The ground was wet where she lay, and dew soaked into her bare skin. The sun was barely up and the chill of the night was still in the air. Isabel lay on her back, staring up at the slowly lightening sky and tried to think.

Somehow, she had been pulled from her own world into this, what appeared to be the pokegirl world. How, she didn't know, but it looked as though the Sanctuary Goth's had something to do with it. In the process, she had thresholded and become a Titto. A security service had raided the place with the intel of someone called Kerrik Wolf (and Isabel had read enough stories to recognize that name). What had her worried was the fact that he was referred to as the author.

Well, that worried her, as well as a host of other things. She had been pokeballed, or at least that's what she assumed, since it just looked like a tinted fishtank. Handy thing that, being able to hear and see outside of a pokeball. Better not be have to go in one in the first place, but there was no chance of that now.

Sex with that solider had been brilliant. She had always wondered that in her reading, how much enjoyment the pokegirls got out of it when the tamers were pounding away at their own pleasure. Well, now she knew. And now she also realized just how much of a panic there was about going feral. She had mostly had her mind when she was feral, but nothing seemed to bother her quite as much as when she was well. Isabel wasn't quite sure if she liked that, even though it made over-reacting to situations more difficult.

She was a Titto, a shape shifting Pokemon. She had already shifted into the form of a Nightmare, and used her Drain attack on a member of the Blue League Security force. Why a Titto of all things, she didn't know. A Pokedex was now turning into a necessity, to give her information on what else to shift into, if nothing else. How she was meant to get a pokedex when she was a pokegirl was something that she was going to have to think about.

There were still so many questions that she had left to answer, not least of all; where in the hell was she? The Blue League, obviously, but whereabouts? Camp Collins was the only information that she had gleaned from Mark, and that was about as much use as a chocolate teapot.

“Lying around here isn't going to solve any of my problems,” she murmured under her breath. “But what exactly do I do? I can't really walk up to a Tamer and tell him 'Hello, I'm an extra-dimensional human woman put in the form of a Titto and I need your help.' They'd be thumping me on the head with pokeballs before I even finished saying 'Hello'. And having to work with other pokegirls? They'd tear the crap out of me! What the hell do I know about being a Titto?”


Isabel shrieked and bolted upright. The hamtits which had been drawn by her rapidly rising voice shrieked as well. The two of them banged heads, and Isobel's vision swam even as she sank back to the ground. From around her, more Hamtits voices piped up in curiosity. The Hamtits that she had collided with growled at her, showing those prominent front teeth.

“Oh, bugger you too,” Isabel said rudely, rubbing her head and scowling back. The Hamtits continued to growl. It, or rather, she, was quite cute, a sandy brown colour, and quite furry. Isabel had the strange urge to pet the Hamtits, but by the growl, she'd probably have her hand severely gnawed.

The growling was getting louder now, with the other Hamtits picking up on the leader's annoyance.

“Oh, fuck this!” Isabel snarled. Already, this day was going to hell, and she was damned if she was going to be intimidated by an overgrown hamster!

She launched herself forward, barely noticing that her fingers had acquired claws, and barreled into the Hamtits. Isabel swiped her opponent across the face with her new claws, knocking the Hamtits over onto her back. The hamtits squealed in pain as blood was drawn, and Isabel bared new, sharper teeth right in front of the Hamtits eyes.

“I am not in the mood,” she said slowly, not caring it the Hamtits understood the words. “You and your little gang can go and be cute elsewhere.”

Slowly, Isabel sat back up. The gang of Hamtits was now around her, some watching her warily, others with what looked like admiration. One was holding a handful of berries. She seemed to consider things for a moment, before holding them out to Isabel.


Apparently, attacking the leader was the right way to go about things, Isabel decided as she accepted one of the berries cautiously. The Hamtits under her squirmed slightly, and Isabel slid backwards, feeling the Vampire fangs that she had somehow managed to morph, change back into her normal teeth. That was a really weird sensation. The leader Hamtits cocked her head and studied Isabel, before making a cheeping noise and rubbed her head against Isabel's arm.

Hamstergirls, Isabel mused as she scratched her new friend behind the ears, were rather weird. Especially since she had kept hamsters, once upon a time. And she was sure there was one lurking around the back of the group that had the same coloration as her first ever one.

The berry was sweet, and soft enough not to affect her new digestion. A mostly liquid diet was going to be strange, no more steaks for this Titto. Just another than that she would have to consider.

The Hamtits were friendly enough, chattering away to each other and to her, even if she couldn't understand a blasted word of it. The former leader (who Isabel mentally called Beige), was happy being scratched, and the others were spreading out to carry on with their harvesting and gathering that her shouting had interrupted.

Since they apparently didn't expect her to join in, Isabel lay back into the grass, and as Beige cuddled into her, started thinking aloud again.

“But all the ranting and raving in the world isn't going to get rid of the fact that even if I still think human, I am a pokegirl, and apparently, I do go feral. So I need to find a male. Theoretically, I could do a Legendary and steal one for a while, but that's not a life. I need to try and find a way to get back home, even if it means leaving my new friends.”

Beige purred, seemingly oblivious to Isabel's racing thoughts.

“I don't even know what to do next. All the stories made it sound so simple, that things just happen. Good things happen to good people and bad things happen to bad people. Any bad things happening to good people usually end up being character building, or good in the end,” she sighed. “Unfortunately, I don't think lazing around in the grass here is going to get me hit by a bolt of inspirational lighting.”

She sat up, and was promptly run over by a Hamtits, which squeaked at her frantically.

“Stupid Murphy,” Isabel groused, as Beige roused, and squeaked back.

Isabel twitched her head back and forward as she tried to follow the conversation, but failed. Both Hamtits turned to stare expectantly at her. Bugger.

“Cat!” piped up the third, the one who apparently wasn't as feral as the rest.

Well, that was slightly more helpful.

“Show me.”

The Hamtits led the rest of the group out of the grass and into the trees. The undergrowth was thick, and the brambles were really starting to get on Isabel's nerves when she remembered, and shifted her feet into something rocky. The Hamtits didn't notice, squeaking quietly to each other. Some had looked as if they would refuse to come, but when Isabel moved, they decided that being with the leader was a better idea.

Isabel usually like the forests. But a forest with a path was a pain in the arse to get through (especially with no clothes on). There were so many sensations out here. The smell of the leaves and the trees, and of the rather fragrant Hamtits. The feel of the leaves on her bare skin, and the brambles on her stony feet. Listening to the rustling of the Hamtits, and straining to hear any other ferals coming this way.

It was while she was straining her hearing that the leading Hamtits stopped and crouched down low. Isabel followed suit and peered out through the concealing leaves, absently shifting her skin to a more greenish hue.

A dirt path wound its way past their spot. Standing further down, leaning against a tree, was a young man. He looked to be barely fifteen, maybe sixteen, and he was currently getting a blowjob from a girl with cat ears. Perched on a branch above him was a girl all covered with feathers.

Isabel tried to remember the pokegirl names. The feathered one could be a Rack or a Pidgy, but she seemed to be showing more intelligence that the 'dex entry for the Pidgy that she had read. The Catgirl was just that. It was the Catgirl that had got the Hamtit's agitated, and Isabel could feel them trembling all around her.

This was her perfect opportunity though. Here was a Tamer. She didn't think this would be the harem to join (besides, there was something about bird pokegirl that freaked her out slightly), but at the very least, he would have a pokedex. Something to be able to reference, and look things up in.

With a long groan from her Tamer, the Catgirl finished her ministrations, and sat back with a satisfied smirk. The Tamer stood there, eyes closed for a moment, before he recalled the bird girl back to her pokeball.

“Let's go, Priss,” he said, and the catgirl purred and stood up.

Isabel considered.

“Button?” she whispered, tapping the talking Hamtits on the shoulder. “Sit in road?” and she pointed to the path. Button shook her head.




“Cat chase Button. Beige sneak Tamer. No more Cat. Tamer for Hamtits.”

Isabel felt quite stupid talking so strangely, but she figured that it was the best way not to confuse the Hamtits.

Priss and her Tamer were getting closer, when Button nodded. Problem one sorted. Next problem, how to ambush a squishy Tamer before he could release any more of his pokegirls?

Button was chittering at the other Hamtits, and as Isabel watched, they massed in a group, and jumped out onto the road. Immediately they saw Priss, they squealed and bolted back into the forest, running in a different direction from Isabel and Beige. Priss stiffened, and looked at her Tamer.

“Go get them!” he yelled enthusiastically. Priss was off like a shot. The Tamer wandered a bit further, right to the bush that Isabel was hiding in. He scanned around, looking for danger, as he reached for another pokeball.

Isabel struck. Her new form was shorter now, and her long hair was black and yellow. Armour scaled over her legs, arms and breasts. She struck at him with her tail, and her gossamer wings beat dust into his eyes. Beige stood there, eyes round with a mixture of awe, and fear.

The Tamer froze on the spot as her Stop Sting did its work. Isabel the Buzzbreast cheered. Just to be on the safe side, she jabbed him again, before unhooking his belt.

The pokedex was locked to him but it was only a matter of holding his stiffened fingers against the reader.

“Welcome, Callum Armstrong,” Isabel read out as the pokedex booted up. “First things first, find out which ball belongs to Priss.”

It took Isabel a moment or two to figure out the pokedex, but as it was designed to be used by anyone, it was simple enough. She scanned the six pokeballs, found three empty, and handed the Catgirl's ball to Beige.

“Go help?” she asked the Hamtits, who scampered off, beaming proudly.

The other two balls contained a Pidgeotta and a Boobisaur.

While she was waiting for Beige and the other Hamtits to return, Isabel dragged Mr Callum into the bushes and propped him up against a tree while she played with the pokedex.

She was in the Blue League somewhere near what would have been the A1 between Newcastle and Morpeth. Familiar territory to her anyway.  At least she wasn't stuck in the wilds of Canada or heaven forbid, Africa. Hard to navigate when all you remember from Geography was the teacher throwing a board eraser at one of the pupils.

He had two saved messages, both were from his mother. The first was chastising him for sneaking out of the house, and the second was congratulating him on picking up two pokegirls on Sadie Pokens, and asking if he was making sure that he was wearing clear underpants. She looked to be some sort of mouse breed, and her ears waggled in time with her finger as she shook it at the camera.

Isabel giggled at the sight and stopped the video. It really was rather cute, and she did feel bad for ambushing him the way she did. But she didn't feel bad enough to give him the pokedex back. Her need was greater than his, and he wasn't that far from a village if she was reading the map correctly. He'd get another.

She stopped, and thought for a moment. Could a person have two pokedexes? Or would they be deactivating this one as soon as he reported it stolen. Possibly not, since that was what the DNA locks were meant to be for, to stop unauthorized access. She took a moment to scroll through the options, looking for a way to restore the unit to its factory settings.

Then Isabel paused, and deliberately banged her head against the nearest tree. Titto. Shapechanger. Duh!

She felt her skin flowing again, as she assumed the form of the BLSF man, Mark. Apparently, her absorbed information stayed in her head. That was good, and with a smile, she grabbed hold of the stiff Callum's arm, and concentrated, hard.

Being a man for the second time was still just as weird as the first. Additional body parts notwithstanding, the amount of testosterone made her a little woozy. She quickly went back to herself, and turned off the pokedex. Hers now.

And he would be blaming the Buzzbreasts for the theft, and not vagrant Tittos. Still, it wouldn't hurt to get out of the area quickly, just to be on the safe side.

“Hamtits!” Beige announced her arrival back in the bush, and waved the Catgirl's pokeball over her head proudly.

“Catch'n'caught!” Buttons chirped proudly, looking a little worse for wear.

“Thought you were supposed to run away when you were faced with cat's, not turn and fight them,” and Isabel took note of the drying blood speckled around the now slightly chewed ear of Button. “Guess there is an exception to every rule.”

“Keep?” Beige asked, pointing at the other two pokeballs and Isabel started in surprise.

“Aren't you getting chatty.” she said, and smiled.

She liked the Hamtits. They were cute, cuddly, and rather innocent, even if their reflexes were set to flight rather than fight. She was a pokegirl, but still thought as a human, and even though she didn't like thinking it, she knew that she would probably run herself, rather than fight. Perhaps it wouldn't be such a bad idea to take one of the pokegirls along with her. Assuming the pokegirl wanted to come.

Isabel picked up the pokeball that held the Boobisaur, and hefted it thoughtfully.

“Shall we go?” she asked her Hamtits command.

With much delighted squeaking, they faded away into the bushes, leaving Callum Armstrong lying on the path, starting to twitch as the toxin left his body.


The Hamtits took her to their den. At one point, a river had run through the forest, but it had dried up now, and the earthen riverbank provided an ideal entrance. The Hamtits had worked hard and excavated a sizable warren for them to live in.

Beige and Button seemed to have appointed themselves Isabel's guards and guided her through the maze to a chamber that was heaped high with dry grass. Beige pushed Isabel down into the grass and promptly sat on her stomach, staring down into Isabel's eyes. Button carefully took the pokedex and  pokeball and set them to one side, before moving to the entranceway and sitting down, on guard.

Isabel just lay and watched this behavior, a little curious as to what was going on. She was also wondering at the fact that Beige hadn't freaked out when Isabel had shifted in front of her. In fact, the other pokegirl had seemed more curious than upset.

Beige rested her hands on Isabel's chest, her fingers splaying around the other woman’s breasts. Isabel sighed as pleasant sensations ran through her. Beige bent over, and gently licked a trail up Isabel's breast bone, hesitating, before offering Isabel a delicate kiss.

Beige wanted Tamed. And it looked like she wasn't shy about asking for a Taming either. Isabel on the other hand, felt like she should be resisting this more. Her mind said that this wasn't right, that this wasn't what she should be doing, that this wasn't the way that a good girl should behave. Her heart however, said that there was nothing wrong with this. Her body also happened to agree with this idea, and Isabel felt the familiar tightening in her stomach.

She kissed the Hamtits back.

Isabel had thought that she was straight, perhaps leaning slightly towards bisexual. But as she rang her fingers across Beige's back, all thoughts started to leave her again. Fur wrapped around her, and the smell of grass and sweat rose into the air. Pleasure moved through her in lazy, languid waves, and she felt Beige writhing against her.

It felt only natural to be pressing her face into soft warmth, to be kissing and being kissed all over. It felt right to tease with tongue and fingers, to feel Beige spasming and crying out above her. It felt right to feel the lightning running through her own body, to feel Beige's tongue touch right at the perfect spot, and to feel herself falling down into soft and welcoming blackness.

The blackness didn't overcome her straight away, as another tongue started to tease her flesh, gently tickling the soles of her feet. Isabel opened her eyes, and found Button kneeling, eyes downward, focused intently on her task. Isabel felt her toes twitching from the sensation, and repressed a shudder. Her skin was still stimulated.

“Want you too,” Button murmured, and Isabel smiled, still lost in the languid haze of her afterglow.
“Take,” came a new voice, as Beige opened one eye lazily. “Be three.”

Then there was nothing but spiraling waves of pleasure, and crashing thunder, into soft blackness.