Richard wasn't expecting to just see his target as soon as the doors opened. Andzral had run off the instant they had teleported into the area and was off on her own mission. His harem spotted Marco as well as the nine female around him and instantly wanted to retreat. The numbers were just too out of the favor. Slowly Richard started to make his way inside.


Marco's eyes burned with fury and locked onto Richard. "Arianna, take your team, get Kelly, rendezvous with Echo and leave." He growled out.


"But Colonel, shouldn't I stay and help?"


"Not in the mood to repeat myself, everybody but the harem, OUT!" No amount of the Cool Head blood gift was going to hold him back. "Just you, me, and the harems Spencer."


Arianna and the others were sprinting down the hallway to the wall Ariel mentioned earlier. The War Hound growled angrily with each step. She had the scent of that man and his harem engraved in her memory. She wanted to go back, she wanted to beg her colonel to let her take them apart piece by piece. But to her his orders were absolute and she would never disobey.


"Who was that, why was Marco so mad, what the hell is going on back there?" Asked Chris. Though she didn't know Marco all that well he appeared to be acting strange in her eyes.


"Richard Spencer, IGS, he's hunting the Colonel and is the owner of the Dark Lady that killed Henrietta."


Chris came to an abrupt halt. "What!? I'm going back!"


"I'll knock you out and drag you away first. I could smell the rage coming off the Colonel, no one is to interfere with what's going on back there. I would like nothing more than to turn back, but we will follow his orders. No matter how much I dislike it."


"Fine, but we better keep the Shadow League off his back."






Back at the arena the two men and their harems were staring each other down. Chesra and Carrie were feeding on the overflowing anger Marco was giving off, while Jean and Ashley could smell the tension. Finally Marco took a deep breath and let it out, he knew fighting angry would get him nowhere.


"I did warn you about what would happen if I ever saw you again... but you persist and continue to chase me."


"I'll tell you the truth then, I was hoping not to see you at all. I was called in to take care of a Team Rocket base, it just so happens that our paths have crossed again. It looks like you already have everything taken care of and far too many pokégirls for us to handle. So how bout this, I turn around and walk away, we pretend we never saw each other?"


"Not on your life, it's just the five of us. No one to interrupt this fight. I never want to see you again and the best way to do that is to make sure you're dead."


Gwyneth stepped in front of Richard. "Watch how you speak to my Master. We don't need you alive anymore, I will carve out your heart right here and bring it to the Gentleman on a silver platter."


Chesra took her place before Marco, her book hung from its chain on her side, her blade poised and ready to strike. "Silence you infernal whore. It is mine to avenge; I will repay. In due time their foot will slip; their day of disaster is near and their doom rushes upon them."


"Quote your scriptures all you like you self-righteous celestial bitch. I'll be happy to send you to join the bitch I killed back in Cerulesbian."


A blast of air shot past Marco and the sound of a scuffle was heard as a wall collapsed. Being that they were both difficult to see, no one noticed Carrie and Z-Ko edging closer to each other. Twin domes of darkness appeared and nothing could be seen inside. Valery left Richard's flank to assist her harem sister but just before she could get there she was tackled and knocked back by Ashley.


The Peekabu rolled onto her feet as electricity crackled around her. "No getting in the way, you get to deal with me."


"Figured you would fight Denise."


"You wish."


Marco was still locked on Richard, his girls could handle themselves. He had his own person to deal with. The wind began to pick up as Chesra and Gwyneth stared each other down, the two appearing to glow with an aura of their chosen alignment. In a blur they were gone, reappearing evenly between their masters, Chesra's sword crossed against Gwyneth's energy blade and both seeking blood. Only Jean and Denise were left at their master’s side.


"You wanna take this outside?" Asked Denise, her wings sparking with electric power.


"Fine by me, we'll give our Masters space to work out their differences.” She turned to Marco and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Give 'em hell... Master


He never took his eyes off Richard as he spoke. "I plan on sending him there at the very least. You be safe and come back to me."


"As you order." Jean started on her way to the open hanger door and made eye contact with Richard as she passed him. "Good luck."


Richard was dumb struck, he wasn't sure if she was joking or being serious. "Same to you."


Marco removed his gun and placed it in the poképack built into his vest. "I respect you just enough to not shoot you. We'll do this the right way; man to man, hand to hand."


Richard did the same before cracking his knuckles. "So you're dead set on doing this, no way to change your mind?"


"Unless you can bring back the girl that was taken from me, this is going to happen."


==== Flash forward====


Outside, the maze had disappeared and the moonlight had shine brightly from behind the clouds. Selena was still in the process of negotiating with Nilly when Arianna made her way out dragging the two Team Rocket trainers. Behind her was a very pissed off Kelly. Though she understood why they were told to leave she wanted in on the fight with Richard like the others did.


"Major, this is Ranger Nilly, SLOI Criminal Teams Task Force. She wants to know what the situation is."


"This entire operation is now classified under Need To Know. No one is to enter the premises until the Colonel gives the all clear." Off in the distance they could see bolts of lightning arching through the sky then trails of fire shooting out. Suddenly two beams of lightning appeared, one coming from the sky while the other flew off from ground level. Next was an earth shattering boom and the feeling of the ground quaking beneath them. In another part of the area fire appeared to rain down from a sky filled with lightning. "Fucking damn it."


"You? You're the Commanding Officer in charge of this group?" Nilly asked in a tone that was just bordering on sarcasm.


"Yes I am, you got a problem with that you can shove it up your ass. This isn't a police operation you stuck your nose into, it's a military one. And it's under control, so you can keep quiet and out of the way or you can be on your merry way. All the same, stay out of our way."


Nilly was taken aback by the stern and forceful reply, not to mention the rudeness. She looked back to Selena and Alexis who had heard the situation going on inside and wore looks mirroring Kelly's. "I didn't mean to offend you; we will stay over here till we can speak with the Colonel."


"See that you do."


Off to the side Kali was pacing back and forth. “You’re just going to let her talk to you like that?"


"She's the Commanding Officer on the scene and we're intruding. Yes, until things cool off I'm not going to press my luck. We can work things out later." Explained Nilly.


"Whatever is going on, it has the Cherub pissed off, and that’s a feat all on its own."


====End Flash Forward====




Carrie and Z-Ko




When the emergency lights came on the Penance immediately activated her Dark Goggles. Though she could still see perfectly well it enhanced her vision so she could make out the slightest movement in the darkened room. Then the hanger doors opened.


Her bond with her master was still forming but doing so quickly. He had shared many emotions with her; joy, humor, pain, and grief. Anger was now on the menu; raw seething hatred that she had never experienced herself. There they were, the harem that kidnapped her master and the man that was hunting them all. Marco's feelings were so intense and pure it was starting to affect her own train of thought. His hatred adding to her rage.


Back when they were told about the plan to get Marco back the first order of business was to go over the composition of Spencer's harem. It was decided that if they had to fight she and Jean would be taking on the Shadow Girl and Umbrea. Nobody expected Jean to evolve as quickly as she did and her type was no longer advantageous to fight them, but she could still hold her own.


Marco and Spencer were talking while the others were following the orders they were given. In the low light no one seemed to notice the Shadow Girl sneaking her way to the side and looking for an opportunity to attack. 'She's going to try and kill him in one quick strike! They can't see her, well they can't see me either!' Carrie thought before shooting from behind Marco in a burst of speed.


Z-Ko didn't see the Penance approach until it was too late. The tackle took her by surprise and sent both of them flying into one of the reinforced walls, causing it to crumble from the impact. Dazed, they both got back onto their feet before activating Shroud of Darkness and Dark Goggles. With a clear view she was finally able to get a look at the truck she got hit by.


'The silver Penance, I would get the odd ball.' Behind her she heard a thud then the crackle of electricity. "Well there goes this poor pokégirls back-up, bring it on odd ball. Z-Ko's gonna kill you." She boasted and sang as she pulled the sword from her back.


Carrie hardened her body and pulled her tonfas from behind her back before moving to her fighting stance. 'Most of my dark attacks won't be all that effective on her. The pokédex said that they are poor fighters, but this one’s been trained. No holding back.’


The two girls edged closer and closer to each other. Finally with no more than a hand full of feet separating them they clashed. Sparks flew off the weapons as they made contact, neither holding anything back. The sooner they were done the sooner they could return to their master’s side or assist their sisters if needed. Z-Ko was much better than Carrie had ever predicted her to be and was quickly pushing the Penance back.


Though the sword strikes were making contact Carries skin was far too dense to do substantial damage. In a surprise move the Shadowgirl appeared behind her and came down with an overhead strike meant to take Carrie's arm off. The blow was narrowly deflected but cut through the tonfas. Carrie seized the opportunity and grabbed the girl by her dominant arm, piercing her flesh and leaving a deep gash before throwing her through the hole in the wall.


The Shadowgirl wailed in pain and clutched her arm. The black bandana she wore had come undone to reveal long golden blond hair. "Z-Ko thinks you're being a bit of a bitch right now, but your weapons are gone and it's time to have some fun."


'Master may be upset but I have no choice.' Thought Carrie. She quickly pulled the black case out of her pack and popped the latches. The black sword buzz to life when she grabbed it and instantly ignited, burning with black fire and feeding off her anger.


Z-Ko's eyes widened in shock when the Penance jumped through the hole, holding the flaming sword and eyes narrowed in murderous intent. 'What the fuck is that thing. She's not a fire type so it's not Flame Sword... it's on fire though, black fire at that. I can sense evil wafting off it.' "It's pretty, can Z-Ko have it?" She smiled when Carrie shook her head. "Then I guess Z-Ko will just have to kill you and take it."


Carrie was not amused, her temper flared along with her sword. The two crossed blades again, Z-Ko could feel the intensity of the heat coming off the blade and backed. Carrie wasn't going to give her the space she craved, sword slashes sending waves of flames at her. A shadow teleport and a sidekick later found their positions reversed and sent to Penance into a locker. Her master’s ferocity was getting the better of her and she needed to relax to call upon the other abilities of her sword.


'No anger, no anger, power and speed, but no anger.' She mentally chanted. Slowly the flames burning off the sword began to die out, her muscles tightened and she could feel the power of the blade being internalized. Suddenly the building began to shake and rumble, from outside a bright flash of light shown through the windows.


"Aw your sword went out, you run out of power?" internally Z-Ko would be very happy if that was the case. The Penance was proving to be way more than she bargained for. Whatever her master had done to her had turned her into a forged fighting machine with no hint of the timid creature the pokédex spoke of.


The Penance charged forward and slashed but missed completely and cut through the wall, not use to moving at the accelerated speed. Z-Ko arched a blond eye brow at the attack, she knew the speed and power weren't there when she was blocking earlier and things were about to take a turn. Carrie summoned her Ashen Wings and shot forward attacking again. Z-Ko blocked the incoming attack and felt a shockwave flow through her arm, the strength knocking her back and into the wall. She quickly summoned a Dark Shield to gain some protection from the attacks. Next she dropped Dark Bomb and launched Carrie flat against the far wall. With the Penance stunned Z-Ko went on the attack, enhancing her speed with agility and launching her knee into Carrie's stomach.


The knee had no effect other than to just make the Penance madder, but she faked taking damage from the hit. She dropped to her knees and clutched her stomach in agony. The Shadowgirl didn't stop or care in the least, launching more kicks to the downed girl. Carrie had curled into a tight ball to try and protect anything vital but started to go limp and play possum.


"Who knew that all it would take was one solid knee to bring you down. Just pathetic." Z-Ko grabbed her by the hair and pulled, forcing her to cry out in pain. "Just beg and I'll kill you quickly."


Carrie had kept her hair soft since the fight had started. Even though she could use it in battle she often didn't unless it was a surprise attack. The nerve endings in her roots had been rendered dead long ago so Z-Ko's rough pulling was having no effect. She had let the Shadowgirl pull her up to her knees and finally it was time to strike. Carrie hardened her hair into their razor bladed form and dove forward.


The Penance was gone out of her grasp so quickly Z-Ko didn't even have time to register what happened. Then the pain hit, without the Dark Goggles it would have been harder to see, sure enough her fingers were gone.






Ashley and Valery




The Peekabu's eyes shifted between each of Richard's harem. She wanted to fight the Dark Lady, the one who stole her mentor away from her, the one who had caused her master so much pain. That just wasn't in the cards though. Chesra had expressly claimed the Dark Lady and vowed revenge. Jean and Carrie were originally paired up to fight the Umbrea and the Shadowgirl, but now that Jean had evolved it wasn't going to work out.


Her thoughts were interrupted when she saw the faint image of Carrie shoot past her then heard the wall collapse. 'Well there she goes.' She thought, and then the Umbrea broke away from the group and caught her attention. 'Not today.' Ashley dashed from her position by Marco and tackled the Umbrea with all the force she could muster.


The Peekabu rolled onto her feet as electricity crackled around her. "No getting in the way, you get to deal with me."


"Figured you would fight Denise." Groaned Valery.


"You wish."


The two girls looked each other up and down, it wasn't a match made in heaven but both girls could cope. Valery trumped Ashley in both strength and speed by a small margin. While Ashley was just lacking in speed she made up for it in agility making her a much harder target to pin down.


"You're going to pay for putting us through all that grief. Taking my Master, killing my friend, all of it." Ashley growled out and pulled her picks from behind her back.


The Umbrea put on a pair of thick rubber gloves and pulled out a pair of metal sticks. "Your Master is the one intent on this fight, mine was perfectly happy to walk away from this. We want nothing to do with any of you anymore." Explained Valery.


"I'll warn you now that those aren't going to do you any good against me."


"Every little bit helps."


The two lunged at each other in a clash of weapons, Ashley intent on dealing a lethal blow as quickly as possible. Valery on the other hand was trying to keep her distance, she knew it wouldn't be an easy fight but didn't want to kill her opponent either. There were other enemies around and if one of Readman's pokégirls were killed again they would be quickly overrun.


The fight quickly found its way outside. It was still pitch black and the imposing walls and ceiling of the maze encased the whole area. Now that they were well away from their masters and harem sisters they could let loose.


Valery summoned her Shroud of Darkness around them as well as her Dark Goggles. Now that the field was to her advantage she could go on the attack. Her rods were short range weapons at around two feet long but she coated them in dark energy to provide an extra punch to her attacks. As she watched the Peekabu she notice that she wasn't panicking or stumbling around in search for light. Instead she stood at the ready, poised to attack anything that got in her way.


'That can't be a good sign, I better strike hard and knock her out.'


Ashley had learned a lot in her time spent fighting the dark types of the harem and Avalanche. When the shroud came down she immediately switched to a defensive stance. Her eyes would be of little use to her so she closed them and concentrated on her hearing and smell. Because of the stone walls bordering off the area there was no wind, no sound at all except for the breathing of her opponent and the fighting coming from inside the building. The shifting of the gravel alerted her to the attack coming in from behind, quickly she jumped to the side and shot a Thunder Shock in that direction. A metal clank and the sound of the electrical discharge told her she had missed the attack.


"This really isn't going to work for you either." Explained Ashley.


"Not really trying to kill you over here."


"Oh I know, your intention is to capture us and deliver the unit to some asshole. Really with all the time and energy he's wasting he could be training his own team." Ashley had taken the time to zero in on the Umbrea's position and fired off another Thunder Shock.


Darkness pooled in front of Valery, forming a shield and blocking the attack. "I see that you intend to kill me though."


"Not really, I plan on beating you senseless and bringing you before my Master. He can decide your fate."


"Sounds like it would be a death sentence, I can't allow that to happen." Tiny orbs of darkness formed in her hands then launched into the sky but crashed into the stone roof, exploding but doing no damage. "What in the world is that?"


"That’s something our Alpha cooked up to keep out... the rest of... how did you get in here?"


"We teleported here?"


"So your Master is Team Rocket too. This just keeps on getting better."


Again Ashley zeroed in on her voice and dashed in that direction while sending a wave of electricity out. Valery rushed to the side as quickly as she could, but got caught on the edge of the attack. Her body convulsed momentarily before she hit the ground and the dome disappeared. The Umbrea cursed lightly before thanking whatever holy power that allowed her to avoid the majority of the hit.


Ashley twirled her picks as she slowly made her way to the downed her. Unknown to either girl; one of the dark orbs never made it to the ceiling, due to the concussive force of the other explosions, and dropped right next to the Peekabu. The resulting blast from the explosion kicked her back into a pile of scrap materials.


Valery's heart was still trying to get back to normal after her being electrocuted. She was making it back to her feet when the giant stone walls disappeared. The moon shown brightly in the night sky and she could feel her strength being renewed. "Well... that was fortunate. I'm not sure what makes you think we are part of Team Rocket but that's not the case." Her hair began to stand on end and a sudden feeling of dread coursed through her body, without thinking she ran from the spot she was standing and dove for cover. Through the clear night skies a bolt of lightning struck dead center where had been standing. Metal creaked and shifted as Ashley dug her way out of the debris.


"Really thought that one would get you. This place has a teleport jammer and our Alpha made it damn near impossible to get in from the outside. But you all teleported here, which means you've been here before." Ashley grunted out as she pulled a piece of metal the rest of the way through her leg.


"We were brought here by another, her exact words were, 'We are to storm a Team Rocket base and purge it of their presence.' She on the other hand is out to kill your Master."


Ashley's eyes narrowed as she thought about the information she just got. 'That means there's another girl out to kill Marco, I better get back to him as soon as I can.' "I think I will have to kill you now, my Master has enough problems as it is. It's best if I stake you out right here." Ashley arced a current between the picks.


The Umbrea gulped and began summoning more of her powers. "I can sympathize, yours isn't the only Master in danger here. We both have a lot to lose."


Ashley didn't waste any more time talking and went on the attack again. Valery was wary of trying to block the attacks from the electrically charged picks and her strength was doing nothing for her. The Peekabu was far too nimble to strike at physically. In a snap decision she used Beast Rush to wrap herself around the Peekabu then used Crunch and bit into her arm. Before she could disengage though Ashley countered with Lightning Body and Flashwave, coating the Umbrea in electricity.


High damage had been done to both girls. Intense pain shot through Ashley's arm as she tried to move it. Not only were the bite marks deep, but the bones had been crushed. Valery appeared to be better off but not by much. The two electric attacks had sent her into convulsions again but she was lucky enough to avoid the paralysis.


Once more the feeling of dread was washing over her, she could feel a slight tingling running over her body and her hair was standing up. 'This is different from the last time, I can't shake the feeling.' Darkness formed around both girls, giant spears of inky blackness that she could use as cover.


Ashley haggardly rose back to her feet, her eyes finally opening as she willed away the pain. Again she saw nothing but darkness. She was not afraid though, she had marked her target and knew exactly where she was. "Nothing will save you from me now. I know you can feel it, your death is close at hand."


It was finally starting to make sense for Valery. She'd trained with Denise for years and had been hit with Flashwave several times, but this felt different. No matter what she did now the Peekabu would hit her mark. The air pressure around her was changing and the attack would be coming soon.


'I'll risk it, to make it back to Richard I'll risk everything.'


The skies overhead rumbled to life, flashes of light forming from nothing. Valery could see the sparks jumping off the Peekabu and knew she was running out of time. Her own powers were being bolstered by the moon light and both girls knew that their fight was coming to a close.


"I'm still not going to kill you, even if I do take you down!" Yelled Valery, the pool of blackness was forming quickly and her charge was near complete.


"If you survive this, I'll think about it!" Screamed Ashley, she had turned her whole body into a conductor and was going to throw everything she had into her last attack.


Both girls reached their plateau simultaneously and fired. "DARK MATTER!" "THUNDER, ZAP CANNON!"


Twin beams of light emerged, the first from the sky the second shot from Ashley's good arm. At the same time a well of gravity opened up beneath her, she couldn't see it but felt the tremendous force pulling her to the ground. Try as she did the Peekabu couldn't overcome its force and fell flat to dirt.


Thankfully the Dark Matter attack caused Ashley to pull her Zap Cannon off course and Valery avoided its direct impact. Unfortunately the same gravity also sped up the Thunder attack that came from above and blew through her body; electrocuting her, causing paralysis, and knocking her out.


Minutes had gone by and neither girl had shown signs of movement. The damage to the surrounding area was catastrophic. Debris was scatter, the area where Ashley had stood was turned into a giant divot, and anything that was in the way of the Zap Cannon was sheared clean through or vaporized.


A soft groan emerged from the hole and the Peekabu crawled out. She looked forward to see her downed opponent and cheered internally in victory, not finding the strength to vocalize. As she made her way there she picked up her dropped weapon to use as a crutch, her body beaten and warn through. It shocked her when Valery coughed and groaned.


"End of the line, you ready?"


The Umbrea looked up with fear and tears in her eyes. She had been completely paralyzed, no way to defend herself from whatever was going to be done. Her eyes widened when the Peekabu brought the pick over her head. "Pl... please don't... I... don't want to... not like this..."


The pleading, the look in the downed girl’s eyes, she'd been there before. It was her on the receiving end, begging for mercy, and getting none. "It wasn't you who killed my mentor..." The pick loosened and dropped to her side. "I won't put your sisters through the pain of your loss." Ashley fished through her pocket and found the P-Med dispenser they were told to carry. It had been crushed under the weight of the gravity and she tossed it aside as she fell to the ground, exhaustion finally claiming the last of her strength. "So much for that."


For a brief moment Valery couldn't believe what she was seeing. Her opponent had made it perfectly clear that her life was over but was now showing her mercy. "He gives you a lot of freedom doesn't he?"


"Marco? Yeah, we don't really want for anything but if he thinks we do he'll make it happen."


"They really are a lot alike, your master and mine. It's a shame they couldn't have met on better terms."


Though it shouldn't have, the comment struck Ashley as funny. "Killing a man's pokégirl and kidnapping him is a pretty shitty way to start a friendship."


"Agreed..." Valery attempted to move again but couldn't. "Yeah, still paralyzed. We needed to get inside; Andzral is still around the building somewhere."


Ashley groaned and pushed herself into a sitting position. "Who's that?"


"The one that brought us here? She was sent by the Gentleman to help with this mission."


"Still not sure about you not being with Team Rocket, you never should have been able to get in here."


Suddenly things weren't adding up. The more Valery thought about it the less she was liking the picture she was painting. "The man we’re working for has his own harem of high powered pokégirls but we've only met three; Minerva, Delilah, and Andzral..."


"I thought Minerva was dead."


"She is, Delilah killed her after she failed her mission to break into your home. The Gentleman ordered that."


"But didn't your Dark Lady fail the same mission?"


"She did, but she belongs to Richard and is off limits. Come to think of it, Delilah does her own thing and really doesn't listen to anybody... that's not the point though. Minerva and Delilah were the only ones to ever leave the compound…"


Their conversation was interrupted by the appearance of Jean and Denise. Both girls looked fairly battle warn but not as bad off as they were.


"You two look like you had a hell of a fight." Stated Denise, though her clothes were torn and burned in several places.


"But they are both alive, either way I think we have a problem."






Jean and Denise




Her harem sisters had already engaged in battle with their respective counterparts leaving her at Marco's side. Across from her was the Thundercunt and Richard. There was going to be no love lost between the men, just a down and dirty fight she would have loved to watch. All the same, Jean felt that it was a fight that shouldn't be happening.


"You wanna take this outside?" Asked Denise, her wings sparking with electric power.


"Fine by me, we'll give our Masters space to work out their differences.” She turned to Marco and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Give 'em hell... Master Idiot."


He never took his eyes off Richard as he spoke. "I plan on sending him there at the very least. You be safe and come back to me."


"As you order." Jean started on her way to the open hanger door and made eye contact with Richard as she passed him. The look he wore was of a man in deep conflict with himself and the situation. "Good luck."


Richard was dumb struck, he wasn't sure if she was joking or being serious. "Same to you."


While the others had started their battle aggressively Jean and Denise were calmly leaving the building walking next to each other. Part of a Darkness dome was poking out from the inside of the building while a solitary dome formed on the outside. Sounds of the fighting going on around them were clear as day, though the two of them walked on in uneasy silence.


"You look different from the last time I saw you." Stated Denise.


"Evolved into a Dark Kitsune, it feels refreshing."


"From the little bit of time I did spend around your master he seemed rather nice, if not a bit blood thirsty."


Jean's eyes sharpened as she looked to her opponent. "Having a companion you've known for a long time slain before your very eyes can have that effect. Did you help torture my Master?"


"No, that was all Gwyn's doing. She was desperate to get Richard back as quickly as she could. No excuse, but she's the Alpha so there wasn't much we could do, lest we be seen as disloyal to Richard." A sense of relief was felt by the Thundercunt when Jean's eyes softened.


"That's going to make fighting you a lot harder; I was planning on venting my anger on you."


"I'll count myself lucky then. You think this is far enough?"


Both girls looked around; they were well away from fighting that was coming from their other sisters. There was little light except for the spot lights coming from the building. "Yeah, this should be fine. Good luck." Jean bowed and her red tipped tail started glowing.


"Same to you, let's try not to let this fight ruin what could be a good friendship." Quipped Denise.


An adult sized burning fox appeared before Jean sitting happily and wagging its tail, its body made of pure fire. Once it spotted the avian pokégirl it began to growl and display its fangs. Denise eyed the tiny creature knowing it to be Fox-Fire and extremely dangerous. From overhead several explosions sounded and the fox leapt from its position only to be blown away by a strong flap of her wings.


Abruptly the walls and ceiling disappeared letting a blast of fresh air and wind brush past both of them. With the air collecting under her wings the Thundercunt took to the skies and circled overhead. The vulpine pokégirl would be a difficult pokégirl to go head to head with so keeping her distance and striking from above was in her best interest. A single bolt of lightning struck down out of nowhere and crashed in another part of the field. For a moment she lost sight of Jean until the flaming sword came down next to her, but was narrowly evaded.


Jean's attempt at the teleport slash was close but just missed. She managed to keep Denise in sight long enough to shoot off a series of fire balls. The flames were coming fast but managed to be avoided by a hard dive and turn. Realizing her vulnerability in the air Jean teleported back to the ground and began summoning more fire. The Thundercunt was coming in for a dive when the extreme heat hit her, the flames burning with an amazing intensity that caused her to pull away. As she looked down she could barely make out Jean standing in the center of the flames.


A clean ring of unburned space was left around her as she tracked her target, her breathing slow and steady while lining up the shot. As single bean of fire few from where it was charging on her fingers and struck its target. Though Flame Sniper did minimal damage the wing she was aiming for took the hit and caused her to spin wildly for a moment. Finally, Jean had managed to get on the flyers nerves and lightning began to rain down amidst the fire. It was going to take more than that to stop the vulpine though; the flames around her began to shrink while her tail was glowing with more power.


Tiny orbs of fire formed from nothing and shot into the air, blanketing the sky with explosions. Jean’s cream tipped tail hung lazily as her energy reserves began to run low and she fed more power to her fire tail. A slight smile crossed her face, her plan was coming into motion, and she just needed to keep it up a little bit longer. Denise was none the wiser to the on goings over her head until the heat began to come from above.


Unknown to the Thundercunt, Jean had been filling the area above her with fire, using her psychic abilities to keep the flames alive, and illusion to keep them out of sight. The heat burst from the hazed over area in the sky and Meteor Shower rained down. From far enough away it looked as though a literal wave of flames fell from the heavens.


There was no way for Denise to escape as the torrent crashed down. Her wings caught fire almost instantly and she came chasing down to earth in a heap. Sweat dripped off Jean's fur and both of her tails hung lazily. Her fight with Cleopatra had given her an elevated sense of how strong she really was and it was a bad time to start finding her limits.


The Thundercunt's smoldering body rose from the smoking area where she had landed. Though she had been burned the damage wasn't as bad as she thought only losing the use of one wing. "That was a bitch of a move you pulled there. But it looks as though you've burned a lot of energy."


"You're the second flyer I've had the pleasure of fighting against in my new form. Once grounded it's only a matter of time."


"Don't be too certain about your victory, I'm not fighting you seriously yet." She said, her good wing sparking with unused power.


The Dark Kitsune's tails came to life again, each glowing brightly under the moon light. "Right back at ya." After her gym battle she had been allowed to recover her weapons and had received two more knives to replace the ones the Sphinx had broken. She pulled one ring knife from the bottom of her vest and a pair of throwing knives from her chest pouch.


Denise still had the speed advantage by a large margin and burst forward in wave of crackling electricity. Her hand shot forward as if she were throwing a punch and a flurry of golden feathers flew from her wings and lodged themselves into Jean. Her victory was short lived when the illusion disappeared and the throwing knives tore through her plumage but thankfully missed her flesh. The fire kick on the other hand struck her square in the chest and knocked her back. Before her stood three identical Dark Kitsunes, each spinning a blade on her finger.


Denise's talons dug into the ground as she slid back and kept her from toppling over. "That's cute but it won't do you any good. Sooner or later I'll get my hands on you."


"I'm trying to hurry, I need to get back to Master as soon as possible." All three Jeans said in unison. "I sense a great amount of danger lurking in the shadows."


"Probably Andzral, I'm still not sure why we're here. This isn't an IGS kind of issue and from the looks of things you guys had everything well under control."


The three images separated and surrounded Denise before shooting balls of fire from their hands. "You're trying to kill my master, that's why you're here!"


Once again a single flap of her wing caused the fire to dissipate and two of the illusions disappeared. Jean teleported in front of her with the intention of using Flash to blind her. But just before the ball of light erupted she raised her wing to block her gave and reflected the light back in the vulpine's eyes. Now was her chance to attack and she lashed out with a series of thunder strikes. Jean was rocking on her heels from the blows and narrowly erected a barrier in time to block the Thunder Shock and teleport away.


"Richard doesn't want to deal with you all anymore, it's not worth the aggravation. And considering the murderous look your master had, I don't want to be here either."


Jean rubbed her eyes and blinked rapidly while her vision was slowly coming back. "We don't have any standing orders to kill you, as a matter of fact we were just getting ready to leave when you showed up. Our Alpha will be pissed when she hears that you made it through her maze."


Denise swallowed hard, she was still getting over the nightmares of fighting the Duelist. "I don't even want to think about her, Andzral can deal with that problem. She's the one that teleported us here."


"How? This place has a teleport jammer, how did she teleport you all in?" Jean's tails relaxed while waiting for her opponent to explain.


"Well... We were waiting in Prussian for a chance to ambush your tamer as he left the city. Then she teleports in saying that we need to clear a Team Rocket facility and showed us a photo of Mr. Readman. She tells Richard to recall us so she can teleport us here... she did seem to be in a rush and said that the jammers wouldn't be down much longer. I wonder how she knew that?"


"We got a report that another team was on the premises but that turned out to be a SLOI team." She remembered overhearing from Ariel. "How did she know about... the... GETDOWN!" Jean teleported and dove forward knocking them both to the ground just in time to evade the beam of electricity. "That was Ashley's."


"Sweet lord she's strong... Val..." Denise said as an afterthought before running to where the beam had come from.


Jean was left by herself looking dumbfounded at the whole punched through the forest, then set off in pursuit. "You're welcome."


They arrived at the devastated construction area to find both girls talking. Ashley had clearly won her battle but was too exhausted to stand while Valery was breathing but didn't look good in the least.


"You two look like you had a hell of a fight." Stated Denise, though her clothes were torn and burned in several places.


"But they are both alive, either way I think we have a problem." Jean made her way over to Ashley and applied the P-Med dispenser. Soon the Peekabu was looking much better though she continued to sit there.


"Thanks, she crushed mine when she hit me with Dark Matter."


"Dark Matter!" Jean exclaimed loudly. She was well aware of the attack and the devastation it could have on its surrounding. She looked around and it was a perfect example of why the attack was banned in city limits. "Yep, that would do it. You planning on killing her?"


"... No she's been thoroughly defeated and is still paralyzed. What about her, why aren't you two still fighting?"


"She bailed on me after I told her it was your attack that almost took her head off."


Denise was too busy trying to make sure Valery was ok to pay attention to them at the time but turned to reply. "I like her a lot more than Gwyneth. There are two of you now and I can't defeat both of you. Not only that but you saved my life by pushing me out of the way. What will you do with us?"


Ashley and Jean looked back and forth between themselves and their defeated combatants. Jean was the first to come up with a plan of action. "We will detain you for now and wait for the conclusion of our Master’s fight. Should Marco win I will argue on your behalf for him to spare you."


Valery groaned again as she tried to move but couldn't. "What happens if our Master wins?"


Ashley quickly spoke before Jean could. "Then you will have to deal with Kelly the unit Alpha... who will more than likely put you to death on the spot." Valery look to Denise for approval or comfort but instead found a pair of Haunted eyes. Finally there was nothing left in the tank and the Umbrea passed out. "But that will only happen if our Master is killed."


Jean waved a hand to get the flyers attention on her then used Hypnotize to put her to sleep. "No need for her to sit here dwelling on what may happen. Did she tell you anything about some pokégirl named Andzral?"


"Yeah, from the sound of things she's the one that brought them here. I think they might be in league with Team Rocket but I can't be sure."


The hypnosis had sapped the little bit of her power that was remaining and Jean collapsed in a heap next to Ashley. "Either way I don't think either of us are fit to go back in there."


Ashley propped her sister up just long enough for them to put their backs together and sit up. The evening breeze brushed past them and for the first time since they started the mission they felt as if they could relax. Little did they know they were being watched by a lone figure above.


'Too weak for the Huntress to bother with, I'll collect them later and bring them to Master. The computers have been wiped and now I just need to find and kill Marco Readman.'


In the evening sky a red glowing streak of light appeared. From far enough away it looked as though a meteor was preparing to impact on the field. The birds had just settled down again after the beam of electricity had burned through their homes in the forest but took flight from the roar of the engine. Finally she was closing in on her target and vengeance would be hers.






Masters and Alphas




The operation was going well for Avalanche. Not only had they found the source of the pokégirl thefts, but there was more than enough evidence to link them to Team Rocket, the icing on the cake was getting the Catgirl back in one piece. Then the lights flipped off and the hanger doors opened. She could feel her master’s blood lust at the sight of the intruders.


Richard and his harem had ample time to leave when they spotted Marco's group. Chesra could see it in each of their eyes as they entered, as though they were walking to the chopping block of an execution. She wasn't the only one to be affected by their masters seething hatred of the man that stood across from them. Faintly she could hear the sound of Carrie's bladed toes scratching into the concrete beneath them. Marco's orders came out in a gruff tone.


"Arianna, take your team, get Kelly, rendezvous with Echo and leave." He growled out.


"But Colonel, shouldn't I stay and help?"


"Not in the mood to repeat myself, everybody but the harem, OUT!" No amount of the Cool Head blood gift was going to hold him back. "Just you, me, and the harems Spencer."


This wasn't business and it had nothing to do with the military or the IGS, it was a personal fight between the harems and nothing was going to stand in their way. It felt like an eternity had gone by as the two sides stared each other down. Chesra felt the anger and turmoil in Marco lessen as he exhale.


"I did warn you about what would happen if I ever saw you again... but you persist and continue to chase me."


"I'll tell you the truth then, I was hoping not to see you at all. I was called in to take care of a Team Rocket base, it just so happens that our paths have crossed again. It looks like you already have everything taken care of and far too many pokégirls for us to handle. So how bout this, I turn around and walk away, we pretend we never saw each other?"


"Not on your life, it's just the five of us. No one to interrupt this fight. I never want to see you again and the best way to do that is to make sure you're dead."


Gwyneth stepped in front of Richard. "Watch how you speak to my Master. We don't need you alive anymore; I will carve out your heart right here and bring it to the Gentleman on a silver platter."


Chesra took her place before Marco, her book hung from its chain on her side, her blade poised and ready to strike. "Silence you infernal whore. It is mine to avenge; I will repay. In due time their foot will slip; their day of disaster is near and their doom rushes upon them."


"Quote your scriptures all you like you celestial bitch. I'll be happy to send you to join the bitch I killed back in Cerulesbian."


Chesra had been keenly aware of the Shadow Girl making her way to the outside. 'If she tries to attack I’ll take her head off then go for the Dark Lady.' Chesra barely had time to finish her thought before Carrie sprung to action. The wall crumbled and the orbs of darkness formed. Next to break away was the Umbrea followed quickly by Ashley, the two of them locked in a heated battle.


Righteous power began to flow through Chesra and an aura of light formed. Her sword was hungry for the blood of her sister's killer, her master's torturer, and now the murder stood before them still hungry for his blood. Back in the Indigo Plateau Chesra was being held back, the life of her master was at stake and she couldn't take action. Marco's anger was still coursing through her mind and combining with the onset of her Righteous Fury berserk mode.


Gwyneth had suspected that the armored pokégirl back at Indigo Plateau was a celestial and to her delight her suspicions had been confirmed. 'Not even going to kill her, I'm going to knock her out then make her watch as I rape, skin, and boil her master into a stew then force her to eat it. Then I might kill her. What a glorious day!'


In a flash both girls appeared between their masters. Chesra's sword crossed against Gwyneth's energy blade. The Dark Ladies ability to levitate put them at an even height as they clashed, it did little good though as the Warrior Nun was over three times stronger and forced her back with ease. Sensing that up close and personal wasn't the best position to be in, Gwyneth teleported to the catwalk above them and began to rain down Power Bolts. Chesra was quick to counter, her book flying open and the pages creating a barrier to stop the magical energy.


Gwyneth was under the initial impression that the celestial was just really fast. That thought died when Chesra teleported onto the catwalk with her. She had killed a great number of celestials in her time before Richard had gotten his hands on her and each one had fallen quickly enough. This one was proving to be more of a challenge though. Never the less she would not be denied and summoned the full force of her magical powers.


Back on the ground level the men had started their fight. It was mentioned that the two men were of a similar mind and that apparently carried over to the fighting ability. While nowhere near as powerful or flashy as the pokégirls they were every bit as brutal. Marco had managed to disarm Richard of his combat knife while only taking a few shallow cuts. Not that it didn't cost him his own knife in the process. The two of them were stuck in a clinch trying to get hits in where they could but not landing anything substantial. They broke apart and huffed out ragged breaths.


"You’re a lot better than the last time we fought." Remarked Richard.


"I don't have some bitch fucking with my mind this time. You have my complete and undivided attention." Maniacal laughter was heard as well as a series of explosions. Seconds later Chesra fell from above and landed with a heavy thud next to her master. "You ok?"


She rose again, dust and chips of concrete flaking off her armor. Her eyes focused on the task at hand, ending the life of the infernal. "Moreover you shall take no ransom for the life of a murderer who is guilty of death, but she shall surely be put to death."


The laughing from above continued unabated. "Still quoting your scriptures? I can't wait till Richard shoves something in that mouth to keep you quiet!"


Wings of the purist white sprung through Chesra's armor and raised high above her. In her right hand her sword began to glow brightly, in her left hand white flames appeared. Marco's gaze never left Richard and his anger intensified. "Chesra, bring me her head."




With a single step the Warrior Nun disappeared the reemerged on the catwalk. Their fight continued at an all new level of intensity. Both girls were skilled teleporters, able to flicker in and out of bad situations as they saw fit. This was especially hard on Gwyneth whose only hope for victory was to keep the fight at a distance. Lightning flashed and crackled outside, battles of honor, anger, and vengeance raged on in each of their locations.


Black fire formed in Gwyneth's hand as she teleported behind Chesra and thrust forward with her Energy Blade. The thrust was parried and both weapons locked against the railing. Their hands lock interlocked together, Heavenly Fire raging against Hell Fire. Both girls grit their teeth, fighting through the pain of the others attack. Chesra bore down and let the rage and hatred flowing from Marco consume her completely, her Righteous Fury coming to full fruition. Gwyneth picked that exact time to dismiss her Energy Blade and free her hand just long enough to reactivate it and thrust it into Chesra's chest from the side.


Chesra stalled for a brief moment as the blade pierced her armor before entering her chest. Her eyes began to dim and close as she pawed weakly at Gwyneth's chest, her head lowering in defeat. For a brief moment Gwyneth thought that the battle was over and she could rack up another point in her celestial kill count. Blinding light burst forth from the Warrior Nun and began to cook the Dark Lady's skin, the hand the was previously pawing steadied and she forced out a Chi Blast that launched Gwyneth into the far wall. Chesra quickly went to work healing herself, fortunate that the blade had missed her lung.


Marco was trying to get himself steady after the feedback from Chesra's close call. He was starting to gain the upper hand in his fight with Richard. It was obvious that both men had been training with their pokégirls, Marco was just fortunate to have a bigger pool to draw from. Suddenly one entire side of the building began to shake and creak; the lights flickered then got brighter as if they were receiving extra power. A blinding flash and a sound breaking boom emanated from the outside of the building. Then it was quiet, both men had mirrored expressions of worry over who got the worst of what happened. A blood curdling scream was heard from the domes of darkness before one rippled and disappeared. Suddenly a body came flying out of the darkness and landed next to Richard.


The Shadow Girl rolled onto her knees and sobbed while clutching her hand, blood dripping from the severed fingers. The second dome disappeared and from the hole in the wall emerged Carrie, black sword in hand and Ashen Wings draped over her shoulders. Her hair ties had come undone, faint streaks of red could be seen through the silver and dripped down to her tips.


Richard looked between the two girls then knelt down to take a look at Z-Ko's hand. "You tried to pull her hair didn't you?"


"It was an involuntary reflex." She choked out while watching the Penance gracefully make her way back to her tamer and eyed her maliciously. "How's this going?"






"Could be better."


Carrie took her place in front of Marco and readied herself for the next attack. She could sense the relief through their bond, he was glad she was ok. Another bright flash of light emanated from above then Gwyneth crashed down next to Richard, a Blessed Bayonet piercing her shoulder. Chesra followed shortly after, gently landing next to Carrie. From Richard's side of the arena it was a sight to behold. Black and white winged pokégirls standing before their master.


Richard quickly scooped Gwyneth into his arms; she was alive but just barely. She had been on the receiving end of a savage beating from the looks of things. Multiple cuts covered her body on top of the severe burns from Heavenly Fire and Highway to Heaven. "Gwyn, Gwyn speak to me, say something."


"We... we're not leaving (cough) not le... leaving here alive... are we?" She managed to choke out through watery eyes.


"I don't know, but I'll do what I can to see that we do. Just rest here."


"He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away." Chesra quoted in a grim and malicious tone.


"I want you to make sure she's comfortable Zee." Commanded Richard as he rose back to his feet. Gwyneth was a complete bitch when he captured her and had to do cruel things to bring her in line. But at the end of the day though she was his and he didn't want her to die, even if he would be joining her shortly. "You're a real piece of work you know that Readman."


"Count yourself lucky, at least you get to have last words with her. When she killed Henrietta I just got to watch. Karmic justice, Dick."


"What do you want?! What will it take to put a stop to this?"


"I said it before, I want you to leave us the fuck alone!"


Though the voice was soft it boomed through the arena. "Marco Readman! You can't ways get what you want, but if we try hard enough we'll get what we need from you!"


"Andzral! Get the fuck down here, we need to get Gwyneth to a pokécenter!"


"She isn't mission critical, after Readman is dead then I'll get to her."




"Silence you pawn, you follow my orders not the other way around. Now wait quietly. The Celestial quotes pretty scriptures; let's see how well Marco can wipe tears."


Chesra stepped out into the open floor to try and figure out where the voice was coming from. Carrie stayed close to Marco to defend her master from any sudden attacks. Without warning the Bondage Elf teleported in front of her, the Penance didn't have time to react before her head was viciously snapped to the side. Marco's eyes went wide as she went limp and slowly fell towards the ground. Her sword clanking against the hard concrete floor.


"CARRIEEEE!" Cried out Marco.


The Elf wasn't done yet, grabbing the body before it hit the ground and throwing it full force into Chesra. "My my she had a tough little neck, oh well them's the breaks. Now you're next." Andzral turned and bounced on the balls of her feet before charging Marco who had dropped to his knees. The force of the kick she threw was toned down but still enough to lift him off the ground and send him tumbling back. He hit the ground with horrible thud and rolled back onto his feet before hitting the ground again.


The familiar sliding sound that came from a sword being removed from its' sheathe was heard as the Bondage Elf made her approach. "You have pissed my Master off and he has requested I bring him your fucking head, exact words. I'm sure the celestial will have some kind words for your funeral."


Marco looked up weakly and clutched his chest. He had seen plenty of elves in his but none of them ever hit like that. Her sword appeared to glow an eerie blood red under the emergency lights. Her foot steps were soft and she appeared to glide across the floor as if she were walking on air and was slowly closing in on her target. That was until a solid teleport kick launched her to the other side of the room.


"Why should I fear when evil days come, when wicked deceivers surround me." Spoke Chesra, her wings disappearing and her eyes beaming brightly. She shook with anger and apprehension as she walked towards Carrie's fallen sword. "Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they protect and comfort me."


"And I thought this was going to be boring."


The black katana began to sing out to the Warrior Nun as she knelt down to pick it up. Every time she had attempted to use it in the past had resulted in an intense malevolent pull and today was no different. Her mind began to wage war with itself. The celestial part was running wild with Righteous Fury while the Mazouku was trying to force its will on her. To make matters worse Marco had apparently discovered untapped depths of his anger and was feeding all the fires at once. It all came to a boiling point and the power that was unleashed made the building quake. Her wings formed again though black in color her aura was white but swirled violently.


'Kill her, kill them, and kill anyone who stands in your way. Kill them all!' Raged the Mazouku.


'Slay that bitch and the Dark Lady! Cast holy judgment upon them!' Shouted the Seraph.


Chesra cried out and charged the Bondage Elf, the speed and strength left cracks in the floor as she sought blood. Andzral was being forced back by the ferocity of the attacks but evaded the attacks with ease. With each attack that missed Chesra’s rage grew further. She was so blinded by fury that she didn't notice the disappearing shadow of the Bondage Elf. The Shadow shot hit her Chesra in the eyes but she was undeterred.


Andzral had fought her fair share of celestial pokégirls over the centuries and knew that she was out classed. What was making things difficult was the armor. She had figured the pokégirl she was fighting was either a Seraph or a Warrior Nun and both breeds had their weaknesses. 'Oh well, I guess he'll have to do.' "You couldn't hit me when you could see me, you don't stand much of a chance now." She taunted and teleported away to avoid an attack.


The sword burst into black flames as the anger finally over took the Seraph portion of her mind. With her eyes blinded she tried her best to pick up on the subtle sounds around her. Every time she would hear the soft footsteps or childish giggle of the elf she would stab or thrust in that direction, hoping for a hit. Finally she stabbed and felt resistance, then forced her blade all the way through to the hilt.






Outside of the building everybody stood patiently, waiting for news from their Colonel. Without warning Kelly's necklace twisted all the way up and tightened before breaking and leaving a faint scratch. Selena and Alexis had witnessed the phenomena and saw the pain run through Kelly's face as she fell to her knees. The pain stricken face soon twisted into a vicious scowl.


"Nobody move from this spot. If anyone tries to leave I will remove you from this plain of existence." She ordered in a low and menacing voice before vanishing.






Back on the inside Chesra could clearly hear somebody grunt in pain, but it sounded a bit off and way too low. Her vision was just starting to come back when she felt an arm drape over her shoulder from the side and then something softly impact the front of her armor.


"I know it was a little on the fly, but I didn't have any children or innocent bystanders around. I figured your master would do in a pinch. I hope you don't mind."


Chesra's heart began to race, the Bondage Elf didn't sound injured at all. Her vision finally cleared and she blinked rapidly to try and erase the sight of Marco on the other end of the sword. "No... Nooooooooooo!" The voices in her head came to a screeching halt and the aura of celestial power evaporated as if it had never been there. All that was left was the intense pain coming from Marco through their delta bond. In another pulse of energy her vibrant red hair began to darken, moving past purple until it was as dark as the sword she held, her eyes shifting from emerald green to matching her new hair color.


Andzral held on to Chesra's shoulder as she planted her foot firmly against Marco's chest and kicked him off the sword and into the far wall, then pivoted and jammed her knee into Chesra's stomach. "I think you're the fifth or sixth Fallen Angel I've created, but you’ll always hold a special place I'm my heart. Now… off with his head."


Chesra looked up weakly, all of her power had left her, her master was dead, her student was dead, and now she had no choice but to watch as some kind of elf cut her master's head off. Slowly her head lowered, she couldn't bear to watch. From overhead a loud boom was heard and something came crashing through the high ceiling. When the dust settled a strange form appeared. There was no skin on the head just a black flaming skull, around her waist and crossing her chest was a number of chains, and on her left thigh was a gun holster with the Avalanche emblem on it. The roar of the hover bike died out as it disappeared.


Andzral turned around and eyed the girl before turning back to Marco's motionless body. "Now you stay right there... good boy. Ok, what the fuck do you want?"


Henrietta looked the Elf up and down before turning to where Richard, Gwyneth, and Z-Ko had move to. The fire seemed to burn even more intensely when she caught sight of the Dark Lady. "I'm here to kill her." She pulled the photo from her pocket and turned back around to the Bondage Elf, it was hard for her to see between the light and the positioning but it was definably her former Master. "But first I'm going to kill you."


"Oh for fuck's sake! How many more people are going to show up?"


"Us!" Came from the hanger doors. Ashley and Jean we're on their feet, if not a little shaky, and ready to defend their master from the thing that had blown past them.


"Stand down you two, she's mine!" On the third floor rafters appeared Kelly, she had prepared for the worst when she left the others but never imagined a scene like the one she walked into. Marco was down, Carrie was down, Chesra was down, Ashley and Jean were battle worn, and somebody was going to pay. At least she wanted them to. She would have already been down there but most of her energy had been used up on the maze. ‘At the least I can act threatening and run… her… who the fuck is that?’


"Right, so I don't get the head he's still good as dead. It's been fun but now we got to run." Rhymed Andzral, she teleported to where Richard was and was going to grab them and leave. Then a glowing hot chain wrapped around her neck yanking her in the opposite direction and into a flaming punch from Henrietta. Andzral flew back from the force of the hit but got pulled back in again. The second time though she blocked the hit and loosened the chain before using Dark Bomb and knocking the GhostRider away. "Am I going to have to kill everybody here, cause I can do that."


"You can try." Stated Henrietta, the flames from her head burning wildly. The chains she carried were glowing hot though she held it without a care.


Andzral teleported and swung her sword strait at Henrietta's head but missed and was hit with a series of punches. The speed, strength, and reflexes of the GhostRider were exceeding her initial expectations. She fought with a ferocity that was rivaled by only the most menacing and vicious of pokégirls or the Warrior Nun that Andzral had just taken down. The two of them went nose to nose, Henrietta's chains holding the sword from coming down on her. Andzral released the sword and swung for the head hoping to knock her out with a sucker punch. Flames jumped from Henrietta's collar and began to climb up the leather suit towards Andzral's face. She teleported away and glared back angrily.


“You are proving to be a much bigger bitch than I thought you were going to be. All the same I have a job to do and all of you are getting in the way.” This was infuriating for the Bondage Elf Hunter, even though she knew most of the others were no threat the flaming skulled pokégirl before her was causing no end of trouble.


“I don’t know you and I don’t know them.” She pointed to Richard’s group, who had found safety in the corner. “I just know that you need to go and that bitch over there needs to die.”


“I’m going to turn your head into an ashtray!” She began to make her way fiercely towards Henrietta with every intention of taking their fight to the next level. The Ghostrider began to spin the chains she held in each hand prepared to meet her challenge head on.


Both girls attention was broken when a flair shot by and went through the hole in the ceiling. Everybody traced the shot back to Ashley and Jean who were trying to stop Marco from bleeding out. A soft beeping and green light emanated from the watch of every Avalanche affiliated girl and they turned to the Bondage Elf. Marco had given his harem specific instructions on exactly what to do if he ever went down; press the emergency beacon on his watch and fire the flair. Seconds had gone by and nothing had happened.


"Hey, can you turn those off. It's giving me a headache." Joked Andzral.


"Trust me, right now a headache is the least of your problems." Stated Kelly. She teleported to the hanger door and crossed her arms. In a poof every Avalanche member that wasn't there already teleported in behind her, some were carried by others and some come solo but they were all there.


"Oh... I see. Good luck Richard!" Andzral waved cheerfully as she began to teleport. "My job is done, till next time."


Kelly was furious but put it on the back burner. "Delta, secure the prisoners. Indigo, sweep the building and set up a perimeter. I'm going to get Alex."


"Ma'am!" Shouted the unit


A few seconds had gone by and the two of them teleported back in. Alex went right to work healing Marco, the damage was much worse than it initially looked. Kelly gave a sigh and turned her attention to Richard and his harem. Gwyneth had gone unconscious before they had gotten there but she was still bleeding profusely from several spots. "Richard Spencer, so we meet again."


Richard glanced at her with a pitiful look. "I know this may be asking a lot, but please heal her. I promise you'll never hear from us again."


Henrietta had gone out of her battle form and walked up to him. "She dies today. That bitch killed me and now she's going to pay for it."


There had been so much going on that Kelly hadn't acknowledged the GhostRider until then. "That's not your decision."


"And who the fuck are you?"


"Kelly, your Alpha. And you're going to wait until I figure out what to do about them."


A gun formed in each of Henrietta's hands. One pointed at Gwyneth while the other leveled off at Kelly's head. "I don't take orders from you, now sit there and be quiet until I'm done."


Kelly looked down the barrel and swallowed. 'We would get her back under the worst circumstances.' "Please go check on your Master while I talk to them. If it comes down to it, then you can do what you want to her."


The guns disappeared and she turned to walk away. "Make sure she doesn't go anywhere. If she leaves, I'll shoot you first before I go to track her down."


Kelly glared at the back of the girl's head then turned her attention back to Richard. "You have no idea how tempted I am to just put you out of my misery right now..." Alexis walked over and immediately caught the bad end of Kelly's attention. "What!!"


"Nothing good, the Colonel is stable but he's taken a lot of damage. We need to get him into surgery as soon as possible. I'm sending him back now with Selena and the harem." Alexis looked at the Dark Lady and sighed before teleporting away. A few minutes had gone by and she returned with a set of taming restraints and an anti-teleport collar. After getting her restrained and attaching the collar she set to the task of healing the downed girl. Slowly Gwyneth started coming around and opened her eyes. "Welcome."


She instantly recognized the pokégirl as a celestial. "Damn it, I died and went to infernal hell. A place governed entirely by celestials... which would make this heaven? I think..."


"Shut up, you're not dead yet." Replied Kelly. "But if I don't get some strait answers you will be soon."


Arianna came walking in from the outside carrying Valery and Denise. Richard lowered his head, he'd been wondering what happened to the rest of his harem and with neither of them moving he thought the worst. "The little sisters are pretty good, not big on killing though. They need a healing but aren't in any danger of croaking just yet."


"Oh thank god... so about letting us go?" Asked Richard.


Kelly shook her head. "We'll get to that. Who was that pokégirl that left you here?"


"That was Andzral, she belongs to the man who is hunting your master and wants you all for some unknown reason... Well actually I'm starting to understand why he wants you."


"We'll take that as a compliment. So he's your boss?"


"Actually, no not really. He's a government official of some sort. But he apparently has enough pull to have people transferred to work for him. I was told that Marco Readman was retired from the Indigo Military but had become a problem that needed to be brought in... so that was my job. Then after that incident at the club my orders changed to DoA and against my wishes they sent me again."


Emaline approached Kelly and began to whisper into her ear. The Duelist looked behind her then shrugged. "Ok I'll take care of it. Arianna, you're now the Beta for Delta team, your orders are to collect the prisoners and transport them back to the office. We'll be along shortly." The War Hound snapped to a salute and set to her task. Kelly then made her way over to Nilly. "Okay, you have my limited attention. What do you want?"


Nilly looked around at all of the pokégirls moving through the building. "Who was that man who got teleported out a moment ago?"


"That was the Colonel, Colonel Marco Readman. He's stable but not great. Now what do you want?"


The Mini-Top came from around her master to tower over Kelly. "I don't know about Nilly but I've had enough of your attitude."


Kelly pinched the bridge of her nose like she'd seem Marco do countless times before. "I’ve had a long day, a long operation, one mentally broken squadmate, three battle worn harem members, and my Colonel and Master is in critical condition. So I'm going to apologize for my bad attitude." She paused for a moment to let it sink in. "But if you ever approach me like that again, I will strangle you with your own floppy ears. Now, how can I help you Nilly?"


The information, outburst, and threat caught her off guard and she had to think for a moment. "We need to write up a report about what happened here but all we have is that this is a Team Rocket base and we intruded on an Indigo Military operation. What can you give us?"


Kelly felt a little bad, the request was actually an easy one to grant. "You are free to move around the building and check things out, Indigo cleared it. Before you leave, talk to anyone from the unit. They will take down your information and I'll send you a copy of my report within two days. I would appreciate if you inform us on anything you find that we may have missed. Is this agreeable?"


Once again Nilly was stunned, this new attitude was a complete 180 from what she was before. "That would be great, thank you. We'll be sure to keep you informed." Kelly bowed politely before teleporting away. "I wonder if she would be willing to transfer to the Shadow League?"






The secret location... in North Indigo… about 53 miles from Indigo Plateau... In a bunker built into the side of a mountain... and surrounded by tall trees and lush greenery.




The Gentleman was slightly nervous as he looked at the display on his phone. It wasn't very often that he received calls from his boss, the man behind the man. The truth was that The Gentleman was nothing more than a middle manager and had his own boss to please, and at the rate things were going he wasn't pleased.


"Mr. G, what can I do for you today?"


"Well, you can explain why I've been waiting for three months for the pokégirls from Avalanche and haven't gotten a single one. I paid a lot of money to get you where you are and even more to bribe enough people so that you can work without incidents. Keeping the SII off your back, keeping SLOI off your back, this shit ain’t cheap. So what have I gotten in return? A bill, a bunch of hot air, empty promises, and not a single return on my motherfucking investment!"


"I'm sorry sir, I sent one of my best girls to put an end to one of the problems once and for all." He stammered and tied to reassure his boss that everything would be taken care of. He could try and explain later how they had two of their operations just fold up.


"I'm hearing more hollow promises Mr. Haures. What I want to hear are results! Have I made myself clear?”


“Yes Mr. G, I apologize for all of the delays. Rest assured I will have good news for you soon.”


“You better have. (click)”


Andzral teleported back into the office, she didn’t even give herself a chance to clean up. She didn't make it out of that fight nearly as unscathed as she made it seem. The gentleman gave her a concerned look as she stripped out of the leather suit. Being a Bondage Elf and a Hunter, she had an extremely high threshold for pain. As the zipper came down the Gentleman could see the full extent of the damage that was done. Her chest was almost covered in bruises, around her neck were burn marks from the hot chains, and the knee that she hit the armored Warrior Nun with was discolored and swollen.


"My god, what happened out there? Where's Spencer?" He asked in a concerned voice. Andzral had been with him since he was in his teens and some forty years later she was still at his side. While there were other pokégirls in his harem she was clearly one of the most important.


Desire played through her crimson eyes, the excitement of the fight and knowing that she accomplished her mission. If her master didn’t give her what she needed there was a good chance that she would take it anyway and the hell with the consequences. "I'm so worked up right now, I want you to fuck me until neither of us can move." She huffed out in a lust filled breath.


"I'll get to that soon. Please tell me what happened."


"As soon as we teleported in I went to work. Destroyed the server room and executed any personnel I came across. Spencer and his harem were busy fighting and losing their fights. After Gwyneth was taken down by Readman's celestial I went on the hunt. Teleported in, broke one girls neck then fought the celestial."


He had left his chair and sat on the end of his desk to get a better look at her. "Did you manage to kill Readman?"


She stepped out of the suit and crawled into his lap. "I tricked his girl into running him through with a flaming katana. Pretty sure it killed him, and the act turned her into a Fallen Angel. I was about to cut off his head when four more girls showed up. Two of them had defeated the girls from Spencer's harem and looked warn out. One appeared on the rafters and one crashed through the ceiling. The one from the ceiling was the biggest pain of all. I was in the middle of my fight with her when one of the others fired off a flair. Next thing I know there were a dozen more pokégirls teleporting in. That was when I left." Her hands were busy the entire time trying to undo the buttons to his shirt. "I couldn't risk trying to get back to Spencer, I had to leave him."


"But you're sure he's dead?"


"Master, it was a flaming katana. She went in up to the hilt and I heard it pierce his spine. His girl was wallowing on the ground so I think she was too busy to heal him. Good chance he's dead."


He reached up and ran his thumb over the burns on her neck. She let out a pain filled hiss but looked up at him with lust. "Then I am going to fuck the red right out of those eyes."




A few hours had gone by and most of Avalanche had left. Nilly had gotten the information she needed from the Indigo team so she was left to wait outside for her pick up. The area around her hazed for a second before Phillip appeared with Delilah and Clair. Upon entering he released Minerva and Cindy so they could hear the report as well.


"Ranger Meyers, field report." Commanded Philip.


"Yes sir, our operation and investigation into the pokégirl theft and redistribution is closed, albeit not under the best circumstances."


"Explain please, and who are they?" He motioned to the Indigo team members guarding the door. "I was under the impression that you only have three girls on your team."


"Yes sir, I do sir, they are from the Indigo Military Avalanche unit sir."


Philip started to turn pale and rocked back on his heels. "Speak freely, what in the hell happened out here?"


"We stumbled into an Indigo Military operation during our infiltration of the base. We were on the roof and accidentally tripped a sensor setting off the alarm. One of their team came and got us and we were told to wait until Colonel Marco Readman cleared us to come inside."


"Colonel Readman? Is he still here?"


"No sir, apparently someone else showed up and them was a showdown between Readman and this mystery guys harems. From the looks of things there was a massive fight. The Colonel was taken away in critical condition, the other guy and his harem were detained and taken away."


'That was Spencer.' "Did you recover any information having to do with Team Rocket?"


"We went through the building and we have some prisoners that Avalanche was willing to part with."


Delilah was on the same track as the others and figured that it was Spencer that was around. "Were there any casualties?"


"No Miss. Delilah, well... that depends on how you call a casualty. There were several dead Rocket Personnel that the military said they had no hand in killing, both harems took a lot of damage from the looks of things, the Colonel is in critical as I said, and a small number of Rocket pokégirls were killed in battle. Major Kelly agreed to send me a detailed report for our records and we are cleared to go through the building as we see fit."


Philip gave the building a quick glance over. It was going to take quite a few dedicated teams to go through the building and collect any possibly missed evidence. "Good job Ranger. Is there anything else to report?"


"No sir, do you think Indigo would be willing to part with Avalanche. I would like to have the Major on my team."


"Slim chance of that happening. I'll go ahead and contact the SII and Prussian police to come and take over the scene. You stay here while we have a look around." Nilly nodded and resumed her post while they made their way around to the other side of the building. "Minerva, is there any chance that Richards’s harem could have taken out Readman?"


The Sarama looked at the devastated area and the clear cut hole in the forest. "I doubt it, at least not if the Alpha was there. She is crazy powerful and is willing to fight dirty too. But I really didn't spend enough time with Spencer to gauge the strength of his girls. I know Gwyn had a loud mouth but she could back it up when it came down to it. What do you think Dee?"


The Dark Queen was also surveying the area and stopped to think about it. "In a head to head fight, no. Richard was sick of his mission the last time I saw him and wanted nothing more than to be done with Readman. You go in with a defeated attitude and you will be defeated. I have an idea of who could take them out and get away but it may take some time to confirm.”


Phillip nodded in agreement. “Figure it out and get back to me as soon as you can. Clair, you’re the liaison between us, SII, and the Prussian City Police.” He thought for a second on the best way to approach Readman and Avalanche. They were sure to be on high alert and guard after a second partially successful attack on their leader. On top of that, the attacks were coming form a government level, they would be wary of anyone attempting to have them switch organization at this points. And the kicker was that Phillip had in his possession one girl who they had confirmed tried to break into their home and another who, as far as they would be concerned, was pulling strings from behind the scenes. “We aren’t going to visit them anytime soon. At least not until we can convince them that we’re friendly.”


Minerva shifted her eyes as she thought back to her last meeting with the Alpha of Avalanche. “Do I have to be there for that meeting?”


“Yes you do, don’t worry well keep you safe.” Chuckled Phillip.




Alpha- Kelly- Duelist






Beta-Arianna- War Hound

???- Henrietta- Ghostrider

Beta- Mina- Kunoichi

Emaline- FireMaiden

Field Beta Selena- Caphoochie

Renae- IceMaiden

Chesra- Fallen Angel

Alexis- Cherub

Isabella- Mecha Musume

Kim- Bombshell

Rebecca- Smokey

Zianna- Lupina

Nikki- SexSlash

Lily- Gloomy

Leona- Lamia



Chesra- Alpha- Clinically Depressed

Carrie- Penance- Unknown

Ashley- Peekabu

Jean- Dark Kitsune