
          This work is fiction. The work is presented under fair protection where applicable.

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Chapter 11

Defying Fate




         Nessa pointed when she saw Nicholas sitting on a bench. “There he is.”




         Nicholas looked up. “Oh, Ness... wait. Miyuki? Was that you?”


         Miyuki came to a halt a few feet away. “Um... yeah. Hi.”


         Nicholas stared at her. The Eevee had a bag slung over her shoulder and had changed out of the battle uniform. Now she wore a short blue dress with open sides displaying her skin. “You’ve decided not to call me Master.”


         Miyuki let out her breath. “You are my tamer and my Master, but I think I want to just call you Nicholas, if that’s okay with you. With what we talked about... doing it the other way doesn’t feel right.”


         Nicholas nodded. “You’re standing taller, too. Do you want to share what happened?”


         Nessa glanced away to let Miyuki decide on her own. After a few seconds she shook her head. “I got my stuff. I said goodbye. I’m back with my Master.” She cracked a smile. “I’d like to get my mind off things.”


         “Then let’s find something to do,” Nicholas replied as he got to his feet.


         Nessa was still looking around from her earlier glance. “Where are Sera and Ryuko?”


         “Well... I had a bit of a talk with Ryuko, and after what happened in the dance theater, she needed some time to decompress. Sera is with her.”


         Nessa turned back to him. “What happened?”


         “Eh... the kimono girl didn’t give me much to go on, but she talked about fate, and how she’s judging me, and... well, I think Ryuko is struggling to understand what she’s supposed to do now. You would understand her best, Miyuki. She was raised and trained in an environment that glorified the legends of Johto.”


         Miyuki nodded. “I understand what you’re saying. She’s stuck in tradition.” She sighed. “So was I. But only barely. You broke me out with no problem.”


         “Yeah. I think Ryuko might be unable to break away from her old ways of thinking.” Nicholas gazed down the street. “You rebelled against the priestess stuff from the beginning, right? Ryuko accepted her ninja duties. There’s a pretty big difference.”


         “Hm.” Miyuki giggled. “You saved me, Nicholas. You can save her.”


         “She may not need saving,” Nicholas replied. “I don’t think holding a set of values is inherently wrong. But with Ryuko she’s too rigid. She was effectively crafted into a weapon and those values of unquestioning loyalty are translating into how she views me. The problem is that I do not view my pokegirls in that way.”


         “All pokegirls do that to some extent,” Nessa replied. “The four of us are all over the place. Ryuko to the extreme, Sera a bit less, I’m probably what most humans would call ‘normal’, and then there’s Miyuki.” She looked at the Eevee. “How about you?”


         Miyuki gazed at Nicholas. “I... I’m here because Nicholas promised to set me free.”


         Nessa blinked in surprise. “Literally? Or-“ she suddenly gasped. “Oh, crap. That was the private thing you were talking about.”


         Miyuki let out some nervous laughter. “It’s fine. Really.” She stepped forwards to take Nicholas’ hands and he stared down into her eyes as she spoke. “I’m not going anywhere. Because he’s already kept his promise. I just hope I can repay him.”


         Nicholas kissed her forehead. “There’s nothing you have to do, Miyuki. You don’t even have to fight if you don’t want to. I won’t force you.”


         Miyuki laughed. “What kind of pokegirl would I be if I didn’t fight?” Nicholas smiled when he saw her nervousness through the false bravado. “It’ll be fun.”


         “We’ll take it slow. Don’t be afraid to ask the others for help.”


         Miyuki swallowed and her hands squeezed his for a moment. “I... I will. Thank you.”


         “There are other ways to help the harem besides fighting,” Nessa called.


         The other two looked at her. “How?” Miyuki asked.


         “We still don’t have an Alpha.”


         Nicholas blinked. It was true, but... he looked down at Miyuki. There was a lot of uncertainty in her expression. “That’s something to discuss later, Nessa.”




         Miyuki let go of him and turned away. “I want to fit in first.”


         “You already do,” Nessa groaned. “Fine. Nicholas. Where to next?”


         “Once Sera and Ryuko return, I was thinking of doing a little sight-seeing.” Nicholas patted Miyuki on the shoulder. “Mind giving us a tour of the city?”


         Miyuki brightened at that. “Sure!”







         “There they are.”


         Sera and Ryuko flew in over the rooftops and quickly landed in front of the waiting group. Sera took a glance at Ryuko but didn’t speak, apparently to allow the Scyther to go first. When Ryuko didn’t speak either she looked at Nicholas. “We’re good.”


         Nicholas nodded slightly. Ryuko was definitely not good, with her distant stare and the way her eyes focused on the ground in front of him. She was struggling. “Ryuko?”


         Ryuko jerked up to meet his gaze. “M-Master?”


         “I understand that what that woman told us has shaken you. I’ve had many experiences with ancient pokegirls, that much is true. Whether or not the rest of the legend applies is up to debate.” He waited and continued when Ryuko didn’t move. “I don’t intend to seek them out. If it comes, it comes.”


         “Nicholas,” Nicholas glanced over at the quiet question from Miyuki, “what exactly happened in the theater?”


         “The woman in there greeted us, and I asked her why she was following me.” Nicholas returned his attention to Ryuko. “She spun a tale of her mistress, an ancient pokegirl that does not interact with humanity. And of a legend that there will be humans worthy enough to draw her attention.”


         Miyuki looked down. “I know the legend. And I know why Ryuko is so overcome.” She walked to the Scyther and patted her arm. “I see no eternal ones among us, do you? Only a human who has already bonded with one fits the legend.”


         Neither noticed Nicholas’ discomfort and Ryuko finally spoke. “Maybe not. But our Master is everything else the legends say. What good am I? A speck of dust compared to whatever fate will bring.”


         “I’m not just going to throw you away, no matter what pokegirl decides to show up,” Nicholas retorted. Miyuki shifted over to allow him access to Ryuko and he grabbed both of her shoulders. “Ryuko, for crying out loud, let GO. Haven’t you heard of the term ‘self-fulfilling prophecy’?”


         Ryuko shook her head. “No, Master.”


         “It means that you get so worried about an unavoidable fate you make it happen to yourself. Even if it wasn’t going to happen in the first place.” He squeezed her arms one last time before letting go. “I’m not throwing you away. Don’t do something to change my mind.”


         Ryuko gazed at him for a few moments before bowing her head. “Yes, Master.”


         “And you know what? If you’re so worried about being, and I quote, a ‘speck of dust’ compared to legendary pokegirls, then all we have to do is change that.” Nicholas looked around. “There’s a gym in this town. And the gym challenge is meant to strengthen pokegirls and tamers alike.” He looked back at Ryuko. “I got a good look at your skills in Goldenrod. I can work with you. That little speck will grow and grow until you are a boulder, unstoppably crushing the enemies in your path.”


         Sera clapped Ryuko on the back with a smile. “How about that, Ryuko?”


         The Scyther glanced between the people around her before growing a shy smile. “I don’t crush, Master. I prefer subtlety.”


         Nicholas laughed and stepped back. “All right, ninja girl. Then you will be my dagger, hunting those who avoid the avalanche of your sisters.”


         Ryuko’s eyes flared and her lips drew back in a mix of a smile and a snarl. “Hai,” she intoned.


         Sera was smugly looking at Ryuko’s back as Nicholas turned away and started marshaling the harem. I told you, she thought happily. Broken and now rebuilt.


         Ryuko felt the eyes on her back and turned. Sera continued smiling at her until Ryuko’s lips twitched into a smile of her own. The two shared a nod before moving to follow the rest of the group.







         “...and there’re some of the older buildings,” Miyuki finished. “Some of these have been here since the Brass Tower stood.”


         Nicholas looked off into the distance. “That tower there?”


         Miyuki glanced at where he was looking but shook her head. “No. That’s the Bell Tower. The Brass Tower burnt down a long time ago.” She gazed at the ornate structure. “Legend says two of the eternal ones lived here, one in each tower. One night there was a great storm and lightning struck the Brass Tower, burning it to the ground. Many pokegirls were killed in the blaze. The eternal one fled, and her sister who lived in the Bell Tower left.”


         Nicholas nodded. “And who were you supposed to serve?”


         Miyuki laughed. “Both. The legend that dancer told you, of a pure hearted human, has two different interpretations. A human who maintains their humanity, and one who embraces pokegirls. The legend is mirrored in the towers. The Brass Tower was a human place, always filled with worshippers and activity, while the Bell Tower is a pokegirl place, sequestered and impassable to any but the most daring humans.”


         “And the Brass Tower burnt to the ground...”


         “...as the bond was destroyed between humans and the eternal ones.”


         “Hmph.” Nicholas shook his head and turned back to Miyuki. “A good legend. Where are the remains of the Brass Tower?”


         Miyuki nodded down the road. “This way.”


         As Nicholas moved to follow he noticed Miyuki’s tail lift slightly. Suddenly he was treated to a show as Miyuki stretched, her tail lifting her skirt to display her panties before she flicked it happily and let her clothing settle once again.


         Nessa sidled up beside him as they continued to walk, shoving him playfully. “See something you like, Nick?”


         Nicholas grinned at her. “Maybe.”


         “I can do that too,” Nessa teased. She tried to waggle her tail but only succeeded in swinging it around a bit. A far cry from the natural motion Miyuki had shown. “Shit.”


         Nicholas chuckled and wrapped her in a quick hug. “Your tail is a heavy slap in the face compared to hers. But I love them both.”


         Nessa hummed happily. “Thank you.”


         Miyuki glanced back at the commotion. “Is everything all right?”


         Nicholas grinned at her. “Just admiring your ass. Carry on.”


         Miyuki took two seconds to process his words and when she did her face instantly began to flush red. Nicholas laughed when she whirled, grabbing at her skirt and trying in vain to pull it over her tail. “Aw, come on! I was enjoying the view!”


         Miyuki stopped and glared at him. “You’re embarrassing me!”


         “Good. I think you’re cute when you’re flustered.”


         Miyuki’s blush had taken over her face now and she whirled away. Nicholas had to increase his pace almost to a jog just to keep up with the quick stepping Eevee.


         After a few minutes Miyuki whirled, her face still flushed and eyes averted. “Here.”


         Nicholas slowed down next to her and looked. The ruins of the Brass Tower stood barely a story tall, but the burnt and blackened building didn’t look dilapidated. The opposite, actually. It looked almost as if the structure had been built to appear like a burnt down tower.


         “It doesn’t look ruined at all,” Nicholas said in surprise. “Burnt and all that sure, but not ruined.”


         “It can’t be rebuilt, but it shouldn’t be abandoned, either,” Miyuki explained without looking at him. “It is taken care of just as carefully as the Bell Tower. These days it is called the Burnt Tower.”


         “Preserving the legend.”




         Nicholas nodded. “Sometimes it takes tragedy to bring change.”


         Miyuki slowly looked at him. Nicholas held her gaze until the Eevee barely nodded. “If the fire had never happened, the Brass Tower would still be here.”


         “There would be no legends.”


         Miyuki finally broke into a smile and turned to look at the tower. “I might have never been chosen as a priestess.”


         “If your gods lived among you, wouldn’t everyone be one?” Nicholas reached over and scratched the base of her ears affectionately. “I’m sorry for embarrassing you.”


         Miyuki leaned into his touch. “I forgive you.”


         Ryuko carefully got Nicholas’ attention. “Master... these things you say. Even though you claim that you do not know Johto’s customs, you speak as if you do.”


         “Sorry. I guess there are similarities between here and my home.” Nicholas was still stroking Miyuki as he gazed up at the Burnt Tower. “In Alola, there are legendary pokegirls that protect the islands, just like the legend of the two pokegirls here. I guess... I guess I was just talking about what I know.”


         “Wait. If you’ve lived around legendary pokegirls before, is that why you’re so wary around others?” Sera asked curiously. “Like that one in the forest. Celebi.”


         Nicholas sighed when both Ryuko and Miyuki whirled to him. “Sera, we hadn’t discussed that with Ryuko or Miyuki yet.”


         Sera purpled. “Oops.”


         “You have met the timeless one?” Miyuki gasped. “What was she like?”


         “Mysterious. I’m not interested.” Nicholas nodded at Ryuko. “Go ahead.”


         Ryuko snapped her mouth shut. “To speak so casually of this encounter, Master, you can only be a human of legend.”


         Nicholas rolled his eyes and pushed up the steps of the Burnt Tower, forcing the others to follow and momentarily abandon the conversation. “So I’ve graduated from being a great tamer to being a legendary one. Cool.”


         “Master Nicholas-“


         “I know you asked a question, Sera.” Nicholas stopped in front of the doors. “Legendaries only care about their own interests. When those interests align with the humans or pokegirls they live with, everything is fine. But when they don’t, there’s trouble. And only the legendary knows which there’s going to be.” He turned to the harem. “So no. I don’t trust legendary pokegirls. Not because I’m prejudiced against them, but simply because I can’t control what they do to me. They’re too powerful. A helpful legendary today might be destroying your town tomorrow.”


         “The timeless one wouldn’t... and my... they wouldn’t...”


         Nicholas looked at Miyuki as the Eevee struggled. “I’m sorry if I’m challenging your beliefs, Miyuki. I just... I have a different viewpoint than people here.”


         “The word you’re looking for is ‘capricious’.”


         Nicholas turned to the door. A man was holding it open and when Nicholas turned he gestured them inside. “I overheard some of your conversation. What region do you come from, where the legendary pokegirls and humans still live side by side?”


         “Alola,” Nicholas replied as he walked inside. “Isn’t it the same in Johto?”


         “Times change,” the man replied somberly. “We are still closer to them than most, but many have vanished, passing into story and legend instead of continuing through our daily lives.”


         “Who are you?”


         “My name is Eusine,” the man replied. “You might say that I am a scholar of history.”


         “Nice to meet you Eusine,” Nicholas said as he shook the man’s hand. “I’m Nicholas. By history, do you mean legendaries?”


         Eusine shook his head. “Yes, the legendary pokegirls are a large portion of the history I study; but I am not a pokegirl scholar. I study the legends that surround the pokegirls themselves.”


         “Huh.” Nicholas looked around the interior of the tower. “Is what Miyuki told me true, then? Did legendary pokegirls use to live in these towers?”


         “Used to and still do,” Eusine replied. “Though the original inhabitant has long since left, there are still some living legends that frequent Ecruteak.” He turned to the middle of the tower, where the supporting pillar had burnt away to create a gaping hole that stretched to the foundations. “In all of Johto, Ecruteak stands as the final bastion of tradition. It is here that all of her legends began, and where they still live to this day.”


         Nicholas stepped up beside Eusine. “Will you tell me some of them?” He smiled when Eusine turned to him. “You sound like you’re very passionate about what you know, and I would love to learn more.”


         Eusine smiled back. “What would you like to hear?”


         “I want to know about the legendaries that used to live in the towers.”


         Eusine nodded. “Ho-oh and Lugia were their names. The guardians of sky and sea.”


         “Kanto has legends about the sea as well,” Nicholas replied. “Legendary bird pokegirls.”


         “Ah, you speak of Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres,” Eusine said with a smile. “It is true. Legends say they sustain the rivers that feed the oceans, correct?”


         “Something like that.”


         “There is an extraordinarily interesting hierarchy between legendary pokegirls,” Eusine explained. “For the trio you mention, legends tell of how Lugia presided over them. Lugia commanded the seas and sky together, forming great typhoons that the trio of bird pokegirls could not hope to outmatch. And so they served Lugia, forming rivers to feed her oceans.”


         “Wow,” Nicholas murmured. “So, basically, the legendary birds of Kanto are like... weaker legendaries?”


         “You could say that, but I’d do it quietly,” Eusine chuckled.


         “So Lugia created the oceans, and-“


         “Lugia did not create them. She only held control over them,” Eusine interrupted. “Even Lugia herself, powerful enough to hold dominion over other legendary pokegirls, was not the most powerful.”


         Nicholas nodded. “Who created the oceans, then?”


         “Now we are getting a bit off track, but legends say a pair of pokegirls created the land and sea alike, as two of the first pokegirls to exist,” Eusine replied. “I believe the one that would have created the oceans was named Kyogre.”


         “The first being whoever created them.”


         “Most likely,” Eusine said. “I admit, I have only extensively studied the legends of Johto.”


         “Different regions have different legends?” Nicholas asked in surprise. “Wouldn’t a pokegirl that supposedly created the entire world be, well, a global legend?”


         “The legends we speak of are human creations, and they break down over time,” Eusine explained. “In Johto, there are legends that are fresh, and those were reinforced, eventually being immortalized here.” He shook his head. “Don’t you have the same, in this region you come from? And now we are getting extremely off-topic. Didn’t you want to learn about the legendaries of the towers? We’ve only touched on Lugia.”


         Nicholas grinned sheepishly. “Sorry. I guess I’m just as passionate about this as you are.”


         Eusine laughed. “Let me finish, and then I will take you to meet my friend. He is also a passionate scholar, but you may be able to relate to him even better than I can - he’s a tamer just like you!”


         Nicholas chuckled back. “Sure.”


         “Right. We have spoken of Lugia, who roosted in the Brass Tower, here. Her sister is Ho-oh, who roosted in the Tin Tower.”


         “Tin Tower?”


         “The one that still stands.”


         Nicholas frowned and turned to Miyuki. “I thought you said it’s called the Bell Tower.”


         “That is what it is called now, but when both towers still stood it was known as the Tin Tower,” Eusine said. “Is this the Miyuki you said told you about the legendaries that once lived here?”


         Miyuki bobbed her head. “Yes, sir.”


         “An Eevee?” Miyuki nodded again and Eusine smiled. “It makes sense that she knows of the legend. After all, she’s part of it.”


         Nicholas blinked. “What?”


         “We’re getting there.” Eusine turned back to the burnt out hole. “Back when the towers still stood, and Ho-oh and Lugia still lived in them, they interacted with the citizens of Ecruteak almost daily. Humans and pokegirls would live within the towers, protected by the legendaries above. Until one fateful night. The stories tell of a great storm, something beyond what had ever or would ever come again. During this storm, all manner of people and pokegirl clustered into the towers seeking refuge. But lightning struck the Brass Tower and fire caught. The structure burned, and with it burned dozens of unfortunate souls, unable to escape the tightly packed walls. Upon seeing the destruction of her tower, and the tragedy that had occurred, Lugia fled. Her sister, Ho-oh, made to flee as well. But before she left, she visited the smoldering remains of the Brass Tower.”


         Nicholas smiled when Eusine paused. The man was a natural storyteller. “Why? What did she do?”


         “Ho-oh landed in the charred remnants of the Brass Tower, and people say she wept. Mourning the lives lost, and mourning her sister, who had fled. Now, there are many variations on what occurred next. Some say Ho-oh’s tears soaked the ashes around her, infusing them with power, some say Ho-oh saw some dying pokegirls, some say that none of this occurred and the legend is actually two stories mixed together. But most agree that as Ho-oh knelt among the dead pokegirls light shone, slowly forming into three new forms. They are Entei, Raikou, and Suicune, and they serve Ho-oh just as the Kanto birds serve Lugia.”




         Eusine gazed down into the hole. “These are the ones I said still live here. There are scattered reports of people witnessing a strange pokegirl in the basement of the Burnt Tower. Sometimes she appears from a burst of flame. Sometimes, crackling like lightning. And sometimes water washes in before a woman steps from the waves. Ho-oh’s servants, still treading the ground they were born from.”


         “What does that have to do with Eevee?” Nicholas asked.


         “Ah, yes.” Eusine turned with another smile. “Didn’t you hear? Fire, electricity, and water. The most commonly evolved forms of Eevee are Flareon, Jolteon, and Vaporeon. Here in Ecruteak people believe that the original three pokegirls that were resurrected by Ho-oh were those three evolutions of Eeevee. Because of this, Eevee are celebrated here. Considered sacred.”


         Nicholas stole a sidelong glance at Miyuki. The Eevee was looking down at the floor, embarrassed, and he reached out to rub her ears affectionately. “Should I start bowing, Miyuki?” When she flinched Nicholas laughed and hooked his hand around her head, scratching the base of her ears for a moment before pulling her into a hug. “I know, I know. You’re not about all that.”


         Eusine was watching curiously. “Is there a story to be told?”


         Nicholas shook his head. “Miyuki is from here, but that’s all I think she’s willing to share. Miyuki?”


         Miyuki had nestled her head between his arm and body so her response came out muffled. “No.”




         Eusine nodded. “Then I will not pry. Well, that is the legend of the towers, and the origin of the pokegirls known as the legendary beasts.” He glanced back over his shoulder once more. “One day, I hope to catch my own glimpse of them. To be a part of the legend.” He shook his head and turned back to Nicholas. “But! My dreams are not your concern. Follow me. I think you’ll enjoy meeting my friend.”







         “He’s just in here,” Eusine called.


         The group walked through the door behind Eusine to see a blonde man looking up from a pile of books. “Eusine? Who have you brought me this time?”


         Eusine chuckled and gestured as the harem filtered in behind Nicholas. “This is Nicholas. He’s a tamer from a region where legendaries still walk among humans.”


         The man quickly got to his feet. “Is that so?”


         Nicholas was starting to introduce himself when Miyuki poked her head around him. “Mister Morty?”


         Morty blinked back. “Aren’t you- Miyuki? I thought you were staying in Goldenrod.”


         “I... I was,” Miyuki stammered. “But, um...”


         Morty’s eyes flicked back to Nicholas and he smiled. “But you changed your mind.”


         Nicholas looked between the two. “This is the Morty you were talking about?” He held out a hand to Morty. “You must be the gym leader, then.”


         Morty took it and shook. “I am. And you are?”


         Nicholas smiled. “Nicholas Topolski. Indigo League Champion.”


         Eusine made a startled noise and Morty laughed. “Well, well. What brings you to my city, Champion?”


         “Just Nicholas, actually,” Nicholas replied. “I’m not here as the Champion. I’m here as a challenger.”


         Morty glanced at the harem behind him and nodded. “I see. Was that why you got Eusine to take you to me? You’re looking for a challenge?”


         Nicholas shook his head. “I had no idea the friend Eusine was talking about was the gym leader. We were just talking about the legends of Ecruteak.”


         Eusine bowed his head slightly and backpedaled towards the door. “I’ll leave you two alone.”


         Morty gave the other man a slight wave before turning back to Nicholas. “I feel like there are many questions we can ask each other. Would you like to go first?”


         Nicholas shrugged. “Well, I’m mostly interested in the legends here because apparently I’ve caught the attention of a kimono dancer. They serve Ho-oh, correct?”


         Morty nodded. “They do, yes. And Miyuki would have been one, if she hadn’t run away.”


         Miyuki averted her eyes. “I’m not what they say I am.”


         “Miyuki, you are a strong-willed young pokegirl,” Morty responded gently. “You are everything they say you are, but that doesn’t mean you have do everything they tell you to.” He chuckled. “Case in point. You ran away.”


         “I still don’t know what that was supposed to be,” Nicholas said.


         “I was supposed to be the new high priestess,” Miyuki whispered.


         Nicholas’ eyebrows rose. “Huh.”


         “And you’ve caused quite a stir by rebelling,” Morty laughed. “There have been whispers among the clergy about whether you were the correct choice, or if your rebellion shows that the high priestess is no longer in Ho-oh’s favor.”


         “I don’t care,” Miyuki replied forcefully. “I don’t care what they think. I’m not going back.”


         Morty nodded. “That’s your choice to make. And I bet Nicholas will be able to support that choice.” He looked at Nicholas. “Isn’t that right?”


         Nicholas nodded back.


         “So. You’ve caught their attention as well, huh?” Morty asked. “What about?”


         “Some legend about humans that would catch Ho-oh’s attention.”


         Morty blinked. “Hm.”




         “That legend has been ignored for years.” Morty stroked his chin. “Maybe the high priestess is getting worried. Trying to force a miracle to solidify her position.”


         Nicholas shook his head. “I’m not interested in religious politics.”


         “I wasn’t asking you to be,” Morty replied. “Just musing. The legend has been muddled over the years, but it speaks of a tamer who is ‘pure of heart’. That is what Ho-oh left to search for after the destruction of the Brass Tower, supposedly.”


         “According to the dancer I met in the theater, the tamer of legend would ‘stand among the eternal ones’.”


         Morty snorted. “That’s one interpretation, yes. But that interpretation places more emphasis on the deeds of the human, instead of the values I believe Ho-oh is actually searching for. Though it makes sense why you’ve caught their eye.”


         “Right.” Nicholas decided not to mention Kali. Miyuki, Ryuko, and Morty would likely all interpret her existence as further proof that he was fulfilling the legend. He wasn’t interested. “Still, I’m not interested in dancing to this high priestess’ tune. And neither is Miyuki.”


         “I won’t press you,” Morty replied. “I myself follow Ho-oh, but I’m not like the ministry. Maybe because I’m just human.” He cleared his throat. “Anyways. I had a question for you. What region are you from, and...?”


         He was interrupted when Eusine burst through the door. “Morty!”


         Morty stopped. “Eusine? What is it?”


         Eusine leaned against the wall to catch his breath. “The tower. Fire.”


         “Fire? The Burnt Tower?”


         Eusine nodded, still trying to slow his gasps. “They... they’re here.”


         Instantly Morty was out the door, sending Sera into the wall as he blitzed through the surprised harem. Nicholas quickly checked the Golbat, making sure she wasn’t injured, before he followed Morty and Eusine outside.


         They didn’t catch up to the two men until the steps to the Burnt Tower. Eusine was sprinting up, Morty ahead of him taking the stairs two at a time. As Nicholas burst into the main tool he could see the men standing frozen on the edge of the hole.


         There were a few others clustered around the room, all staring down into the basement. As Nicholas got closer he looked down, but all he could see was the burnt out foundation.




         Morty pointed at a corner of the basement and finally Nicholas noticed a small line of fire flickering in the shadows. “There is nothing down there to burn.”


         Nicholas glanced around and tapped Morty’s shoulder. “That other corner. Water.”


         Morty looked over and nodded. “I see it.”


         A few minutes passed before Nicholas felt his hair stand up. With a crash of thunder a lightning bolt speared through the ceiling, playing out over the basement floor until a figure formed in the static. As it did the flames and water surged, swirling upwards to form two more figures that each acknowledged the others.


         Morty sank to his knees, staring down at the three legendary pokegirls. “Her servants.”


         Eusine was frozen at his side and Nicholas glanced at his harem. Nessa and Sera were interested, but he was looking at the other two. Miyuki was just as frozen as Eusine, though he thought he saw her trembling slightly. But Ryuko...


         There was a loud thud as the Scyther dropped to her knees. Ryuko’s fingers sank into her legs, her entire body shaking as she gazed at the three figures below them.




         Ryuko barely acknowledged Nicholas’ voice with a whisper. “Master.”


         “I could care less that they’re standing in front of us,” Nicholas murmured to her. “My opinion hasn’t changed. I will not be letting you go.”


         His quiet affirmation broke Ryuko out of her trance and she whirled to him with wide eyes. Nicholas gazed at her for a few seconds before extending his hand, drawing Ryuko to her feet.


         When he turned back to the hole he noticed that the three figures had become more humanoid. All three were similar, with majestic flowing hair that extended well beyond their bodies, but beyond their coloring there were a few major differences between the three legendary pokegirls. Raikou’s skin constantly crackled with electricity, and a whip-like tail flicked behind her with sparks arcing from it every few seconds. Entei’s hair flickered with flames and the same effect wreathed her body, and Suicune...


         Nicholas blinked. Suicune’s head was tilted slightly in his direction and as he glanced at her he swore he saw her eyes looking at him before the legendary turned back to her sisters. Why?


         He was still staring when he heard a curt command nearby. Nicholas turned to see a levitating metallic pokegirl next to a tamer and, after another command, the pokegirl lifted her hand, forming a fist and bringing it down into a door handle.


         “What the- hey!” Morty whirled from the hole and ran towards the vandals. “Get away from there!”


         The tamer glanced back and Nicholas’ eyes narrowed. John gave Morty a scathing look before turning back to the door. “Don’t try to stop me. I’m catching one of those pokegirls.”


         “Capture one of the eternal ones?” Ryuko let go of Nicholas’ hand and stepped towards John. “Foolishness. They are beyond being merely captured. Only a true tamer can even hope to bond with them.”


         “I swear, everywhere I go I hear preaching,” John snarled and turned back. When he saw Nicholas behind Ryuko he rolled his eyes. “Why am I not surprised. It’s you. Again.”


         “Don’t do this, John,” Nicholas warned. “You have no idea what you’re dealing with here.”


         “Oh, I think I do,” John replied. “I’m dealing with a handful of cowardly weaklings. I will accept only the strongest pokegirls in my harem, and those are some of the strongest pokegirls around.”


         John’s words triggered a memory and Nicholas slowly shook his head. “Even if you somehow succeed, you’re setting yourself on a dark path. You’ll be no better than Team Rocket.”


         John glared at him. “Of course I’ll be better. I’ll be stronger. Stronger than all of them!”


         “You’ll be their boss?”


         For some reason John went completely white when Nicholas said that. “N-no!” Nicholas blinked as John struggled. “I’ll be so strong I’ll defeat their boss!”


         “All you’re doing is following in his footsteps,” Nicholas replied. “Chasing legendary pokegirls. Threatening and extorting those weaker than you. From where I’m standing, you sound just like Giovanni.”


         “I am NOTHING like him!” John screamed. “I am sick and tired of you. Motoko! Blast this weakling and his pokegirls!”


         “MASTER!” Nicholas felt himself thrown back as Ryuko shoved herself in front of him. The metallic pokegirl, Motoko, slammed her hands together and sent sparks flying through the air. The analytical portion of Nicholas’ brain noted that an Electric-type was a horrible match for his harem but it was drowned out by his sudden and real terror when Motoko pulled her hands back apart and pointed them directly at Ryuko. Directly at him.


         Nessa was reaching for Nicholas when the current sank into Ryuko’s chest, sending the Scyther skipping across the floor. The electricity arced, jumping from Ryuko to Nicholas and into Nessa’s arm. All three crashed to the ground.


         Nicholas felt his vision flickering but before he lost consciousness he saw horror spreading across John’s face. A flash of red was the last thing he saw before he slipped into unconsciousness.








Tamer: Nicholas Topolski


         Zephyr Badge

         Hive Badge

         Plain Badge


         Nessa, Croconaw – Level 26

         Sera, Golbat – Level 26

         Ryuko, Scyther – Level 26

         Miyuki, Eevee – Level 21