time to see the smirking Dania slip into the pitch black shadow that had begun to spread across the arena floor. “Stay off the ground. Whatever you do, don’t engage!”


Claire hovered. “I can’t see a thing. I need you to guide me.”


Andrew looked around wildly at the darkened arena. “The trainer podiums are still lit, but I can’t see a thing in the arena. Stay at least ten feet off the ground.” His eyes widened as a soulful howl echoed around them. “Scratch that! Climb! CLIMB!”


Claire grunted and began to rise swiftly. “I can’t see! I might hit the ceiling!”


Andrew cursed. “Orient yourself with me! Double your height with my podium.”


He could hear Claire’s voice. “Alright, I’m – ANDREW!”


“Claire!” She didn’t respond. “CLAIRE!”


“SHE GRABBED ME!” Came the panicked response. “Covering my- OOF!”


Andrew smashed his fist against the railing. “Serrated armor! DO IT!”


He winced at the sounds of steel sliding between bone as Claire activated her spiked pauldrons. “Are you-“ He started to say but was cut off as two screams of pain resonated through the gym. Claire falling back to a position in front of him.


“I’m alright.” She whispered. “Just… A scratch.” Andrew winced as blood dripped down her stomach. “She grabbed me and covered my mouth. I think she kicked me in the stomach a few times, too.”


Andrew looked up as the dark cloud began to recede. “Here we go. Let’s see if you got any damage in.” He scanned for Dania. “Where is she…”


Claire suddenly screamed as she was yanked downwards. Andrew rushed to the edge of the arena and gasped at the figure that stood there holding her against the wall.


The Lupina was an easy eight feet tall in her battle form, and the blood that matted her paws only gave her a more sinister appearance. She glared up at Andrew. “Surrender.” She spat, clenching the fist around Claire’s neck, who struggled feebly.


Andrew grimaced. “Claire, can you hear me?” When she didn’t respond he triggered the return beam on her pokeball, glaring at Zac the whole time. “That wasn’t quite fair.”


Zac chuckled. “Neither was your Valkyrie.”


Andrew’s face set. “Fair enough.”


John raised his flag. “Claire has been recalled. Point to Zac.” He looked to Zac as Dania plodded her way back to his side of the arena. “Are you ready?” He turned to Andrew at Zac’s nod. “Tamer Andrew, are you ready?” Andrew nodded and held up Grace’s pokeball. “Begin!”


Andrew released Grace. “Keep your distance.”


The Mini-Top materialized and tugged at her vest. “What’s the damage?”


Andrew kept a wary eye on Dania. “One and one. Opponent is a Lupina; highly leveled.” He glanced down at her. “Weapons free.”


Grace squealed in glee and unslung her rifle. “Really? You mean it?” She clapped excitedly at Andrew’s nod. “Ohhh, I can’t wait to use my new toy!” She smiled disarmingly at the wary Lupina. “You want to see my new toy?”


Zac frowned. “A rabbit against a dog. And here I thought you were smarter than this.”He motioned Dania forward. “Don’t let her keep you at range.”


Grace pouted at him. “Now that’s not very nice.” She took aim at the approaching Lupina. “I may have to punish you for that.”


Dania ducked as Grace unleashed a hail of bullets, violently swerving as she began to pick up speed towards the Mini-Top. It was nearly impossible for Grace to miss such a large target, however, and multiple wounds opened up across the Lupina’s arms and chest before she could reach the grinning Mini-Top. “Come here, you bitch.” She snarled, extending her arms in an effort to Takedown her opponent.


Grace sighed and sprang upwards as the Lupina reached her. “And here I thought you were going to be cooperative.” She grabbed one of the grenades on her vest. “Here, play with this instead! Fetch!”


Dania lept away from the grenade, which exploded behind her as she pursued the wildly leaping Mini-Top. “Come back here, damnit!”


Grace shook her head and primed two more grenades. “Sorry, just having some fireworks!” She called, chucking them in Dania’s path. One missed, but the other exploded just in front of the charging Lupina, staggering her. Grace took the opportunity to land and plant a solid kick to the wolf ‘girl’s sternum, following it up with a rapid Pummel which Dania countered, leaving the two girls in a faceoff, both trying to catch their breath.


Dania winced and rubbed her chest. “That stung, you know.”


Grace shrugged. “Eh. I went easy on ya.” Andrew could hear the false bravado in her voice. “You barely touched me.”


The Lupina grit her teeth. “Yea? Dodge this.” She spat, sweeping Grace’s legs out from under her and going for a headbutt.


“Oh shit!’ Grace cried as she started to fall. Suddenly she twisted slightly and smirked at her opponent. “…Just kidding.”


Dania yelped as Grace used her momentum and spun around, driving a Mega Punch squarely between the Lupina’s shoulder blades, who fell to the ground.


Grace landed heavily and got up slowly. “Ouch…” She muttered, glancing at her opponent, who hadn’t moved. “Score one for the rabbit.” She turned towards Andrew. “There! Happy now?”


Andrew shrugged. “Good-.” He froze when Dania suddenly dove at Grace. “6 O’CLOCK!”


Grace attempted to turn but was grabbed before she could react. “Don’t underestimate me, cunt.” Dania spat blood in Grace’s face. “Since you seem to love jumping so much, I’ll show you how much fun FLYING is!”


Grace screeched in panic when the Lupina began spinning her around. “Let go you BITCH!” She yelled, attempting to pull her pistol from its shoulder sheath.


Dania cocked her head. “Let go? Okay!” She replied cheerfully, catapulting Grace head first into the wall of the arena, where she sat, stunned. The Lupina chuckled and stepped towards her, only to freeze and fall to her knees. “Ah… Shit.” She muttered as a cough shook her body. “She fucking penetrated a lung.”


Zac grimaced. “Finish her off!”


Grace stood up slowly and looked at Dania. “Well, that’s interesting.” She took a deep breath but staggered slightly. “Woop, I need to sit down.” She gazed at the twitching Lupina. “Hey, did I win?”


John waited a few second before raising both his flags. “I’m calling this round a draw. Point to both-“ He was cut off by Grace’s angry yell.


“Hey! I’m still standing over- Oh, shit.” She muttered, tripping and landing face first on the ground. “…Never mind.”


John chuckled and continued. “As I was saying, point to both Andrew and Zac. Recall your pokegirls.”


Dania and Grace shared a final look before Andrew and Zac recalled them. “Well. This is going a lot differently than I had hoped.” Zac called, tapping the railing. “Unfortunately, I’ve read your profile. Your only hope was to beat me in two.” He grinned. “To give you a reference, Dania was level 29. Nial was my weakest in this battle at level 18. My last ‘girl is level 20. She’ll be way too much for either your Witch or Naga.” He smirked. “Would you like to forfeit?”


Andrew shrugged out of his jacket. “Who said I would be using my Witch or Naga?” He asked, pulling his t-shirt off to reveal the training clothing he had changed into in the lobby. “I have five pokegirls.”


Zac frowned. “Your profile only registers four pokegirls. So you’re saying it is a lie?” He blinked when Andrew started taking off his shorts. “Uh, what are you doing?”


Andrew shook his head. “I guess I need to manually update it. One sec.” He replied, fiddling the device. “There.”


Zac pulled out his own pokedex. His eyes narrowed. “A Groaning? What is this?”


Andrew shrugged and pulled out his sealskin. “She doesn’t have a pokeball, so I guess it doesn’t automatically update my profile.” He stretched and nodded to John. “Here’s your curiosity being answered.”


John laughed. “Well now. You seem to be preparing to enter the arena, but this battle has not been classified as a Grand Melee.” He winked at Andrew. “Choose a pokegirl.”


Andrew grinned back. “I already have.” He twirled the sealskin and looked expectantly at Zac. “Well?”


Zac shook his head. “If the referee allows whatever you’re doing, I guess I have to as well.”


John nodded. “Alright! Tamer Andrew, are you ready?” Andrew shrugged and motioned towards Zac with his hand. “Assistant Zac, are you ready?” Zac nodded. “Begin!”


Zac triggered the release and watched Andrew as he vaulted into the arena. “Well?”


Andrew watched another near human pokegirl materialize. “I can read between the lines. She isn’t going to fool us.” He replied, twirling the sealskin onto his body. “Now, then.” Came the newly feminine voice, “Shall we begin?”


Zac glared. “Just because you’re cursed doesn’t mean-“ He paused when John held up his hand.


“Zac, please use your pokedex.” He said, watching Andrew with interest. “You might be surprised.”


Zac grumbled but scanned Andrew. “Well then. Groaning. Tell me, Andrew, what are you?”


Andrew laughed from where he was watching what was going on from inside his head. “While I would love to keep this up, let’s get this over with. It should be an easy battle for you.” He winked at the astral projection of Adria. “First real combat together. Let’s do it.”


Adria nodded and settled into a fighting stance. “Sir, my name is Adria. Andrew is a human; I am his pokegirl.” She smiled slightly and gazed at him with her now pitch-black eyes. “Shall we begin?”


John glanced between Adria and Zac. “Well, if you’re quite done, we have already started the battle.”


Zac laughed. “I never thought I’d get a fight this interesting.” He grinned at his pokegirl. “Tori, Dania was required in this battle. You don’t have to pretend.” He glanced upwards at the rising moon. “And besides, you’re about to hit your peak.”


Tori grinned and Adria blinked when her teeth sharpened to fangs. “If you insist, sir.” She purred, striding towards the Groaning. With each step she grew slightly taller and fur began to sprout on her exposed skin.


Adria stepped backwards. “Well, that’s unfortunate.” She muttered. Glancing behind her she pressed her back against the Arena wall.


The Werecat grinned and growled as her form shifted completely to her alternate form, now towering above the wary Groaning. “Now then. Shall we?” She hissed and darted forwards.


Adria shrugged and let Tori punch her. “Yea, not going to happen.” She said as Tori’s fist went through her stomach. “Gonna have to do better than that.”


The Werecat narrowed her eyes and raised her other fist, which began to glow softly with moonlight. “How about this?” She asked with a purr.


Adria’s eyes widened. “Ah, yes, that would do it.” She replied, throwing herself to the side to avoid the Moon Strike.


Tori snickered and pursued Adria. “Where’s the bravado now?” She called. “Stand and fight!”


“What the hell are you doing?” Andrew hissed. “Fight!”


“I don’t really know what to do! Like, just start getting physical?” Adria replied. “I don’t want to get you hurt!”


Andrew laughed. “I’ll be fine. Now, fight!”


Adria skid to a halt and turned to face Tori with her fist cocked. “Let’s go, then!” She cried, abruptly vanishing when the Werecat got close.


Tori slowed and chuckled. “Can’t hide from me.” She called, closing her eyes and slowly turning. “There you are!” She cried and dove forward, intent on landing a hard blow to the invisible Groaning.


Adria shimmered back into view with a Ghost Blade formed in each hand. “Bad call.”


Tori snapped her eyes open as Zac cried out in warning and attempted to block Adria’s attack, but shrieked in pain when the flickering shadow blades cut streaks in her arms. “Oh, that’s fucking rude.” She spat, covering herself in a Cocoon of Darkness.


Adria chuckled and darted around the motionless Werecat, slashing at her cocoon. “Oh please. Who’s trying to hide now?”


Zac growled and began talking rapidly into his headset. Suddenly, Tori burst upwards and clung to the wall, away from Adria. “Take this!” She cried and fired a Dark Bomb into the Groaning, who screamed and fell backwards.


Adria panted and glared at the Werecat. “Come down.”


Tori purred and readied another Dark Bomb. “No.”


Adria hissed and dispelled her blades, charging an Ecto Ball of her own. “Come down or I’ll scrape you off the wall like the insect you are.”


Tori glared and fired her Bomb, jumping towards the ceiling as she did. “Hit me now, bitch!”


Andrew sat up. “Gatling Ecto Balls. Knock her down!”


Adria sidestepped the Dark Bomb and began firing Ecto Balls at the Werecat, who swung from beam to beam like a monkey. “Stop messing around and fight me!”


Tori stopped momentarily to grin at the enraged Groaning. “Make me.” Adria grit her teeth and squinted into the moonlight, trying to get Tori’s position. Suddenly she gasped and began running back towards Andrew’s platform while Tori taunted her. “Ha! Always running, aren’t you?”


Adria turned to glance at the smirking Tori. “You stayed still too long.” She replied, plunging her hand into the shadow cast by the swaying Werecat, who shrieked in pain as her hand erupted into a bloody mist. Adria removed her Shadow Blade as Tori fell towards the arena floor. “And you talk too much.” She continued, darting to intercept.


“Tch.” Tori spat through grit teeth and spun around to land on Adria. “Dodge this!” She cried and charged a Moon Strike with her uninjured hand.


Adria sighed and stared into Tori’s eyes. “Don’t have to.” She replied, unleashing a Night Shade into the hapless pokegirl, who froze as the Ghost attack assaulted her, a drip of blood falling from her nose.


Adria used the momentary lapse to push Tori off of her. “Got anything more?”


Tori rolled over and panted slightly. “You… Bitch.” She said weakly. “That fucking hurt.”


Adria smirked and summoned another Ghost Blade. “Still talking? I can cut out your tongue, if you want…” She mused, hovering the writhing shadows over the Werecat’s head, who froze.


“Enough! I yield!” Zac yelled, vaulting into the arena. “Tori can’t win against you.”


Adria stepped back and let the shadows disperse. “Very well. I’ll give control back to Andrew.” She said and blinked, her eyes returning to Andrew’s blue.


Andrew coughed and peeled the sealskin off of himself. “I’ll never get used to that feeling.” He muttered, turning to Zac. “A good fight, sir.”


Zac shook his head and recalled Tori. “You’re the strangest challenger I’ve had in years. But I thank you.” He added, extending his hand. “It was a good fight.”


Andrew took Zac’s hand in a firm handshake. “Thank you for the opportunity; My ‘girls needed the experience.” He grimaced and rubbed his stomach. “But, ow.”


Zac burst out laughing. “Oh, dear. Well, you can definitely say you earned this.” He said, handing Andrew a badge with a moon superimposed on a blue background. “There you are. It’s a special gym badge that I give out to anyone who can beat me on the night of the full moon.” He grinned. “Congratulations.”


Andrew nodded. “Thank you. Now then, do you have healing facilities?” He gestured at the open roof, where the full moon was still bright in the sky. “I think we have a festival to go to.”


Zac chuckled and began showing Andrew out of the arena with John looking on. “You are quite an interesting man, Andrew Ranger.” He mused. “I can see why Roth is interested in you.” He turned his head slightly. “Good work tailing him here.”


A shadow in the corner of the room shifted slightly. “It is my job.”


John shrugged and began to make his way out of the gym. “I’ll be sure to put a good word in for you.”


The shadow flowed smoothly behind the walking man. “Are you not worried?”


John didn’t look back. “He will not attack us. If everything you reported is true, he will more likely be intrigued by us, and attempt to learn about what we want, before making a move.” He paused at the doors. “And if need be, well…” He trailed off. “He can always be eliminated.”







Andrew Ranger

Age: 27



Tamer: Y

Master Tamer: N

Researcher: N

Watcher: N

Breeder: N





England; Coventry, Shrewsbury






Active Harem:

Hauteclere – Valkyrie, Level 31 (Alpha)

Grace – Mini-Top, Level 33

Lyn – Witch, Level 16

Aella – Naga, Level 11


Adria – Groaning, Level 26






--Data from this point is classified, for PLC internal usage only--


Braxton ?



Active Harem:


Ashlon – ?????, Level 84