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- Written by: Zypheit
Not Cut Out For This 04 is posted, and with that the story is concluded. Ezekiel Id is actually the very first tamer I started writing about, and the rough outline of this plot was how I was beginning his and Vince's story, with Vince coming in as an established tamer and Zeke struggling as a newbie. Then Vince's story would be told through flashbacks. So it was important for me to write this and it also shuffles around characters to set up one last story to finish off the Rebel saga.
If you've read this I would appreciate you sharing so in my review thread on the tapatalk forum. Leaving your thoughts and feedback would be even more appreciated.
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- Written by: Zypheit
Not Cut Out For This 03 is now posted. The conclusion will be posted tomorrow.
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- Written by: Zypheit
Not Cut Out For This Part 2 is now posted. Expect part three tomorrow.
- Details
- Written by: Zypheit
Introducing a new story, Not Cut Out For This. For those familiar with Rebel there are some familiar faces to be found. For those not familiar, or those without the events fresh in their mind, I suggest you give that a read first.
The first of four parts can be found here. I'll be posting an additional part tomorrow, Saturday, and Sunday.