
This work is property of Leid der Kopfschmerz (aka Leid von Kopfschmerz, Leid von der Kopfchmerz) with the exception of certain themes that were originally created by other authors, especially those of the PG community. This work may or may not contain but is in no way limited to any of the following or any combination of the following: descriptive sex, violence, innuendo, profanity, often sickening descriptions of psychological instability, and more. Those who are offended by such , cannot handle reading or visualizing such themes and those akin to them, or are not legally eligible to view such content should not continue. You have been warned.


Back to the Woods


"Now remember, only use the spells that I have approved for use. This is a survival course. Dabbling in magic in such a situation is the exact opposite of what you're supposed to do."

Matthias sighed lightly and gave a small, appreciative smile. Boris, the man who had agreed to teach Matt magic, had been yacking his ear off for the past two days on this. It was near the end of the fifth week of the training camp. The fifth week was all classes on wilderness survival. The sixth week, they had to live it. It was to give the younglings a taste of what their life was gonna be like. Matt was also studying whatever Boris could teach him religiously. So far, he only knew three spells, one of them being the Light Ball, but he planned on increasing his arsenal in the future.

Boris had drilled into his head the dangers of "dabbling" as he liked to call it, and with some of the stories Matt had heard from him, he decided that, unless he had someone of greater ability looking over his shoulder, he would leave his ideas as theories on paper (or in actuality the screen of the pokédex he had been given when he passed the exam). He was fully aware of just how little he knew, and after a few screw ups like the one where he nearly melted his hands off, he was ready to play it safe, especially without Theresa on standby to patch him up. Maybe he could invest in a good magic 'girl or luck out and find one in the wild.

Today was the event of events. If you didn't pass the survival course (i.e. need to have you stupid ass saved from something you shouldn't like a Pidgy or a Titmouse ), you don't get to take the final exam during the next week. Although Matthias was sure he could do it, he was still rather jittery about having to walk around a forest with a bunch of "ferals" which had been trying to maul him for intruding when he was first flung into this place. The thought of it made him shiver, knowing how physically superior they were to his comparably frail self. Oh well, all he had to do was hang around the woods for a minimum of four days before heading back to the training camp. That should be simple enough in comparison with what he had to do when he first arrived here. Maybe he might find a good pokégirl to keep with him on his ventures.

The sudden thought struck him. He had adapted to this world fairly quickly, going as far as thinking about the uses of a second slave. The practice was a seductive one. Even though he had followed several stories on this world, he wasn't even sure if they could do the actual lifestyle justice. Sure, it sounded like a good laugh and read from a reader or author's point of view, but actually seeing the injustices in a league that he understood to be a rather liberal one... Some of it made it difficult to hold his tongue. This place was his new environment, and he had to survive first. Home sounded fantastic, but what are the odds of some kind of anomaly, natural or artificially created, happening to him a second time? Also, what are the guarantees that such an event would put him in the correct word? He shuddered at the thought of becoming some street beggar simply because there was another him in his place or some societal rules beyond his comprehension. At least he was somewhat familiar with this one.

Then again, the only reason why he knew anything about this league is because his otherwise useless laptop, that miraculously survived his little transport incident, had all the PG primer info on it. Another thought struck him. He knew too much about this world. He knew of Sanctuary, classified information on the Legendaries, and other things that could get him fed to the sharks... erm, Sharptits. Matt cursed under his breath in German, drawing some odd looks from those around him also waiting for further instructions before being dumped off in the middle of the woods. He had already pulled out the antenna in the computer to avoid some people with a wireless connection from getting too curious for whatever reason. Maybe the next form of magic he should invest in are ways to block wayward psychics. Then again on the bright side, such information could be useful. But now was probably not the best time to think of such things.

Gabriele was nudging her partner in the shoulder to get his attention. When Matthias finally looked up, he saw that the various survival instructors and the commandant of the camp had made their way to the podium up in front. Finally, they would give them their instructions and cut them loose. The anxiety both gripped his heart and fueled its rapid beating. He would go out and collect his first feral pokégirls. He would be a productive member of society and be able to earn his keep until he was able to either pursue whatever goals he may have/find, including getting home.

“Students,” the commandant's voice boomed without the even the aid of a mic, “today you will begin your actual test of survival.” He paused for a moment to let it sink in. “This will be very much like what the beginning of your tamer's journey will be like. If you can't make it here, you can't make it out there,” he boomed, pointing out towards the wilderness for emphasis.

Matthias listened intently, afraid of zoning out and missing some vital instruction. So far it seemed fairly standard, more of a pep talk than anything else. He stole a glance at Gabriele who was shamelessly yawning to express her boredom. Matthias nudged her and gestured to the speaker in an attempt to silently communicate her need to listen. At first she didn't listen, but a good glare from her partner fixed that. Back home, Matthias would normally let someone sink their own ship if it was their desire, but here he was this woman's caretaker and he'd be damned if he would let anyone in his care sink themselves, let alone take him down with them. Or at least, that's how he rationalized the situation to himself.

The commandant's speech rendered the trademark signs of a closing. Matt picked up on this and started picking up his gear, eager to leave.“As a reminder, water is your most precious resource. If all else fails, water will be your life line, even if there are feral water types their.” The commandant rolled his shoulders and relaxed his posture a bit. “If at the end of the survival test you have... survived, you will get a small break to study for your final exams. Do Azure proud, and more importantly do yourselves proud.” With that, the trainees were ushered into small airship to be transported to designated drop areas for their test.




Boris spent a lot of time drilling into Matt's head that spells are in fact a rather small part of magic. The various methodologies of casting were actually one of the most important factors of magic. The technique you choose limits how much power you can gather, how long you can endure the use of the particular spell you're using, and even what spells you can use at that moment. The effect of a spell can actually vary depending on the specific technique used. Generally, no one person can know or even understand every single technique. This is one of the reasons why some people overspecialize in certain forms of magic such as someone who is a purely white mage, a healer. It's not necessarily that they aren't able to create other spells such as offensive ones. It's that the methods needed are either found distasteful or the caster simply can't wrap their head around the concept.

Matthias thinks he has found his preferred method of casting. Gabriele had taken to uprooting some small trees for materials towards a fire and small shelter. It was dark already, so Matthias had set up some light balls around camp. He didn't fuel them on his own of course. The earth itself was rather rich in manna, so Matt expanded his core into the local plant life just enough to configure their inner manna streams so they would each fuel a small spell, perfect for setting up a group of light balls to make things a little more visible.

As luck would provide, the trainees were allowed to take a handful of tools with them, along with the few pokéballs that they were allowed. They were limited to a knife, a bit of flint, and one tool of their choice. The tool that Matt had chosen was a roll of plastic bags. He received dumbfounded stares for it, but he knew its usefulness so why bother with their comfort? Once a small woodpile was made, Matt instructed Gabriele to construct a makeshift lean-to with some small branches and mud for insulation. It was crude but would keep them relatively warm.

While she was busy with that, Matt took to constructing a small fire teepee for warmth. They didn't have any food for now, that would have to come in the future. Protection from the elements was more important. Gabriele came and squatted beside Matt as he busied himself. She watched him assemble the kindling and other forms of fuel until he was satisfied with the formation. He stuck his finger in the kindling. With a yelp, he quickly pulled the appendage back and blew on it repeatedly. The wood crackled as a small flame began to build.

The Amachop raised a questioning brow. “How'd you do that?” she asked.

Her partner hissed as he tried to soothe his finger. “Just a sec,” he replied. Once he had calmed a bit he turned to answer her. “It's just a small spell, one of the two taught at the magic class although they would only teach it to those who had a firm grasp on the Light Ball spell.”

“Magic fire eh?” She seemed to like the idea.

Matt extended his index finger and it caught fire. He quickly snuffed it out. “Jeez, even that little parlor trick makes me sweat,” he complained to himself.

“Your human,” Matt's not-so-human companion deadpanned, “You should be thankful for anything you can do.”

The human suddenly gave a small happy smile. “Yeah, your right. I guess it's just hard having to painfully earn something.”

Gabriele snorted. “It always it.”

“Remind me to listen to you more often Gabby.”

The fighter gave him an odd look. “Gabby?”

“You don't like it?”

“Gabby's fine. Oh, and don't worry. I will.” Matt snorted before simply gazing into the fire. The night was surprisingly peaceful. Then again, the threat of monsters ambushing him was significantly diminished now that he had one on his side. Despite this, he was somewhat reluctant to relax. Ferals were still there, some more powerful than he could probably ever comprehend unless he were to actually meet one. That was not exactly something he had on his bucketlist unless they were on his side. Gabriele suddenly yawned.

“Tired?” Matt asked. She shook her head, but her drooping eyelids said otherwise. “Get some sleep, I'll take the first shift.” The fighter opened her mouth to protest, but her partner cut her off. “Just do it. Your tired. I'm not. Go to sleep, and I'll wake you when I turn in, okay?” She grumbled but in the end gave in and headed to the small enclosure created by the crude lean-to. Matt watched her lay down before returning his gaze to the fighter. The Light Balls along with the moon out provided some good lighting, so it should be somewhat more difficult to be sneaked up on (or at least he hoped).




IVYWHORE, the Floral Pestilence Pokégirl

Type: Near Human

Element: Plant/Poison

Frequency: Uncommon

Diet: Sunlight, water, nutrients through soil

Role: arousing other Pokégirls, soil regeneration, subduing feral Pokégirls, body modification

Strong Vs: Electric, Plant, Water, Rock, Fighting

Weak Vs: Psychic, Fire, Flying, Ice

Libido: Average

Attacks: Tackle, Vine Whip, Razor Leaf, Leech Seed, Lust Dust, Vine Bondage, Sleep Powder, Bloom Powder, Leaf Shield.

Enhancements: Solar Regeneration, Seasonal Camouflage, Nature's Senses, Enhanced Durability (x5), Enhanced Strength (x8, Vines Only)



Matthias cursed. Ivywhores where a second tier 'girl and certainly no pushover. Her vines would be as strong as Gabriele and the plant-type would have several other techniques at her disposal that could weaken his Amachop. Despite that, the fighter's heavy weight and high density would make it so that the only extreme danger would be her vines and various powder attacks. It was still dark out, and it had been only a few hours after Matt started his shift of night watch. The Ivywhore looked to be asleep and was basking beneath one of the Light Balls floating around the campsite. Maybe if Gabby could get the drop on her...

“Gabby,” Matt whispered. No answer. “Gabby,” he shook the 'girl in an attempt to roust her. She mumbled and cracked an eye open. “There's a feral in the camp.” The fighting-type's eyes shot open and darted around. She tried to get up, but Matthias used a free hand to stop her. “It's an Ivywhore, her vines are just as strong if not stronger than you.” Matthias received an indignant look but he continued anyways. “She's asleep beneath one of the Light Balls. What I want you to do is: take a piece of wood from the pile as noiselessly as possible and sneak up behind her. When you get close enough, club her in the back of your head with all the strength you can muster. Use the Focus technique in your arsenal if you have to. Now hurry, I don't want to have to tangle with her if we don't have to.”

Gabriele steeled herself and did as instructed. She approached the prone plant-type with a log- rather a small tree trunk- in hand. As she approached the Ivywhore stirred somewhat, and the fighter immediately froze. The plant nuzzled back into her folded arms sleepily and none the wiser. The anxious Amachop waited until the Ivywhore's breathing deepened before taking a few more careful steps forward. She was within range. She raised the makeshift club up above her head with both hands and utilized Focus.

The club came crashing down on the feral pokégirl's head. The Ivywhore began to struggle weakly and dazedly under the weight of the log on her head. Gabriel quickly raised the club again and brought it straight back down. The plant-type's struggles weakened further. Her vines came out to try and flailed around pointlessly and with little strength behind them. A third blow came, and the log broke in two. The struggling stopped. Matt fumbled with a pokéball before chucking it at the unconscious girl. She disappeared in a beam of light. A happy ding resounded throughout the clearing.

“And that,” Matthias declared, “is why we will always sleep in shifts.”


The couple of days were fairly smooth. During one afternoon he managed to smoke out a Hooter, a nocturnal evolution of the Pidgy, with a flare-like version of the Light Ball spell that Boris had taught to him. She was so dazed and confused that she didn't have time to put up a fight. Food was somewhat difficult to come by. They lucked out and found a Great Grape vine one day. They picked enough to last them both a week for the unlucky days that they couldn't find real food. Despite the required minimum amount of time they had before they could return to the camp, Matt decided that they should drift back towards their final destination throughout their entire stay just in case things got rough for the two of them.

The end of the fifth day was drawing to a close, and it was Matt's turn to yawn sleepily. The past few days were surprisingly peaceful. He had half expected (feared) that he would be forced to bob-and-weave past angry hordes like he remembered his traumatic, hunger filled days in the wilderness of what he now knew as the eastern edge of Ruby. He idly wondered if the rest of his stay in this unusual world would be as peaceful as this. A little voice in the back of his head cackled maniacally and howled You wish. at him. For all he knew, some mad deity plucked him from his life and threw him here for its own amusement. Whenever it was a situation like that, as soon as things calmed down the whatever force would pile plenty of shit into its personal storm machine and aim it right at the source of their “amusement.

“Gabby,” he mumbled softly.

“Hmm?” she half responded.

“Do ya mind taking the first watch tonight?”

“No, go ahead and sleep.”

“Kay, and Gabby?”


“Let's get back as soon as we can tomorrow. The sooner we get back, the sooner we can use the facilities restraints to properly do what nature intended.”

The Amachop smiled at him. “Let's.”






IVYWHORE, the Floral Pestilence Pokégirl

Type: Near Human

Element: Plant/Poison

Frequency: Uncommon

Diet: Sunlight, water, nutrients through soil

Role: arousing other Pokégirls, soil regeneration, subduing feral Pokégirls, body modification

Strong Vs: Electric, Plant, Water, Rock, Fighting

Weak Vs: Psychic, Fire, Flying, Ice

Libido: Average

Attacks: Tackle, Vine Whip, Razor Leaf, Leech Seed, Lust Dust, Vine Bondage, Sleep Powder, Bloom Powder, Leaf Shield.

Enhancements: Solar Regeneration, Seasonal Camouflage, Nature's Senses, Enhanced Durability (x5), Enhanced Strength (x8, Vines Only)

Evolves: Venuswhore (Normal, daytime only.), Iron Chef (E-Stone Ceremony), Scarecrow (Dusk Stone)

Evolves From: Boobisaur (Normal)

After a Boobisaur has acquired enough experience, she will evolve into her next form: Ivywhore. The Ivywhore is much more combat-suitable than her previous form, retaining all of her previous form's attacks and abilities, and gaining several useful techniques for both inside and outside of combat.

The most noticeable change is the increase in the size of both the Ivywhore's flower bulb and her bust. Upon evolution, the bulb on the Ivywhore's back grows noticeably, the first layer of petals opening up. As a result of the bulb's growth, Ivywhores may use several new Powder attacks: Sleep Powder, Bloom Powder, and Sap Powder.

Sleep Powder makes anyone hit by it fall into a deep slumber, a very convenient way to capture new Pokégirls or aquire the upper hand in battle. The Bloom Powder, which only works on females, be they human or Pokégirl, will make the bust of any female it hits grow; how much larger is dependent on how much they are hit with. This does not affect only other Boobisaurs, Ivywhores, and Venuswhores, as well as those who can easily withstand poisons. An Ivywhore can make two different types of Bloom Powder; temporary and permanent. Temporary Bloom Powder is much easier to make, and can be created virtually at will. She usually tosses large amounts at opponents, letting their suddenly awkwardly gigantic breasts interfere with their movements, and – sometimes with help from a hearty sampling of Sap Powder - eventually pin them down completely. Temporary Bloom powder rarely lasts more than an hour. The permanent variety of Bloom powder is much more difficult to synthesize, limiting applications to roughly once a week. Ivywhores have an instinctual knack for knowing just how much powder to use when trying to increase a girl's bust by a specific amount. Naturally, this technique is popular to use, especially among those who prefer chestier girls. Lastly, Sap Powder drains strength uselessly from the muscles of any Pokégirl it affects, dramatically reducing their physical power. Any Pokegirls with the Enhanced Strength enhancement will find the enhancement effectively halved or worse for the duration of the effect, and Pokégirls without Enhanced Strength may find it much harder to move effectively.

Upon evolution, the Ivywhore's breasts tend to grow a cup, with D cup breasts being the lowest recorded for the breed – E cups are considered average. Most of the deeper green markings fade away with this transformation as well, though sometimes they remain. Most Ivywhores, if they haven't done so already during their Boobisaur days, tend to eschew most clothing, as it gets in the way of their abilities to absorb sunlight.

The Ivywhore's Solar Regeneration abilities are improved significantly over her pre-evolved form. An Ivywhore that bathes in the direct sunlight heals rapidly, letting her heal all but the most grievous damage after roughly 8 hours of rest. Of course, like her unevolved counterpart, resting in a natural location also nourishes the soil to a great degree.

Feral Ivywhores are considered a great annoyance to surrounding Pokégirls and human women, since in addition to tossing Lust Dust at random, they also use Bloom powder liberally. Most of the time its temporary, but every now and then there are stories of women who permanently developed mammoth mammaries due to a feral Ivywhore (or Venuswhore). It’s very uncommon, but not unknown, for a Threshold girl to become an Ivywhore directly.


HOOTER, the Night-Owl Pokégirl

Type: Animorph (owl)

Element: Flying

Frequency: Uncommon

Diet: Carnivore

Role: Aerial night fighters, silent scouts

Libido: Average

Strong Vs: Bug, Fighting, Normal, Dark

Weak Vs: Electric, Poison, Water

Attacks: Gust, Feather Shuriken, Mach Breaker, Dive, Quick Attack, Speed Storm

Enhancements: Silent Flight, Strong Claws, Nightvision

Weaknesses: Nocturnal

Evolves: None

Evolves From: Pidgy (Dark Stone)

Designed for night assaults, the Hooter was especially deadly raiding enemy camps during the War of Revenge. Because of their night vision and ability to fly silently, they could easily take out any guards and quickly infiltrate any base; they would then sabotage equipment and cause chaos before escaping. The Hooter was also able to perform day operations, but was obviously not as effective, being drowsy during the day. In appearance Hooters change little from their pre-evolution. Hooters tend to have large eyes and a heart-shaped face, and are distinguished by two ear tufts that jut out from their feathered ‘Hair’. Their wings change slightly in morphism, instead of all of their fingers supporting their wings, their fifth digit (or pinky finger) elongates and the joint rotates to enable the wing to be folded up. The entire wing is now supported much like bird types that have their wings as separate appendages, which leaves their thumb and other three digits available to handle objects or attack. In addition, both fingers and toes have powerful claws which they use for attacking and can also go through the metal of an airplane’s skin. They prefer to wear sleeveless black leather armor or clothes that leave their wings free. A Hooter’s body is covered in soft down feathers, most often the color being a dark brown with the rare white coloration. Hooters also live up to their name, on average having nothing less than a D-cup bust, though no larger then a few cup sizes above that.

Personality wise, Hooters are much more intelligent than their previous evolution, and seem to like learning things, be it family history, interesting facts about the League they're in, or even harder subjects like aerodynamic sciences or genetics. Due to this unique quark in personality, they're often used in the research field, as their knowledge is sometimes handy. However, they can be distracted into giving impromptu speeches about their favorite subject. This usually works like a G-Poindexter's Recite attack, as not many people or Pokégirls have the same love as a Hooter does for the Hooter's favorite subject. Despite this quark, many Tamers and Researchers find a Hooter to be a helpful, friendly, and intelligent companion.

Feral Hooters tend to make large nests in a few trees in a particular forest, though prefer hollows in trees where they can get away from the sun. At night these Pokégirls will fly around their chosen section of woods and ambush Titmice, Cutiepie, and other small 'food' Pokégirls from the air. They seem to retain enough intelligence to shy away from Electric types, however. Observation makes it simple to catch these Pokégirls, as Tamers can often send another type of Pokégirl to observe where the Hooter roosts during the daytime, and capture her while she's asleep. Thresholding into a Hooter is uncommon, but usually involves a bust increase and the girl becoming more and more nocturnal.