Takes place in 310-311as.

The basic story idea has been in my brain for a while, but recently, after not being able to get any serious writing done for three weeks due to college, my muse was screaming and gnawing at the bars of it's cage, demanding to be let out and play. This is the result.

Also abit of a departure from my normal style. This story is primarily journal entries and written from a first-person perspective. I was very much attempting to channel 'National Geographic Documentary' while writing this, and I had some fun with that.

Standard Disclaimers apply. Written by Micah Hakubi at feynman dot project AT SPAMOHMYGODHELPUSALL gmail dot com. You can guess the drill regarding contact.

The story is mine, the setting is not. We all give thanks to Metroanime daily for putting up with us messing around his in awesome world. Ahmen.

To quote Kerrik Wolf, "You should not read this work if you are under the age of legal consent wherever you reside. This work may or may not contain any and/or all of the following: death, dismemberment, violent acts, implied sex, explicit sex, violent sex, rape, cannibalism, blasphemy (depending on your religion), BDSM, torture, necrophilia, mimes, and just about anything unwholesome that you could consider."

Feedback welcome. I probably need the syntax abuse.

Major thanks to Kerrik Wolf for proof-reading and offering spelling and grammer abuse corrections for this chapter. All corrections are his, all mistakes are still mine.


[Entry Log Timestamp October 3, 310 AS, 6:45am]
[Pussycom Note: Associated File Tag, Aggregate Sensor Suite Observation Recording, Timestamp 9:30am, 10/2/310. Log Texts Not Transcribed from Audio.]

If my observations are correct, all common access to Hashima Island has been cut off by the Edo League authorities. Cellular towers and satellite communications are still in effect, possibly with hope that any remnant survivors will attempt contact for evacuation. Aerial patrols have ceased. If I'm correct, then the officials have already given up the city for the dead.

And the Zombabes.

Note for record, I am Jonathan Drake, Watcher. My harem consists of my Drow Zee, Allie, and my Psivyx, Cora. The matters of my accomplishments are on file, and I won't go into them here.

Why am I still here?

They say curiosity killed the catgirl. I am neither cat nor girl, so I call bullshit on the entire thing. Zombabes are mysterious enough as-is, with enough unknowns concerning their habits, activities, and mechanisms to fill volumes. Study is problematic. Controlled infection via magic is nearly impossible due to the randomness of the initial infection vector. The idea of massed test infection is ludicrous, never mind the host of ethical issues involved. What happens whenever a horde of Zombabes are left to their own devices for a prolonged period of time post-initial infection and consumption stages? No one knows. I don't intend to find out. I intend to observe, and let my observations speak for themselves.

The effect of the massed fear aura seems to have subsided. I've likely just acclimated. Judging by the epicenter of destruction where controlled attempts at fending off the horde occurred, patient zero was likely a combatant at Hashima's pokegirl center. My supposition is conjecture, as I don't know exactly how this started, but I'd like to think it's good conjecture.

As far as disasters go, I'd like to think this isn't the worst I've been involved in. The typhoon in mainland Edo was, in my opinion, far more dangerous.

If on the offhand chance that my father should somehow get a hold of my files and read this particular entry, then I can give a hearty 'fuck you' to him.

Entry close.

[Aggregate Sensor Suite Observation Recording Timestamp 10/4/310 AS, 10:50 AM]

[Aggregate Sensor Suite Observation Recording Timestamp 10/4/310 AS, 01:30 PM]

[Aggregate Sensor Suite Observation Recording Timestamp 10/6/310 AS, 09:15 AM]

[Aggregate Sensor Suite Observation Recording Timestamp 10/10/310 AS, 11:09 PM]

[Aggregate Sensor Suite Observation Recording Timestamp 10/14/310 AS, 07:40 PM]

[Entry Log Timestamp 11/15/310 AS, 7:30 AM]

Dye marker tagging of individual zombabes has been tentatively successful in recording migration patterns. Attempting to further differentiate observational targets is, if you'll excuse my vulgarity, fucking stupid with not enough rewards for the risks.

Tagging has proved conclusively that Zombabes exhibit slight migratory tendencies whenever in a target-lacking environment. The data, however, is spoiled; I've noted several individual zombabes post-tagging that regularly appear at my observational posts. More than likely, they're attracted to me and my harem, depending on whatever mechanism they use to find their prey.

Unusual to note; several Zombabes have not followed this pattern. I've noted at least 3 tagged Zombabes that seem to follow an individual pattern with no repeat in terms of migration. These odd individuals also gather more Zombabes as they move. I might very well be witnessing horde formation in action.

Reference annotated file, have recorded at least one Zombabe as falling victim to cannibalism, stripped clean of remaining soft tissue and effectively 'killed', for lack of a better term. While I did not witness the act, in the current environment, the only thing that could successfully prey on a Zombabe is another Zombabe.

Close entry.

[Aggregate Sensor Suite Observation Recording Timestamp 11/17/310 AS, 8:12 AM]

[Aggregate Sensor Suite Observation Recording Timestamp 11/23/310 AS, 6:28 AM]

[Aggregate Sensor Suite Observation Recording Timestamp 11/25/310 AS, 4:30 PM]

[Entry Log Timestamp 11/28/310 AS, 9:30 AM]

As a Watcher, I dislike letting emotional perception and misgivings get in the way of data accumulation and observation, but I'm beginning to rethink my initial estimation of the dangers involved in Zombabe Horde study. I've had several tagged Zombabes I've been unable to account for with no evidence of cannibalization. Likely, they've simply migrated into one of the buildings where I'm unable to follow. But the number of missing tagged is higher than 5 at this point, and I'm beginning to worry.

Shouldn't let superstition get to me. I'm not omnipotent, so they've likely just slipped by observation nets.


Close entry.

[Aggregate Sensor Suite Observation Recording Timestamp

[Aggregate Sensor Suite Observation Recording Timestamp

[Entry Log Timestamp 12/7/310 AS, 10:13 AM]

Watchers typically confine themselves to specific areas of study. I'm not a biologist; I'm an animal behavior specialist.

I mention this as I deeply regret not being a biologist, or having access to the equipment needed for proper sampling. Annotated sensor suite recordings will confirm my written observation, that I've recorded unusual material emissions in several distinct locations at random on Hashima Island. The material, observed from a distance, is a highly viscous liquid, unnaturally purple in coloration. My Drow Zee states that her magical observation spells note the material as being Zombabe Poison, which is flatly impossible. The only known form of Zombabe Poison is it's mist configuration.

I can only curse myself up, down, and sideways for not having access to sampling equipment. I may very well have witnessed a new and dangerous form of Zombabe Poison, I'll likely never know otherwise.

Still. If this is so, where did it come from?

Close Entry.

[Aggregate Sensor Suite Observation Recording Timestamp 12/9/310 AS, 10:50 AM]

[Aggregate Sensor Suite Observation Recording Timestamp 12/13/310 AS, 10:50 AM]

[Aggregate Sensor Suite Observation Recording Timestamp 12/17/310 AS, 10:50 AM]

[Aggregate Sensor Suite Observation Recording Timestamp 12/28/310 AS, 10:50 AM]

[Aggregate Sensor Suite Observation Recording Timestamp 01/2/311 AS, 10:50 AM]

[Entry Log Timestamp 01/5/311 AS, 3:32 PM]

I had thought survivors this long into a Zombabe Infection an impossibility. I would think myself insane, but if this is the case, then it's catching, as my Drow Zee states that she heard the noise, as well. It's been hard to pin down, but whatever it is, it's definitely not normal Zombabe vocalization. It's too fine, too distinct, but I'll be damned if we could track it to the source. Moreover, it cut off at random intervals with no repetitious pattern I could discern. That alone has to imply a survivor.

Oddly enough, I've not been able to determine an altercation to the established Zombabe migratory habits. If it's a survivor, why the hell aren't they going after him or her?

Close Entry.

[Aggregate Sensor Suite Observation Recording Timestamp 01/07/311 AS, 11:50 AM]

[Aggregate Sensor Suite Observation Recording Timestamp 01/12/311 AS, 06:10 AM]

[Aggregate Sensor Suite Observation Recording Timestamp 01/22/311 AS, 07:48 PM]

[Aggregate Sensor Suite Observation Recording Timestamp 01/24/311 AS, 11:17 PM]

[Entry log Timestamp 02/4/311 AS, 5:30 PM]

Observed several plumes of Zombabe poison at a distance, mark locations via annotated sensor suite files. I had thought it was Zombabe's auto-cannibalization habit going into effect, but upon arriving at the location, I could locate no corpses that could account for the poison release. Strange.

Close Entry.

[Aggregate Sensor Suite Observation Recording Timestamp 02/18/311 AS, 11:17 PM]

[Aggregate Sensor Suite Observation Recording Timestamp 02/24/311 AS, 11:17 PM]

[Entry Log Timestamp 02/27/311 AS, 10:35 PM]

That noise again. It has to be a survivor, but to survive this long? They would have to have made the attempt to escape from Hashima island, and it's not as if this is a hard thing to manage, and I've not paid notice to any major altercations on the island up to this point.

If I didn't know better, I'd say that it was somebody crying.

I need a vacation after this.

Close Entry.

[Aggregate Sensor Suite Observation Recording Timestamp 03/2/311 AS, 1:50 AM]

[Aggregate Sensor Suite Observation Recording Timestamp 03/7/311 AS, 9:33 AM]

[Aggregate Sensor Suite Observation Recording Timestamp 03/9/311 AS, 10:01 PM]

[Aggregate Sensor Suite Observation Recording Timestamp 03/13/311 AS, 12:50 PM]

[Aggregate Sensor Suite Observation Recording Timestamp 03/22/311 AS, 11:49 AM]

[Entry Log Timestamp 04/2/311 AS, 8:52 PM]

I shouldn't get exited, but this, this is almost ground-breaking. 'Professor Drake' always had a nice ring to it. The academics in the Capital League will likely welcome me with open arms. Arms, hell, I'll be able to write my own ticket after this!

Calm, calm. If you've gone through the sensor suite files I've annotated, you'll already know what I'm getting at; Conclusive proof of a new Zombabe evolution!

This is staggering. It supports the current going theories that Zombabes are actual pokegirls as opposed to some overlain template, if there are triggers than can somehow cause them to evolve beyond their mindless and rapacious hunger stage. It's grating, though. There are too many variables to account for that could act as a trigger for the evolution. Good for me, I suppose, as it means I've literally stumbled across a once-in-a-lifetime, only one of it's kind pokegirl, but the scientist in me, I can't help but feel disappointed. The likely trigger for the creation of such a pokegirl will likely remain unknown for the remainder of all time, barring some extensive study.

Probably for the best. The capability to readily enact pokegirl evolutions from a Zombabe... well, it's a little horrifying.

Enough. The pokegirl herself. Unlike Zombabes, she seems remarkably sessile. Responds almost violently to external stimulus of any kind, noise among them, but being physically touched sends her into a berserker frenzy. Not even Zombabes are immune; See annotated sensor suite file. Skin coloration is pale gray, with a startling lack of necrosis that Zombabes habitually possess. Hair a stark white. No noted feature that could identify what, if any, pokegirl she was before the change.

She may have been a female human before the evolution. Disturbing thought.

Primary combat capabilities seemed focus on the physical. Noted unusual growths on the fingers of both hands that looks like some sort of hard, claw-like blood-red substance from afar. Non-retractable. Fine manipulation seems unlikely. No noted events of exorbitant strength in her activities. Speed is above-par, but not startling. Eyes possess a disturbing, blood-red luminescence. I've never seen anything like it on a pokegirl before.

Common habits. As noted, habitually sessile unless provoked. They exhibit almost complete immobility when left unmolested. Their vocalization, which resembled actual crying, only occurs whenever a Zombabe horde nears. Likely similar vocalization would occur if I or one of my girls did similar. Loud noises or actual physical contact are enough to throw her into a frenzy. Oddly enough, Zombabes seem to disregard her as prey. Why? She also seems immune to the effects of Zombabe Poison; I witnessed her exposure to enough of the substance to convert an entire battalion of pokegirls into Zombabes, with no ill effect whatsoever.

My Drow Zee's magical observations and study indicates that the pokegirl in question exhibits no Zombabe Poison generation. At all. She's entirely poison-free.

The question of tameability is likely to remain unanswered for the foreseeable future. Capturing her would likely indicate the possibility of such, but managing this feat seems unlikely.

Close entry.

[Aggregate Sensor Suite Observation Recording Timestamp 4/3/311 AS, 7:01 AM]

[Aggregate Sensor Suite Observation Recording Timestamp 4/5/311 AS, 8:07 AM]

[Aggregate Sensor Suite Observation Recording Timestamp 4/6/311 AS, 10:02 AM]

[Entry Log Timestamp 04/7/311 AS, 6:52 PM]

Questions regarding the Zombabe's auto-cannibalization habit remain unanswered. The trigger and cause for such activity remains unknown. Possible instability in the Zombabe infection? It may very well be feasible that the magics or biologics supporting the infection eventually destabilize, resulting in aberrant behavior compared to what occurs during the early stages of an outbreak.

I shall note that my new pokegirl has a glass jaw. My continued observations were interrupted by a group of Zombabes spontaneously moving to attack her; a physical blow to the back of the head was enough to put her down severely.

I admit, I panicked. Disturbingly enough, the capture worked.

In the past months I've slowly barricaded and successfully cleared out the Pokegirl Center on Hashima Island. I'll be able to utilize it's equipment to make a more exhaustive examination of this particular pokegirl.

No title for the breed forthcoming. I refuse to give her a stupid appellation such as 'Crybaby', no matter what my Psivyx suggests.

Close entry.

[Aggregate Sensor Suite Observation Recording Timestamp 4/8/311 AS, 9:05 AM]

[Aggregate Sensor Suite Observation Recording Timestamp 4/9/311 AS, 1:02 PM]

[Aggregate Sensor Suite Observation Recording Timestamp 4/10/311 AS, 2:24 PM]

[Entry Log Timestamp 04/11/311 AS, 5:03 PM]

Observations continue. Note annotated information file. Scanners at the center confirm lack of Zombabe Poison in the pokegirls system. Taming cycles effective. Isolation activity in a cleared and locked taming room is simple; with lack of external stimulus, the Zombabe evolution remains sessile and rests. No apparent need for consumption to sustain itself. Contact with humans positive, unusually enough. Introduction of human scents into her environment provoke no reaction.

It can't be this easy. I've seen feral Titmice act more aggressive.

Note sensor readings; Core body temperature at human baseline standard. Unable to do fluid sampling as of this time for fear of needlessly provoking her. Healing cycles show no evidence of contamination.

I've made my decision. I have to know.

Close entry.

[Aggregate Sensor Suite Observation Recording Timestamp 4/12/311 AS, 10:02 AM]

[Entry Log Timestamp 04/13/311 AS, 9:03 AM]

I once heard a friend of mine note that necrophilia was the irresistible urge to crack open a cold one. If this is the case, then color me a convert.

Now that I've got that tasteless joke out of the way. Taming was successful. Sampled hormonal levels of the pokegirl in question hint at the successful establishment of an alpha bond. Definite behavioral shift post-taming with reciprocation in regards to affectionate overtures. Still skittish regarding loud and sudden noises, but no longer demonstrates overt photophobia. No demonstration of non-feral intelligence or hint of any pre-infection knowledge. Behavior consistent with a newly tamed feral.

No signs of infection on my end. Given the pain recorded by male zombabe poison victims, I'd be the first to know if something was wrong.

Both my Drow Zee and Psivyx are still leery of her. I can't say I blame them. It's a new experience to wake up to those glowing red eyes staring down at you. You only notice the smile afterwards.

The implications are beginning to settle in my brain. A successfully tamable Zombabe evolution? I'm not so certain anymore that the League's academia will welcome me with open arms. I may just get two to the back of the head for my troubles.

Taming note, those claws are sharp. Screw my pride as a tamer, I'm getting her fitted with gloves. First observations were correct; fine manipulation is extremely difficult for her.

Dietary requirements, if any, will have to wait.

Close entry.

[Aggregate Sensor Suite Observation Recording Timestamp 4/17/311 AS, 10:02 AM]

[Aggregate Sensor Suite Observation Recording Timestamp 4/20/311 AS, 10:02 AM]

[Aggregate Sensor Suite Observation Recording Timestamp 4/23/311 AS, 10:02 AM]

[Entry Log Timestamp 04/27/311 AS, 5:13 AM]

Possible second Zombabe evolution observed. Active habitual aggression far more pronounced than first observed evolution. Physical characteristics are unlike any pokegirl I've ever seen before. Primary characteristic is that of an elongated tongue that can fire out and entangle a target at a truly staggering distance. Pull strength is enough to yank a fully healed psivyx pokegirl off her feet and... ... ... ... I...

[Entry Log Timestamp 04/27/311 AS, 5:54 AM]

Okay. Okay. I'm better now. I just...

We encountered the new pokegirl during an attempt at reconnaissance of zombabe poison emissions that I've been noting with greater frequency. I've been witnessing zombabe poison clouds with no apparent source upon arrival and study. Apparently yesterday we finally stumbled upon the source of these emissions.

The pokegirl in question seems to readily emit these poisons in a continuous out-gassing. Primary attack method seems to be entanglement utilizing the elongated tongue.

As a note, I've been bringing Senka, the zombabe evolution pokegirl whom I've tamed, along with my recon and observation sweeps.

The attack came out of nowhere. I can't really blame us for the surprise. I've never seen an attack like that. I could never anticipate an attack like that. One zombabe evolution is enough. But two?

The attack tagged Cora and dragged her down from the rooftop into the street. I admit, I choked. I and Allie both. Realistically, there was nothing we could do to assist her in getting free. Attacking the unknown pokegirl would have been foolhardy given the poison emissions, but worse, Cora's struggles drew what Zombabes were present too her.

God, it was horrible. The screams... No, I can't think of that right now.

The startling element of the attack was that Senka did -not- choke. She reacted almost instantly, leaping down from the rooftop and tearing through the hordes in an attempt to retrieve Cora. That type of solidarity I wouldn't have expected. Senka has been almost completely mute beyond the occasional odd vocalization, and while she did what I ordered readily enough, I wasn't sure if she actually understood.

Senka might even have succeeded, but between the horde and the new evolution... As if adding insult to injury, a fatal blow to the unknown pokegirl resulted in a massive eruption of zombabe poisons as she died.

To horribly masticate an old movie quote, this operation is well and truly fucked. It's gone beyond discovering a new evolution. The League standard procedure for containing a Zombabe outbreak cannot work any longer if it's going to allow the opportunity for these unusual breeds to evolve.

League Wards prevent teleportation from Hashima Island, but the bridge is still available for exit. Tomorrow I and the remainder of my harem will evacuate the island and attempt to get word back to the League of what happened here.

Close entry.



These are the files I brought to your attention earlier. They were recovered from a pokedex ensconced in the rubble of a building on Hashima Island. We had our Psych boys do a profiling on the entries and they're pretty well convinced that the entire thing is basically a psychotic break episode involving our Watcher in the face of the Zombabe outbreak. They didn't get to see the aggregate sensor suite files.

We'll have to start quietly enacting change to Zombabe Handling Protocol in the Leagues. The information of possible Zombabe evolutions has to be suppressed. Forget the fucking Teams, if a Master Tamer gets it in his head that he can somehow acquire a rare and unique pokegirl, we'll get situations popping up that'll quickly spiral out of control.

What worries me is when the sweeper teams cleared Hashima Island, no unusual Zombabes were recorded destroyed. Where the fuck did they go? Our boy Drake might have been unlucky enough to encounter the only examples of these new evolutions, but I wouldn't bet on luck of either kind.

Another thing. Our lucky boy is gone. The pokedex was recovered from the rubble of a building that looks as if a team of Amachamps went to town on it. I got a forensic expert to do a quick look at the pictures of the devastation, and he states it would take a pokegirl of horrendous strength to manage such destruction. A zombabe couldn't do it. There was also no body, no equipment, and moreover, no mysterious 'Crybaby' pokegirl wandering around tearing shit up.

We can't put it outside the realm of possibility that Drake skipped out and sacrificed his pokedex as a red herring. My recommendation is to put out a quiet look-see for him to see if he pops up somewhere.

If he's alive, we need to find this guy. He and his pokegirl.



For those whom have never played the game, yes, this is a Left4Dead/Pokegirls crossover. The idea of having the five 'Special' Zombies in the game pop up as Zombabe evolutions has been in my brain for a while. I was initially put off due to the reaction when I threw the notion out first, but it stuck in my brain, and recently, my muse decided it was time to put the concept to paper.

No, I don't intend to do a writeup on the 'Crybaby' Pokegirl(Witch, from the game). If you're curious, we got to see the Smoker in the above story, with hints of both the Boomer and the Tank. If you're curious as to how the Witch/Crybaby looks, here's a good example: http://danbooru.donmai.us/post/show/451448/