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Waking up, the Young man thought back on the crazy dream he had. He didn’t hear his alarm so he probably woke up before it went off, again, not a bad habit by any means it allowed him to sleep in late in a way. As he tried to move his hands, seriously when did he start sleeping on his back with his hands beside his pillow, he was stopped by something. That instant warning bells went off in his head, keeping his eyes shut he did a mental check-up on himself.
 /ok let’s see, pain? No, good that means no horrible torture or disfiguration, yet. Next, sense of touch? Check, which means no pain relievers or destroyed nerves which would negate the last check. Following that is: smell? In order, somehow there seems little in the air, although it doesn’t smell like home. Hearing? Not impaired, someone nearby is breathing, no distinctive sounds of places like the sea or something like that. Taste? Let’s just skip that one for now. Lastly; sight?/ for this he cracked an eyelid open so that he could see without people easily noticing.
“I know you are awake so don’t play dumb.”
 /well though luck there, he thought to himself, although I’m still going to call that bluff to see if she’s serious. Now he just hoped he wasn’t caught by some mass murdering fuckhead and he just needed to play it safe till the cops were warned./
“okay mister I got permission to do this if you don’t cooperate so you brought this upon yourself.”
/fuck! Permission? That means this is some sort of group or organization which drastically cuts down on chances of escape. The only good thing is I’m currently facing some kind of grunt./
 while he thought that the woman splashed cold water over him, when he opened his eyes however he couldn’t see her hold a bucket.
“oh come on, was that really necessary now I’m drench…” his voice trailed off as he took a look at his guard. This was unreal, his mind was screaming ‘squirtitty’ at him and his mind went into overdrive.
If I am in a world with pokegirls
I wish to believe I am in a world with pokegirls
If I am not in a world with pokegirls
I wish to believe I am not in a world with pokegirls
Let me not become attached to beliefs I may not want


Having that done with he began thinking how he could prove or falsify his believes. The simplest test would be to see the ‘squirtitty’ use one of her pokegirl attacks on him, for example water gun. The problem with that would be to get her to use that attack without causing her to become mad enough to seriously harm him. The best way was to get her angry at someone else than him. However currently that wasn’t his top priority, at the moment his top priority was surviving this carp-infested hole. So, what did he know? What resources did he have? What were his goals? And how could he use the first two to achieve the latter?
Ok, let’s do this right: what did he know? He knew he was being held somewhere on what was probably a world of pokegirls. Now with that in mind there were a few groups which could possibly transport/summon people across dimensional barriers: the leagues, the Celestial Alliance, certain Teams, Sanctuary or some of the legendary’s. of these groups he could already discount the CA and the legendary’s, simply because the CA wouldn’t have him guarded by a non-celestial pokegirl and he knew this one wasn’t blessed. Next the legendary’s would have guarded him themselves and not shoved him off to some patsies. Now that he was thinking about it this wasn’t the leagues either, the prison set-up just wasn’t their style. This was way too “redundant department of redundancy department” for them, even if he did get free from the chains there was the guard to put up with, the lock on the door and if he was in a league he bet that the next 3 miles were league military base so that if he ran he’d get caught immediately. Now the various teams would be screwed if he made it to the nearest pokecenter. Sanctuary on the other hand, well they were just that paranoid about security. Ok, so what did he know more about those two groups?
First teams: not much here, the teams themselves were just too different from each other to say anything about their goals, assets or location although he could make an educated guess about their assets containing at least a few mages of considerable power who were most likely pokegirls.
Next up was sanctuary, hoo boy where to begin? Ok so first thing was that he was completely screwed over five ways to Sunday if he was captured by sanctuary. Leagues, nod and smile and you were on your way. Teams, a reliable chance of escape or rescue there. Celestial Alliance? Well a bit more difficult but you could still escape them. And lastly the legendaries, well if it wasn’t one of the kill-happy ones like Cocooner or Lugiass (he actually liked those two a bit) he’d probably be seen as a toy to be thrown away after satisfaction by the playful ones while the other’s wouldn’t be interested enough to summon him. No with sanctuary he was properly screwed over. There was almost no chance of escaping sanctuary on his own and it wasn’t like he could wait for the cavalry to arrive. It wasn’t like hentai, sweetcunt, rawcunt, evangelion or any of the other legendary’s, neither was it very likely that he got any non-believers in sanctuary as his guard detail sanctuary wasn’t that stupid. on second thought scratch that last one, sanctuary was stupid enough to put a non-brainwashed dire-wolf or succubus on his guard detail it just wasn’t very likely. No he needed plans and to test who his capturers actually were./
“So when is your tamer going to show? I’m a busy man after all.” He said to the squirtitty knowing full well it was going to piss her off something fierce if she was sanctuary’s. he paid attention to her to gauge her reaction.


She seemed confused at first and then she became angry and answered his unasked question by blasting him in the face with a water gun attack and told him: “I’m not a slave to any male human, I’m a free pokegirl of sanctuary”
He had gained the information he wanted but he couldn’t resist giving a parting shot: “I see, a slave to sanctuary huh? Well if you feel you’re better of deluding yourself who am I to stop you?”
He knew it would have been smarter to not say that but he just couldn’t stop himself from doing that so he decided the slap she gave him afterwards was entirely his fault. Not that it hurt much since he was used to much worse from himself. It seemed the squirtitty wasn’t so good off as him if she was waving her hand like she was. He decided to leave her alone for now and continue with updating what he knew.
/so he was in the pokegirl universe, scratch that ‘the’ and make it an ‘a’. He was pulled across dimensions by pokegirls he was pretty sure before that he would never meet so he wasn’t going to assume there was only one dimension where Jim had set his bio-weapons loose upon the earth. Next on the agenda were his capturers, it just had to be sanctuary hadn’t it? No chance of it being some random team or a chance activation of a dimensional portal in one of Jim’s old bases. Noooo he was stuck with sanctuary, heaven forbid he could ever have some good luck now and then. Now his next job was not to curse himself by saying the world famous last words: “at least it can’t get any worse.” If he did that he just might find out his capturers had a killer queen of course.
Now let’s see how he got here, what did he last remember before waking up here? Ok let’s see: going to his athletics training? Check. Going home and having dinner? Check. Going to bed? Check. So he was summoned over when he was sleeping was he? He had to see what he had brought with him once he got free. Then he noticed something that made him extremely angry, he felt drained, which meant at least some of the power used to pull him across worlds had come from his personal magic reserve those bitches. Then he suddenly became a lot less angry. Personal magic reserves? This just kept getting better and better didn’t it? He would teach those sanctuary idiots what happens if you mess with Makahl. He gained an inner smile, not a friendly one, his smile was somewhere between ‘Cheshire seeing a chance to have fun’ and ‘sharptits smelling blood’.
Okay enough being happy about his newly gained magical powers. He merely gained a new power which could help in his escape. However he needed to check something first. He needed to know if Sanctuary knew about his powers, to do that he needed to find out if there was a drain on his magic and whether he was sealed from using it. There didn’t seem to be any continuous drain on his magic which was good, if anything his magical power was replenishing himself which was even better. For now however he needed to keep this information to himself, no weapon deadlier than the one not seen right? So he did one of his faster meditative techniques which could be used as a suppressor of his own magic, nothing fancy but it would reduce the chance of his detection.
So he knew he was held by sanctuary and they had somehow summoned him from his home dimension. He also guessed he was somewhere on the dark continent, which was bad because it would hinder his escape.
What did he have? He had somehow gained magical powers from the summoning, then there was his knowledge of the pokegirl world including info that was classified past omega level security. Also there was his strange power to be able to identify pokegirls by sight as if he had scanned them.
Then what was his goal? Currently he needed to get away from sanctuary and reach a league which spoke English as a main language French was also a possibility although he knew he wouldn’t be able to tell the people he was a local. However his first choice of escape would be western Azure League. With his knowledge of German however slapdash it was he could still fit in as a local whose parents didn’t speak it at home. Also if the tradition hadn’t changed overly much it would be the thing closest to home he could get on this blasted globe. But all that was in the future, his current job was getting out of here while the getting was good. Also he needed to know what he would do if they scanned him with a psychic pokegirl. Not that he wasn’t going to try and defend himself, if he couldn’t put up a wall strong enough he would just flood the with useless info: ia ia chtulhu fhtagn and whatnot, he would make them lose “the Game” too of course. He would teach them all about the 5 main village leaders and their leaders the “Kage Rangers” too of course, after all who was he to deny them such important information? Obviously it was his task to teach them all the great things about 21st century culture without Jim and his wonderful little creations. For he would stand proudly by the orange flag, the color of his loyalty! Having that over with the Teenager continued planning his eventual escape from this place, for now however he needed to keep his plans on hold until he had more information and resources./


ok AN:

so I just couldn't resist and added my entry to the captured by sanctuary shared universe.

I don't really have much to say here besides that whoever can find all three of the references in the orange flag of my loyalty joke gets a cooky. to give you a hint two of those references are hinted at in the same paragraph as the orange flag comment itself. while the third one comes from an awesome anime.

that was all so I'll say goodbye now.