Gabrielle was less than happy, which was to be expected considering she was getting her ass handed to her in the fight she was currently in. Not two days ago she had blissfully returned home from her “job” upgrading the council’s computers to find that Illyria was back from one of her excursions and was looking for a sparing partner. The smart thing to do would have been to say, ’I’m sorry you’re a demon god so no thanks.’ instead she had said, ’Sure, why not.’ She was more than a little bit sorry she had agreed as she pulled herself to her feet after having been slammed into a support column with enough force to shake the building. Of course it hadn’t been her intention to hit the column but being thrown at it at great speed left little in the way of choices. She groaned as she felt several ribs protest loudly. She slid back to the floor as her legs gave out. “Stop.”

Illyria tilted her head and looked at the teenaged girl coldly, “You expect demons to give you quarter? I would have expected better from you. You obviously haven’t taken your training seriously in the last few years. There is a tide of evil coming, and you aren’t strong enough. None of you are, neither you nor the slayers not even the witch will be strong enough to stop it. You need to practice more, harness your power and grow beyond your squishy mortality.”
“I don’t expect the demons to give me quarter but I would be using my magic on them, unlike this lopsided battle.” 
Illyria tilted her head then lunged forward, “You think it would matter?” 
Gabrielle gasped in pain as she was lifted up by a blue hand and tossed like a rag doll across the room. She wanted to know where the hell everyone was. It had been stupid to fight her without anyone else around, she realized that but damn it, it was supposed to just be sparing. She should have known better. 
“What are you going to do when the demons get your little friends, when they break your sisters as you watch?”
Gabrielle snarled as she pulled on her magic reserves to repair the damage to her flesh, “They can take care of themselves.” 
“They are going to be broken in body, spirit and then eaten, is that what you want? You aren’t strong enough to stop them.” 
Gabrielle snarled, “Enough, sparing is over you win, you happy.”  She turned and headed for the door. She felt a dull pain in the back of her head before losing consciousness. 
She groaned as she came awake in the infirmary, the first thing she noticed was her headache, “License plate?” This was followed closely by the ache from where her ribs were more than likely bruised. 
Ginny had to stifle a chuckle, “Yeah, what the hell were you thinking sparing with Illyria without medical aid on hand?”
“I don’t know, maybe a friendly spar. What the hell has her panties in a bunch?”
Ginny shook her head, “I don’t know, she’s been off for a couple of weeks now. Even the slayers have pretty much given up sparing with her after the first half dozen ended up in full body casts, or would have without magical healing in addition to their own slayer healing. Hell not even Buffy is crazy enough to spar her after their first fight this week. The only one crazy enough to spar her these days is Faith, but that’s because she heals within a few minutes from everything short of getting her head cut off. Still you’re lucky you have a hard head and weren’t hurt worse.”
Gabrielle sighed, “So anything broken?”
Ginny shook her head, “No, but I’m sure you’ll be feeling things for a while. She must not have hit you all that hard. You should probably go get some rest though.”
Gabrielle sighed as she pulled herself from the infirmary bed and stumbled out into the hall, her thoughts were rather dark as she muttered to herself, ‘not that hard, I damn near cracked the support beam with my side, damn cranky bitch. Just because something is coming isn’t a valid reason to beat the crap out of your friends nor hit them in the back of the head.’ She wasn’t sure she wanted to know what the hell was going on, not if it was causing the god king this much anxiety.
Rose frowned at Illyria, “Was that really necessary? You tapped into your full power and tossed her around like a rag doll.” 
“She was getting arrogant.”
Rose tried hard not to grind her teeth and mention something about abyss colored pots calling the kettle black. “Still, if you hadn’t tapped into your full powers she could have hurt you, isn’t that enough?”
“It is not, you all fight but you don’t understand, the forces that are going to come for you, aren’t like anything you’ve ever heard of. The wolf ram and hart are legion. You, her and the witch are the only people here strong enough to help. I will not have her talents wasted just because she doesn’t embrace her power.  She could sail the wind, ride the stars and she behaves like muck. You will take her to a place where she can train, and not the worthless book learning she has been wasting her time with. Someplace where the demons are endless and she can cut a swath through them. Where she can drink in their power and rise to the glory of a god. If you don’t then I will cut my losses and leave. Then the demons will have nothing to stop them but a few thousand slayers against millions upon millions of demons. Hell will win and there is nothing your slayers can do to stop it.”
Rose sighed, “Fine, we have some things to arrange but I’ll talk it over with her.”
Illyria inclined her head slightly before walking out.
She watched Illyria leave before heading off to find Willow.
Willow looked up from her computer as a scowling Rose walked in, “Heya kiddo, what’s up? Gaby and Illyria still fighting like cats and dogs aren‘t they?”
“Yeah, get this, now that we finished our independent study programs, Illyria expects me to drag her off some place for some serious training. She apparently believes that we have been wasting our time for the last four years with school, never mind that we needed the basis in sciences to do much of anything with the weird tech we‘ve been collecting for longer than I‘ve been alive.”
Willow shrugged, “Did you explain to her that you all wanted the chance to study some Muggle subjects? Not to mention hang out with Trista and your family?”
“Cause, that’s like totally on the list of things she would understand…”
“Okay that was a silly question, so what are you going to do?”
“I was half thinking about returning to the pokegirl world and seeing if I could acquire some witches to stick on some select slayer teams. Giles had mentioned how much having some additional magical support would be nice, of course I don’t think he was thinking pokegirls at the time.” She smiled, “Or maybe a nursejoy or two to help in the infirmary.”
Willow grinned, “You’re just bitter that Gabrielle and Leo are the ones with the pokegirls.”
“Well it wouldn’t be so bad if Gabrielle wasn’t always saying how much fun it was to…” She stopped as she felt a trickle of magic press her lips together.
“There are some things I don’t need to hear about my seventeen year old daughter. How much fun she’s having with all of her girls at once is one of those.”
Rose pointed to her mouth, “mmm.” 
Willow smiled as she gestured and removed the magic pressing Rose’s lips together.
Rose chuckled as the trickle of magic vanished, “Oh please, you’re married to mom and Hermione mom, not to mention you still play with Lexie now and then, I don’t think you have the moral high ground for complaining about Gabrielle’s love life.”
Willow smiled, “Moving on, so have you written up a mission statement? And who did you want to bring?”
“Well, being that William would kill me if I left him again, I was thinking him, Gabrielle, Leo and maybe Lilypad.”
“You’re going to have to run that last one by Ginny, any particular reason?”
“Well Lenora and Lillian are still busy working on their research projects so they can’t go until at least next week, and Anya would do horrible things to me if I took Uncle Xander. I would have asked Lexie but she‘s been having too much fun working on finalizing her spacecraft designs. Which is why I wouldn‘t mind stealing Lilypad as ever since Lexie drafted Breena for help with her starship designs, she’s been bored silly.”
“I suggest stressing the positive part about the trip and not the fact that you plan to go to a casino and party for a weekend.”
Rose blinked, “What, how did you… I mean hey.”
Willow smiled, “Gabrielle might have mentioned having some plans for relaxing, hey I trust you.”
Rose smiled, “Thanks, in that case I’ll go talk to Ginny and get ready.”
A short while later Hermione found herself chuckling, “So how many girls do you think they’ll bring back this time?”
“You’re just happy that they are being rescued from a world that treats them as slaves.”
“Well if the house elves don’t want to be rescued then I’ll have to move on to a different group to help.”
Willow smiled, “You know that’s why I love you. You’ve even gotten used to Dobby doing your laundry.”
“Well he’s paid and he likes to, who am I to complain.”
“You know once upon a time, you would have.”
“I would like to think that I’ve grown up some in the last few years. Maybe even learned to be a bit objective.”
Willow smiled, “Could be or it could just be that you hate trying to get demon goo out of your clothes.”
“True enough.”
Rose smiled at the assembled crowd of teenagers that filled Gabrielle‘s room, “Alright my evil minions who’s up for a night on the old poke-world town?”
Gabrielle frowned, “I would like to protest the evil part.”
Leo chuckled, “She’s got a point, while I sometimes wonder about Gaby here, I’ve fairly sure Lilypad isn’t evil. Either that or she’s way better at it than Gabrielle.”
William chuckled as he patted his cousin on her head, “It’s always the quiet ones that get you.”
Lilyanne Potter otherwise known as Lilypad stuck her tongue out at her cousin. “Hey, it’s not my fault I’m the nice one. I still can’t believe you got mom’s permission for this little outing.”
“I just pointed out that if we were allowed to take you with us that we would bring her back a NurseJoy or two to help her with the medical side of things.”
Gabrielle smiled, “In other words you bribed her.”
Rose shrugged as she smiled brightly, “Hey it worked. So does anyone not want to go?”
Morrigan looked at Gabrielle, “I would rather not go back to that world if it’s all the same. You’re just planning a couple of days right?”
“Yeah, just a few days to play some cards and make some cash before seeing what type of material the stores have for finishing up the boys’ body armor plans. You don’t have to come if you don’t want to.”
Morrigan relaxed a touch, “I wouldn’t be much help at cards.” She was glad that she didn’t have to mention how even after five years being in any type of small shop still made her twitchy.
Abby smiled brightly, “Hey cards, gambling and the exchange of money, count me in.”
Sarah shrugged, “Someone has to keep her in line, besides who else is going to keep Gaby out of trouble?”
Gaby frowned, “How am I the trouble magnet?”
Tiffany smirked, “Anyone that thinks Gaby isn’t a trouble magnet please raise your hand.”
Leo chuckled as he noticed no one’s hand in the air, “You’re almost as bad as Xander.”
Gaby pouted, “Hey I’ve never had a girlfriend try to eat me.”
Sarah smiled, “Well there was that one time with the chocolate sauce…”
Leo coughed, “Anyways moving on.”
Rose nodded, “Alright so let’s see for volunteers, we have Abby, Sarah, Gaby, William, Leo, Lilypad and myself so far. So what about the rest of you?”
Raven smiled, “Well I promised Lexie lots of pictures, she wanted to go but she really wanted to finish before Breena left for her vacation back to visit her brother.”
Tiffany had to work to keep a grin off her lips, “Well I can’t really let Leo go off on his own, he might come back with another fox girl or something.”
Laura shrugged, “That’s not what you said last night…”
Leo shook his head, “See what I have to put up with William, I tell you, it’s not all fun and games.”
Kyara chuckled, “I don’t know, I sort of like when you use rope…”
He sighed, “No respect I tell you.”
William just chuckled, to tell the truth he was a bit jealous though he handled it better than his father would have at his age. Truth be told while there were a few slayers he liked as friends they weren’t really the have some fun and let things go type. He didn’t really need a possessive slayer chasing after him or glaring at him for looking at other girls. And looking at girls was one of his favorite activities, the close second being flirting with them after looking. Which is why he enjoyed flirting with Kyara so much, it wasn’t ever going to go anywhere beyond some teasing but they both loved to flirt. It was nice stress relief as he worked on his watcher certifications.
Gabrielle looked around her bedroom, she was happy that they had moved the castle and grounds back to their pocket world with them when they left her father’s world. The fact that it had taken a number of her magic marbles and a fist full of council help for Willow and Dawn to move the grounds and castle had been worth the ‘price’ of her ‘working’ for Giles in the council’s library for a couple of years. Officially it was an internship, unofficially she was pretty sure it was just a sneaky way for Grandpa Giles to spend time with one of his ‘grandchildren.’ While she didn’t mind spending time in the council’s libraries and helping organize them she had been rather happy when Uncle Xander and Aunt Anya had finally had the little girl they had been wanting. And surprise, surprise, other than an odd tendency for things to go strangely weird in the lives of anyone the little munchkin was really mad at she was completely human. Gaby figured time would tell on that one, but as the munchkin was barely four, she figured it would be a while. She glanced up as she realized she had missed part of the plan. “What was that?”
Rose chuckled, “I was just going over the plan. Basically we go into the casino use a bit of the luck potion we’ve been saving for a rainy day and hopefully clean house. I’ve taken the liberty of registering William as a tamer, and Lilypad as a pet owner sans pets. That should allow us to acquire a couple of girls to bring back this trip.”
Lilypad frowned, “Any reason you didn’t register me as a tamer?”
Rose sighed, “Yeah, as a pet owner on vacation, you aren’t as likely to get blood tested as a tamer would be. William isn’t so much of a concern as he‘s a boy.”
William sighed, “I’m seventeen, hardly a boy.”
Rose rolled her eyes, “Okay young man, but regardless it would still be an issue if you were found to be a pure blood girl where we are going.”
“You never mentioned that in your stories.”
Rose nodded, “Well it wasn’t an issue in the blue league, in Johto well that’s a different story.”
Lily frowned, “So why aren’t we going to your stomping grounds?”
“Because they have better casinos in the Johto area not to mention they might actually have the airship to sell or at least have some anti-grav parts. Plus it has a large supply store there were we can acquire a couple more T2s that I’ve been wanting.”
Gabrielle smiled, “Just think of it as a working vacation.”
Lilyanne smiled, “Allow some of us to keep our delusions that this will be a fun vacation and that I’ll have someone nice to bring home to share with Breena.”
Tiffany chuckled, “How’s Breena taking to going anyways?”
“Sad that she isn’t going, but a bit relieved as well. I don’t think she really wanted to walk into such a crowded place where people aren’t conscious about how loudly they are broadcasting. She’s also fairly determined to prove better than her brother at ship building so she’s got a lot riding on their starship.”
Helen smiled at Lily, “You’ll just have to make sure you pick a nice girl then. I’m not a large fan of having to give up my pistols but I’ll go. Someone has to keep Gaby out of trouble and Sarah and Abby are more likely to cause trouble in a casino than avoid it.”
Abby’s cat ears twitched as she fought a smile, “Who me? Besides it wasn‘t me that got caught playing kitten poker with the demons.”
Sarah chuckled, “Hey, I was just trying to rescue the kittens, it’s not my fault they bet more than they had and wouldn’t pay up.”
Gaby grinned, “Sort of your fault that you just happened to mention their location to Faith the next day and that they were stealing money from innocent girls at cards.”
“Sort of nothing, they owed me a thousand dollars. They got what they deserved.”
Leo chuckled, “I think by the time Faith got done ranting at them they would have rather she had just killed them.”   
William couldn‘t help the excitement that crept into his voice, “So when are we leaving?”
Rose shrugged, “We can jump ship after we’ve eaten lunch and said bye to the folks.”
Gabrielle chuckled as the group broke for lunch with even more than their usual enthusiasm.
Lilyanne looked around the hotel suite with some interest. It was fancy without being over the top lavish. She figured Gaby was just being a cheapskate, still it was better than the grimy crumbling alleyway they had found themselves in after stepping through the portal from home. The actual trip through the city had been a blur as everyone wanted to be off the street before they could be challenged to a duel. She was just anxious to get out and about and actually do some gambling as it was perfectly legal here unlike back home. She was a bit annoyed at all of the rules her siblings had listed off, don’t leave the casino with any strange people and don’t blah, blah, blah the list went on and on. It was sort of annoying the fact that they treated her like she was a kid, she was sixteen damn it. She sighed as she slipped out of the room to try to figure out what she was going to do with the credits Gaby gave her. 
Lily frowned at the couple of casino tokens she had acquired for the credit stick Gaby had handed to her. She wasn’t sure which to play first but figured it had better be something with a fantastic payout because otherwise she would blow through her pathetic amount of tokens rather quickly. She glanced around the busy room, she knew her siblings were scattered around the room playing the various games. She smiled as she wandered over to one of the less used slot machines. She frowned as an older grey haired pinched face women pushed her out of the way and sat down at the slot machine she had been walking toward. Lily felt like tapping her foot just to be rude as the women went through a few dozen coins without winning anything. Finally after what seemed like an eternity the women moved to a different machine. Lily chuckled before drinking her tiny vial of luck potion. That small of a dose was probably only good for a few minutes but they had figured that much more than that might have been picked up by one of the casino’s magic pokegirls. She had to restrain herself from laughing as she pulled the lever and heard the gears grind as something snapped inside the machine as coins spilled out of the dusty reward slot. She quickly scooped them into her bag as she noticed the mean nasty women giving her a glare that should have caused frostbite. 
Lily smiled as she quickly pulled several more slot machines levers with much raining of coins resulting. She quickly made her way to the section of the casino that had coin operated lotto tickets. 
Leo grinned as he looked at his cards, while he wasn’t the card shark his sister was he was having fun with his small black jack bets. He figured someone in the group had to have average luck otherwise it would look too suspicious.
Sarah glared at Gabrielle, “I’m not happy about you going into a backroom with a bunch of tamers to play cards, it’s dangerous.”
Gabrielle sighed, “I can take care of myself if it comes to that, besides there are casino security there. They are just making sure it’s free from pokegirl tampering. I’ll be fine, plus hey I’m decent at poker. Take Abby and go play some cards, see if there are any dealers willing to let you play.”
Abby smiled as she pulled Sarah away from Gabrielle, “Oh come on, I know the perfect table, it’s ran by this lady luck I was flirting with a few minutes ago.”
Rose snickered as she tried to figure out what to spend her casino tokens on. She had to admit if only to herself that it had been fun playing the tables while the luck potion was coursing through her veins. Not very ethical but neither was their use of Lady Lucks at the card tables. She sighed as she felt the effects fade. She collected her winnings and departed for her room.   
Lily grinned as an adorably cute pink haired teenager fell out of the beam her new pokeball had produced. She had found a very old claim coin mixed in with the rest of her winnings when she had sorted through everything. The desk clerk had been a bit surprised that she had found one of their old tokens as it was a style they had stopped using a few years ago, but dutifully handed over the pokeball it referenced. Lily had of course rushed up to her room to check the girl out. She looked the girl over, she was wearing a very short white nurse’s outfit much like you might find in adult Halloween shops. The skirt such as it was came down barely far enough to conceal the girl’s crotch.
Jenny blinked as the world came back into focus after being in her pokeball for so long. The last thing she remembered before her long sleep was overhearing her parents talk about the amount of money her father owed the casino. Looking around the room that looked suspiciously like the adds for one of the casino’s fancier rooms, she wanted to cry. At least she had ended up with a cute tamer, at least if judging by the way the girl was eying her was any clue. “Uh hi?”
Lily blinked, “Heya, I’m Lily, I’m afraid they didn’t tell me your name. When I asked they were really weird and acted like it didn’t even matter.”
Jenny blinked in surprise a few times, “That’s probably because they don’t care. I’m a NurseJoy, mostly people just call us NurseJoys or hey pokegirl or worse.”
Lily frowned, “Let’s try this again, I’m Lilyanne Potter, also called Lily or Lilypad depending on who you ask, you are?”
“Jenny, are you a tamer? Ah my tamer?”
Lily shrugged, “Technically I’m just a pet owner, though my older sister is a tamer. If you‘re asking if I won you from the casino then, yeah, if that‘s not a bad thing… I mean, okay this is way harder than I thought it would be. My sister never mentioned how awkward it was.”
Jenny couldn’t help but snicker, of all the possible scenarios her mind had come up with over the years ending up with a cute looking nervous girl, that couldn’t be that much older than she was, wasn’t on the list. “Do you think you could tell me a little bit about yourself before you know…”
Lily was secretly relieved to not have to rush into anything, she knew she had Breena’s permission for this but it still felt rather odd. She would have felt a lot better if her girlfriend was there with her. She hadn’t been expecting the butterflies to dance around her stomach quite this much. She had half expected to end up with a girl that was older than her and more experienced than she was.  But judging from the nervousness she could sense in the girl’s reactions she didn’t think the other girl had been with many if any other people before. “Let’s see, I study magic, I’m sort of a librarian in training. Other than that, well I like peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. I like quidditch and flying around on a broomstick. Hot apple pies are delicious…”
Jenny blinked, “Magic, and broomsticks, are you sure you aren’t a witch?”
“I’m not a pokegirl witch if that’s what you’re asking. As for being a spell caster, I would have to say yes.”
“Huh, not what I was expecting but you are rather cute. So do you think you could help me out.”
Lily frowned, “With what?”
“Well I haven’t gotten any sex and my birthday was a while ago… I’m pretty sure I’m going more than a little feral and you’re looking really cute… so if you like your clothes, do you think, can you please just fuck me?”
Lily blinked, “Ah want me to help you out of your dress?”
Jenny shook her head, “I hate the outfit, I don’t suppose you can just rip it off.”
Lily grinned, “That I can do.” She couldn’t help smiling as she helped Jenny out of the flimsy outfit. She reached out and ran her fingers along Jenny’s breasts then on to other places. 
Jenny for her part was having a great time, the girl knew where to stick her fingers that was for sure. She arced her back as the girl’s fingers wiggling inside of her finally pushed her over the edge.  She screamed, out ‘Nursejoy’ It hadn’t been exactly what she had planned to say but hell given that she was feeling like a million credits she didn’t really care. She felt a bit odd but was too sleepy to care.
Lily smiled as she drifted off to sleep forgetting to even pull the covers up.
William groaned as he woke up, just about every part of him hurt. It felt sort of like he expected going ten rounds with a slayer would feel, only worse. He felt like his back had been thrown out, his male parts felt like they had been rubbed raw and mashed to boot. His neck felt like someone had bitten him repeatedly, and not the nice sharp bites of a vampire, more like some beast had gnawed on it. He stumbled to the floor as some of the past night came trickling back to him. It had started off well enough he supposed. It involved him taking his luck potion and winning a bunch of chips at the various tables, some one offering him a drink and him like an idiot taking it, after that things got a bit fuzzy he remembered trading in some tokens for a pokegirl. He remembered stumbling up to his room with a bottle of something and releasing a rather cute girl, after that he figured the luck potion had run out, the girl had been more than slightly feral, he vaguely remembered a few things happening that he hadn’t been sure were possible, but from the amount he hurt figured he had attempted them anyways.  He sat on the floor for a few minutes trying to figure out if dragging himself to the shower and the bathroom were better or if laying there until he died was better. Which was of course how his best friend found him not five minutes later. 
Leo stumbled back into the main room of the suite with his hand over his eyes, “Okay someone hates me, I swear it’s karma for you ladies using that luck potion, first I have to see William’s bare ass sprawled on the ground from where his new nymph broke him then I walk in to check on Lily and find her curled up with a naked ten year old girl. At least I’m hoping it’s a girl as if it’s a guy with long pink hair he’s got more issues than Andrew.”
Gaby couldn’t help but chuckle, “You didn’t check?” 
Leo shook his head vigorously, “No, I was a bit too afraid.”
Rose grinned as she headed toward Lily’s room, “I’ll check.”
Leo removed his hands from in front of his eyes and glanced over at Gabrielle, “Does it scare you that we’re the normal ones?”
Gabrielle chuckled, “I try not to think about it.”
Helen muttered as she lightly disengaged a nursing Abby from her left breast before rolling out of bed, “What’s all the noise for?”
Gabrielle grinned as she watched the naked Milktit walk across the room, “Just discussing how much trouble some people are going to get in. Speaking of trouble, I‘ve been a good girl I don‘t suppose I can have my morning cup of milk straight from the tap?”
Helen shook her head, “You already had your turn before Sarah and Abby, besides if we don’t get going you’ll complain later because your schedule is off.”
Gabrielle sighed, “Fine, ruin all my fun.”
Rose popped back in with a grin on her face, “Yep, it’s a girl, rather cute too. Lily was rather confused when I asked her about it. Apparently Jenny was sixteen last night. Apparently she‘s a Chibi or child metamorph.”
Gabrielle chuckled, “At least she might stop teasing Sarah and I. I mean after all Sarah looks thirteen not ten years old.”
Leo chuckled, “Yeah, right cause that’s going to stop her.”
Helen shook her head, “I’m surrounded by crazy people, so what’s the plan for today?”
Gabrielle shrugged, “I was thinking about pooling our chips then cashing them in for some prizes or cash and using the money to do some shopping. We can probably snag a few witches with our coins as well. I‘m not sure how much people brought in.”
Leo chuckled, “So any bets on how many challenges we are going to have to face this morning?”
Gabrielle shrugged, “At least a couple. But I want my shower.”