Abu had enough adrenaline in his system that it had sobered him up some, and now he walked with nary a stumble. He arrived inside with the rest of the revelers but ignored them in favor of the pokegirls gathered out back in a patio common to all the attached homes. As he searched for Dima and Tifawt, Abu was too preoccupied to register the current activities of the  pokegirls and that some of the extended family had also snuck out here to join them. The smell hit him a few moments later, and Abu was suddenly quite thankful he was in the well-ventilated outdoors. 


Bodies writhed. The pokegirls outnumbered the humans, most of the ‘girls being local auxiliary belonging to one family or another. Abu recognized many of them as van Wong property but doubted that anyone would care unless a spontaneous alpha bond formed. Spontaneous bonds were so rare between strangers though, that it was hardly worth considering. What perplexed him was why some pokegirls had more than one human to them when there were other ‘girls forced to share. He never understood that himself. Fortunately for Abu’s sanity, he did not see any of his aunts getting plowed. Still, not everything he saw was a pretty sight. Searching out Dima and Tifawt, he avoided eye-contact lest he stumble across a relative’s ‘o’-face and acquire a new mental scar.


He found his ‘girls spectating off to one side with many other pokegirls. The cluster of pokegirls were hooting and yelling vulgar encouragement over the din of grunts and groans at a particular group of individuals rutting madly not too far away. Many commented to one another on what they were seeing, vocalizing their approval, disapproval, or preferences. Abu actually stopped to listen to a trio debating the qualities of one pair in particular because, well, that could be vital information, and if he could avoid some mistakes or learn something new, all the better.


Moments later, he spotted the two he was looking for and tore himself away from the conversation to wade over to them. "Ladies," he said to them. It immediately caught the attention of both Dima and Tifawt but had the unintended effect of catching the attention of a few others. A couple of pokegirls he did not recognize off hand made some unsubtle invitations upon noticing him, and not all of those who did were unattended. Abu politely smiled and made a declining gesture with his hand before heading to his ‘girls.


 He did not make it unmolested. A few pokegirls noticed him squeezing past, and he must have felt five different hands on him while he was just trying to do the simple act of getting from point A to point B. One was particularly skillful in whatever it just did, and he almost regretted sticking with his intention to get out of Dodge.


"So..." Tifawt said with a shrug once Abu had arrived. You wanna-" She made a salacious gesture at the others in the area. She and Dima were both eying a Doggirl biting a pillow, and Abu realized he was yet to have a chance to try that particular orifice on either of them. Dima in particular looked very curious. Wilderness conditions did not make it convenient or wise, so it was advised against by most for good reason. Now though, they could find a warm bed, and if his ladies were unable to walk in the morning, that would not be a problem.


So, with so much sex surrounding him and his blood anywhere but his brain already diluted with ethanol, Abu actually considered it. Really though, he knew he had to leave and sober up some, and his father would be looking for him. Hmm. He was torn. Then, his alcohol-soaked brain realized he could do both. "Yes, but not here," he said. The 'girls both looked excited and did not seem to mind a change in venue. Without further ado, they began to head out with Abu leading the way, each bristling with nervous energy. Perhaps it would help Abu think about anything but the shame he felt for losing his temper. 


As Abu led the way and made a valiant attempt to not gawk at the scattered bodies around the room, one occasion his attempts were not quite so successful. It was the that he noticed his late sister's two friends in the background. They were standing off in a corner and looking incredibly uncomfortable. Fortunately, they seemed so far to remain unaccosted.. 


Despite wanting to just leave already and not stick his nose into anyone else’s business, that annoying conscience in the back of Abu's head nagged him into concern. Although most people started sexual exploration young in this culture, most of the people 'socializing' with the pokegirls were inebriated adults. That was bad for both the young women and the adults. So, Abu signaled Dima and Tifawt before wading over to them, careful not to step on anyone..


"Abu!" one called to him. Inwardly, he felt rather awkward since he could not recall either of their names for the life of him. He gave them both a once over to make sure they were in one piece before speaking. They were both thin and short but developed enough that one might confuse them for women, especially if one was drunk enough. One was quite fair., blonde hair and green eyes, and the other was of the much more common olive complexion.


"You really shouldn't be back here," he said. It was not a reprimand but a statement of fact.


Their discomfort increased. "Jessica and I wanted to get away from the commotion out front," she said. Okay, there was one name.  Maybe he could figure out the other’s name eventually 


"And back here is better?" Abu asked dryly, "Go home. My brothers are all in bed because these events sometimes get a bit out of hand. Everyone is depressed and drinking on top of it. Some pokegirls- and men- this liquored up don’t know what ‘no’ means."


"Uh," the other girl, not Jessica, stammered out, "the passing isn't over until tomorrow." Even as she protested, she kept a morbidly curious eye on the many writhing bodies behind Abu. She looked a little nauseated, but that was understandable since not everything was exactly vanilla. Abu was thankful he had learned to tune it out after being exposed to numerous other, senior tamers, many of whom had developed some deviant predilections.


"And you can come back in the morning," Abu said with finality, "Great skies above, I cannot imagine why they let you stay."


Jessica loomed indignant. "Hey, we are just add much adults as-" She was cut off by a look from Abu. It was a look he had acquired his lifetime of working with pokegirls. Fortunately, it also worked on people when they did not have the mind to buck one's authority. 


"And that believed that?" he asked with a noticeable amount of incredulity in his voice. Abu knew for a fact that they had not yet reached their age of consent since they were in the grade level before him when he was still in school. The Sultanate took sexual interactions with minors very seriously. Well, that was provided those minors were human girls, but that is besides the point. The fact that they had must have lied about their age or not clued in the oblivious was concerning. Sure, they might only be months away, but the League would not take that into consideration. 


They had the decency to look sheepish at least while they bore Abu's disapproval. "I'll walk you two home," he said, not so much offering as telling. They looked ready to protest, but with a nonverbal signal, Abu, Tifawt, and Dima herded them out by crowding them out the door, not giving them an opportunity to act out. 


Once outside, Abu let out a breath he had been unknowingly holding. Some of his adrenaline started to subside at that, and he grew more easy. Now to escort these two home. He had begun to make his way out and down the dirt road to where he vaguely remembered these two lived. All were silent, but that lasted about a minute until Simeon appeared, trotting up in a gangling gate where he almost tripped over his own robes.


“Oh, and where are you going?” Simeon inquired with a tone dripping with innuendo. With him was that same pokegirl he kept out as his main. All Abu could see was her yellow-gold eyes. Now with liquor in his system, Abu now found those to be quite attractive. It was odd considering he couldn’t make out much of her other features under her garments.


Abu coughed at Simeon’s question and replied as calmly as he could manage, “Escorting these two home.” He realized how that sounded and emphasized, “These two minors.” Abu drew out the word ‘minors’ another look of disapproval at them out of the corner of his eye.


Not having the tact at the moment to suppress a grimace, Simeon fell into their little group looking very uneasy. “Better come with then,” he said. That was kind of him. Abu might need a witness if someone accuses him of funny business. Although Abu would not have been caught dead alone with either of his temporary wards had he suspected they or their parents would do such a thing, it was always better safe than sorry.


The affair was silent. They got to one door, knocked until someone answered. It was a pokegirl. The two explained the situation in a somewhat clumsy fashion until they managed to extract a promise not to let girl number one sneak off again. Was that one Jessica? Abu did not bother devoting the grey matter to remembering. The second young girl’s home was not as pleasant. Her father answered, and the two young tamers had to swear to every god they could remember the name of six times over that they did not touch her or see anyone touch her until he finally but dubiously relented. The two young men shot like bullets out of there the moment the door closed.


They stopped a goodly distance away. Their bemused pokegirls had kept pace with them without much effort. Dima was nervous, Tifawt was a little disgruntled, and Simeon’s ‘girl was shielding her face and quivering in a desperate attempt to not laugh at how ludicrous that exchange had been. When she lost her what little cool she had left and cracked, it did not take long for Simeon and Abu to join her. Tifawt’s tinkling voice joined in soon after, but Dima stayed a little wound despite the lightening mood.


“I need another drink,” Simeon announced merrily. He gestured to a pub down the street.


Abu finished catching his breath and nodded. “I think I’ll take one more too,” he said, “then I’ll get a room. To think, before all that, all I wanted was some privacy to fuck my lovely ladies’ brains out.”


Simeon snickered as his excitement subsided. He gave an unsubtle leer at the three pokegirls gathered. “I do know what you mean,” he said. Then, a thought occured and Abu’s perplexed friend asked, “Not staying at your folks’ place?”


“Fought with someone. Gonna lay low until tomorrow,” Abu explained, taking the first step towards the establishment. That being that, no one pushed it further. 


Inside the drinking establishment, the air was smoky and the lights dim. There was far less rowdiness here, but probably just as much if not a bit more inebriation. Some practically lived here, but that was none of Abu’s business as far as he was concerned. The two approached the bar and signaled the barkeep. She was a sassy cat-type with a sway to her hip and a swish to her tail, and she wore just enough to make someone want to tear the rest off. Overall, it was pretty effective for getting tips.


Abu and Simeon ordered a drink each and something for their ‘girls. Bar liquor was always pricier than the stuff you packed with you to hydrate in the wild, but it sure tasted better. The barkeep reached up to a shelf that was a bit high for the median priced stuff, standing on her tiptoes and arching her back while she stretched. Everyone nearby got an eyeful of the way it exposed her midriff and accentuated the curve of her bottom. None were abashed, but a few of the pokegirls present grit their teeth at the attention siphoned towards her. What made a pokegirl one could not touch that much more desirable was a mystery.


Once the barkeep filled their glasses with a flourish, the two young men each went in half on a modest gratuity and migrated towards a place where they could all sit. Dima and Tifawt cosied up to Abu on either side, and Simeon’s ‘girl did the same with her owner.


“Not going to let your others out?” Abu asked.


Simeon shook his head. “Nah, she went to sleep early and she’s always cranky if I wake her up before dawn,” he said, checking his timepiece, “which is still a ways off.”


The two talked shop as they nursed their drinks, and their pokegirls chimed in when they had input or got excited about the topic. None touched the subject of their hunting spots for obvious reasons, but they did speculate about what types of equipment to buy. They each pondered schemes to acquire useful equipment or pokegirls through less costly means than the old fashioned ways and critiqued one another. Most of it was building castles in the sky, but it was still fun.


“Get a load of that guy,” Simeon said in nonsequitur. He gestured with a nod of his head to somewhere behind Abu.


Abu casually turned his head around just in time to see a long-haired, burly man hit his head against the table with a dull thunk. His hand was still clutched around a whole bottle. There also did not seem to be any pokegirls with him which was odd. He must have wanted to drink alone, which was never a good sign. Poor fool. “Looks like he’s out for the night,” Abu commented.


Simeon could only shake his head. “Probably will get picked up and tossed into the drunk tank,” he said, “I doubt he can find his way home in that condition.”


Despite having not been there long enough to even nurse down a single drink, both young men were having to fend off roaming hands of their companions. It was not as if they were opposed to it, but pokegirls tended to not quite see where the line between fooling around and public fornication was, and both Simeon and Abu knew better.


But, Abu had had enough. He swiftly downed what little remained in his glass. “Sorry, my friend, but I cannot put this off any longer,” he said with a grin. He stood and pulled each of his ‘girls out of their booth and into his arms. “I’ll see you... tomorrow,” he declared.


With a ‘girl draping off of him on either side he swaggered away, leaving behind an amused Simeon. He probably had similar ideas himself, though. Abu tried to keep steady, but that last drink seemed to have finally pushed him over from tipsy to quite inebriated. His ‘girls fared a bit better, not having drunk as much, but judging by their behavior they were a bit sloshed themselves. They managed to get to the bar without incident, and Abu got the attention of the keep once more. 


“Another, sugar?” she asked him. Somehow, she managed to make even that sound coy.


“Ah, no,” Abu said, “I’d like a room, please.” She frowned and cocked her head. Somehow her scrutiny made him uncomfortable. 


“Aren’t you from around here?” she asked, “Could have sworn you one of the van Wong kids.”


Abu’s jaw clenched, and he muttered, “Small world,” under his breath. The cat-type’s ear twitched. She had probably heard that, but it was sometimes difficult to keep track of which breeds had enhanced whatever in one’s own head. Abu just ignored the possibility and continued, “Too much family in one night.” A bit of a deflection, but he really did not want to air his dirty laundry in front of a bar full of strangers.


She smiled and leaned forward over the bar, placing her hands down on it to support herself. Her shoulders pressed forward to exaggerate her cleavage. Abu could see straight down her shirt. Behind her head, her tail flicked and swished from side to side. “Need any company for the night?” she asked.


Already out-of-his-mind horny from the constant promise and delay of sex throughout this entire day and night, that shorted out his brain momentarily. A fleeting, rational thought floated through his brain. The barkeep was probably the coquette and whoever owned the bar probably had rent girls on standby. If the barkeep was available for rent though…


Still, at the same time, Abu felt Dima and Tifawt tighten their grip around him. Coming to his senses, he smiled and said, “No, thank you. Got plenty of company tonight.” Somehow the barkeep managed to put the most disappointed and forlorn expression on her face. The strange thing was that even though Abu knew it was an act, it did not really diminish its effectiveness.


“Alright then,” she said, standing and plucking a key from under the bar. She tossed it to him. “Around back, there’s a staircase. Your room number is on the key.” She left to tend to other customers without demanding payment, so he was probably expected to pay in the morning.


As soon as the three had one foot outside the building, Tifawt yanked Abu off to the side and pulled him into a searing kiss. He did not have the presence of mind to resist at the moment and reciprocated with gusto. Tifawt had even hiked one leg up as she pressed her tamer back into the wall of the bar. She pulled off of him, leaving Abu leaning forward to pursue her further; however, she was replaced with Dima in an instant, and Abu gladly continued with her. she was less forceful than Tifawt, but her sweetness was no less appealing. Tifawt had not left entirely though and had pressed her frame into Abu’s side and continued to play with the both of them.


Managing to open one eye to look around, Abu groaned. If this continued, they’d have his clothes off and would have their way with him right in front of the bar. “The room,” he finally mustered the will to say. 


“Mmwha?” Dima said blearily, blinking through the haze of broiling lust built up between their three bodies. 


“The room has a bed,” he said, “Let’s go.” He had to concentrate just to pull his hand off of Dima’s tit and lead the way to the upstairs room. Almost there.


They were beginning to ascend the stairs when Abu noticed someone sleeping under the stairs. He paused. That was dangerous. The night was already starting to rapidly cool, and in a few hours it would drop down near freezing. Then realizing it was the same wino that had drank himself to stupefaction inside not much earlier, he sighed and turned to descend the stairs. His sudden change in course made Tifawt and Dima look at him in bewilderment.


“This’ll only take a minute,” Abu said, “Can’t let that idiot die of exposure while he’s out cold.” Even as he said it, he already regretted not just following his ‘girls up and taming them into exhaustion. Good god, where were his priorities then?


The man was over on his side without so much as a blanket. He smelled rank and had probably soiled himself. Sighing, Abu reluctantly nudged him with his foot. “Hey, wake up,” he said loudly at him. There was no response, so Abu repeated the action and said much more loudly. “You’re gonna freeze.” Silence. Had he drank himself to death?


Dima leaned over the railing. She was still dressed in indoor clothes and was starting to shiver. “What’s wrong?” she asked. Tifawt began to step down now that her frustration had cleared somewhat. She should have come with Abu regardless of how maddening it was to be cut off like that.


Abu drove his boot into the man’s stomach, and the wino’s eyes shot open with a bulge. Vomit spewed forth and soiled the hem of Abu’s white cotton robes. The young tamer let out a strangled noise of disgust and stepped back while the man blew chunks all over the dirt. 


Tifawt came around just in time to see the drunkard roll onto his hands and knees and shoot an angry glare up at Abu. “Wha’ wash tha fer?” he said in a barely coherent manner.


“You’re going to die if you stay out here like that,” Abu said grumpily and through grit teeth, “Now do you want to be reasonable, or do you need to get escorted to the drunk tank?”


“Le’ tha pigs take me,” the wino groused, attempting to right himself a few times before falling back onto his side and keeping himself propped up with his elbow. His hair was long, thin, and caked so thickly with filth that Abu could not tell what his actual hair color was. Angry coal-black eyes glared up at him, but it seemed he was too liquored up to stand.


Abu pinched the bridge of his nose. This guy was beyond the point of reasonability,and he doubted he could convince him to just go along. Had he been gentler, maybe he would have been more agreeable, but Abu was completely out of patience. He pulled out his dex and brushed some dust off of the screen. Connection out here was terrible, but if he placed a voice-only call to the police department, he might not have to go signal hunting.


As he brought the display to the telephone application, he heard the man say something. Something about it made him pause. “What was that?” Abu asked the man.


The man uttered several vulgar statements, but as the transient blood began to boil, the fog cleared enough for his speech to gain some semblance. “Call ‘em!” he said, “I’ll blow the lid off of those macho fags an’ fix ‘em! That’ll-”


Whatever else he had to say fell on deaf ears. Abu’s blood had run cold.